Ghost City by ALLien Senses [web]
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popularity : 65% |
alltime top: #2970 |
added on the 2007-09-23 09:41:08 by wie8 ![]() |
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Gave me shiffers down my skin..
Respect for releasing this...
Respect for releasing this...
Cant thumb down a demo about a greatest tragedy of my country...
very, extremely boring. should be stopped after 2 minutes.
not much for a demo, but thumb up for the message and for managing to create the right mood for communicating it.
Very dark. But nice!
where are the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S ?
It really absorbed me till the end. I liked this one very much!
Puh ! I wouldnt call it a demo , but it is a great slideshow which shows us all the tragedy which happened ! Great work ! Awesome Pictures !
Disturbing place after this few years !
Disturbing place after this few years !
sildeshow ;)
Really could have done with some proof reading, the english spoiled it a bit. Still, thumb up for what you did. It was good to watch, and interesting.
very dark atmosphere!
don't see it yet but the idea is really good to show how made the men are ...
Some motion wouldn't have hurt.
Very sad prod...
Several months ago i made some research about prypiat town - tchernobyl accident, found lot of picture, vids, documents and so , but none of them have quality of what you have done...
very nice work guys, hope u didnt take too much risks
Several months ago i made some research about prypiat town - tchernobyl accident, found lot of picture, vids, documents and so , but none of them have quality of what you have done...
very nice work guys, hope u didnt take too much risks
who you gonna call ?
It was really painful to sit out this very long slideshow during the demo compo, but it's actually quite nice and moving.
Atmospheric, and great concept and photography. Actually, I was intending on making something like this, only with coded visuals, but now I don't need to :D
The thing I didn't like that the poetry did not work very well in English. Some proofreading and the effect of this demo would have been much more profound.
The thing I didn't like that the poetry did not work very well in English. Some proofreading and the effect of this demo would have been much more profound.
this is an excellent collection of images though it was not a good idea to release this in a demo compo, where people are expecting short, high-paced content. maybe the format of black dove is able to make more striking impressions... but most people will complain about slideshows no matter what you do.
+atmosphere +photos make it a shocker! a bit too long.
Had to press ESC. Tune was great tho.
I can't thumb this down due to the effort, but then again, I'm not sure about the actual effort either.
The concept is such a blatant "inspiration" by Malpasset, and the lack of direction/design is so obtruse that the message gets lost in about a minute and from then on, it actually becomes a drag to watch.
Don't mistake it, the intention is great; it's just that it really IS double the length than it should be. There's no tension, there's no progression, there's no... emotion, I guess.
Sorry guys, I stood up for you during the compo, but you could've made my job easier :/
The concept is such a blatant "inspiration" by Malpasset, and the lack of direction/design is so obtruse that the message gets lost in about a minute and from then on, it actually becomes a drag to watch.
Don't mistake it, the intention is great; it's just that it really IS double the length than it should be. There's no tension, there's no progression, there's no... emotion, I guess.
Sorry guys, I stood up for you during the compo, but you could've made my job easier :/
what gargaj and jailbird and ger said. piggy only because of the tchernobyl tragedy itself.
you know this was released at an eastern european party. :) still - the english is so bad that the atmosphere is ruined, sorry.
Documendemo. ;-)
absolutely great
Too long and bad english indeed yet still not bad. I don't think that this should be released in any demo compo though, at least I would not like to see something like this in a "traditional" demo compo. That said, I like this demo, makes one remember and think about the things that happened back in eighty six.
This one is quite nice, followed me half of the day.
Its a Wildcompo entry not a Democompo entry.
Keep up visiting abadoned spots, i hope ya wont have any health damages from visiting this ´emitting´ place.
keeping in mind, that holding up the internet alone makes 26 nuclear power plants necessary (...) ...
Its a Wildcompo entry not a Democompo entry.
Keep up visiting abadoned spots, i hope ya wont have any health damages from visiting this ´emitting´ place.
keeping in mind, that holding up the internet alone makes 26 nuclear power plants necessary (...) ...
I was bored to hell when it was shown. Too long, nothing extra, no variations in the music. Tries to be artistic but it's not. And that english grammar, pfff... sucks.
I second Gargaj.
ok, but should start in wild compo. no code to support somehow atmosphere of this slideshow...
Yes, this is a very boring slideshow, not a demo. Missing code, direction, visuals, sync. Why demo, why not wild? But the matter is ok!
too long
It should be a a wild instead. As a demo it was very long and boring at the party.
If my memories are correct, there were some beautiful photos in there. But the thing is not a demo, it's a slideshow. And it was somewhat boring during the compo :)
the texts were way too pretentious for me. this might have worked better without any text at all. yet, i find the atmosphere extremely haunting and intense. i actually had to watch it to the very end. yes, within a compo this might be a turn-off, but despite being a mal passet rip-off there's nothing wrong the the concept whatsoever. i utterly welcome demo diversity. with a slightly different angle this might have been something very special.
cygnused: and if google would change the background of its front page to black you could get rid of two of them. (no kidding)
cygnused: and if google would change the background of its front page to black you could get rid of two of them. (no kidding)
I really like the story behind that slideshow, it makes me thought-provoking.
I really, really enjoyed this, as the chernobyl tragedy is something I'm very interested in. fascinating you managed to get access to the city.
apart from that, what everyone else said. I tried not to read the texts, they are really a spoiler with all those errors and content near to nothing.
photos are very good, great colors.
apart from that, what everyone else said. I tried not to read the texts, they are really a spoiler with all those errors and content near to nothing.
photos are very good, great colors.
Idea and concept: thumb up
Doing it: okay
Doing it as demo and entering it to a party: OH NOOOO!!! THUMB DOWN!
Doing it: okay
Doing it as demo and entering it to a party: OH NOOOO!!! THUMB DOWN!
I saw a documentary about the region some days ago. The city looks very strange with the trees and wild boars.
Great slideshow, great music, great photos.
Great slideshow, great music, great photos.
It's better than I thought It'll be.
Bravo for 1in10 for making good 12 minutes long track for this slideshow.
Bravo for 1in10 for making good 12 minutes long track for this slideshow.
No chlopaki... Szacuneczek za podjecie nielatwego tematu. Bardzo klimatyczny muzak, zdjecia tez bardzo dobre, male zgrzyty sa w tekscie... przez 99% czasu jest jak najbardziej, ale aluzja do Stalkera (gierki) i dygresja w stylu "ciwilizacyjny syf" troche psuja reporterski klimat... No i forma troche szwankuje, statyczne foty + tekst + muzyka to troszke za malo... ja bym to zrobil to inaczej. Tym bardziej ze temat Czarnobyla juz kilkukrotnie opracowywalem na rozmaite potrzeby :D tak wiec merytorycznie to mnie nie zaskoczyliscie. Ale duze ciacho (z mala pianka) za ten prod.
chekk for "greasemonkey google black" on Google if you want to help saving the planet... google-background is Black thanx to Greasemonkey (Firefox-Plugin) .!!
reduce # of ReactorZ.!!!
The Slidey is nice.!
...and now I´m back to Chernobyl as a STALKER.! google-background is Black thanx to Greasemonkey (Firefox-Plugin) .!!
reduce # of ReactorZ.!!!
The Slidey is nice.!
...and now I´m back to Chernobyl as a STALKER.!
No idea what to think of this. I mean the slideshow itself has some quite intense moments, but like gargaj said "there's no progression, there's no... emotion". More would have been possible. But then again I don't think this slideshow (I won't use the word demo) is about telling a story or actually competing in a compo. The story is told by the pictures itself.
At very least thank you for sharing your photos! I've kind of fallen in love with ghost town even tho it bears such a tragedy. One day I wish to visit it myself.
At very least thank you for sharing your photos! I've kind of fallen in love with ghost town even tho it bears such a tragedy. One day I wish to visit it myself.
Yes, it *is* very long, but the pictures were really good, most feature great POV+DOF.
Quite clumsy english, but great overall atmosphere. I totally dig abandoned place like this, still waiting for the first San Zhi demo
Quite clumsy english, but great overall atmosphere. I totally dig abandoned place like this, still waiting for the first San Zhi demo
Shit, I'm torn.
This is no demo in the common sense of the word.
But it is a masterpiece - an impeccable, haunting and frightening production, with great, great music by 1in10, chilling pictures and an unbeatable atmosphere.
The bad english (heavy russian accent) just adds to the charm that captures the viewer and forces him or her to sit silently throughout the entire production.
I'd watch it again, if nothing else, then to be reminded of the sensation I had and experienced while watching this one for the first time.
This is no demo in the common sense of the word.
But it is a masterpiece - an impeccable, haunting and frightening production, with great, great music by 1in10, chilling pictures and an unbeatable atmosphere.
The bad english (heavy russian accent) just adds to the charm that captures the viewer and forces him or her to sit silently throughout the entire production.
I'd watch it again, if nothing else, then to be reminded of the sensation I had and experienced while watching this one for the first time.
polish accent you mean I guess :D
can't say any word atm - just watched it ... impressive - frightening and haunting ...
btw. anybody played CoD4 so far?!
btw. anybody played CoD4 so far?!
nice slideshow, the music fits well with the images.
Schöne Slideshow, die Musik passt super zu den Bildern.
Schöne Slideshow, die Musik passt super zu den Bildern.
maybe just a slideshow, but a fuckin great one! the music fits perfectly, ad it's one of the rare documentary demo i've ever seen, both informative and moving. thumbs up for doing this!
Exceptional in every way, above all the music, which I was surprised wasn't by a famous composer.
As for whether it's too long... I think that if something is worth the time, it should take it. Solemnity cannot be rushed.
As for whether it's too long... I think that if something is worth the time, it should take it. Solemnity cannot be rushed.
definetely lacks a narrator and good voice-over, but I like it as it is, anyway; an interesting slideshow: nice pictures and heart-rending music, but beware of some typos throughout, hehe! :)
"definetely": yes, talking about typos. . . :)
I can't believe you entered it as a demo, haha. Still, very well done.
Forget TV documentary, absorb this instead!
znakomite zdjęcia
what a trip.
Great photos. This is insane.
what everyone said
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