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ciche dni by Exodus
screenshot added by angelo on 2007-01-24 22:50:34
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release date : january 2007
  • 15
  • 10
  • 1
popularity : 60%
  • 0.54
alltime top: #8591
added on the 2007-01-24 22:50:34 by angelo angelo

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rulez added on the 2007-01-24 23:36:01 by highlife highlife
added on the 2007-01-25 00:31:03 by 4kum4 4kum4
i have trouble understanding if its approved use of a newly released album or not since everything is in polish. but the interface looks nice and the sounds sound good. so here's my thumb.
rulez added on the 2007-01-25 00:49:02 by psenough psenough
Awesome music and lyrics! :) Really good music disk with unique ambience.
Respekt panowie! Polska scena jeszcze dycha. :)
rulez added on the 2007-01-25 00:49:52 by masterm masterm
Oczywiscie mam nadzieje, ze muzyka jest waszego autorstwa lub uzyta za pozwoleniem autorow. ;)
added on the 2007-01-25 00:52:43 by masterm masterm
i don't understand polska .. but i like the sounds .. and the programming and interface :) so i think that's ok .. for my tumb :)
added on the 2007-01-25 00:57:43 by highlife highlife
rulez added on the 2007-01-25 04:22:42 by blz blz
rulez added on the 2007-01-25 07:39:52 by waffle waffle
82 Mb? Is it Exodus Quartet release? ;) LOL
added on the 2007-01-25 14:48:20 by Manwe Manwe
I can't download this.
added on the 2007-01-25 14:54:52 by bitl bitl
Świetny kawałek muzyki. Muzyka zrobiła na mnie baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardzo wielkie wrażenie !!!!
Gdyby nie pouet nigdy bym twórczości Towarów Zastępczych pewnie nie usłyszał, ale pokochałem tą muzykę, nie mogę się od niej oderwać. Poezja rządzi, choć lepiej pasuje tekst mówiony niż próby śpiewu w jednym z kawałków. Ale naprawdę, szczęka opada... Przepiękne, genialne. Z pewnością byłbym gotów kupić taki album w sklepie. Dzięki !!!!!!!!
rulez added on the 2007-01-25 16:38:27 by wie8 wie8
@wie8: udaj się do najbliższego empiku. płyta była dodatkiem do magazynu ha!art. byćmoże jeszcze trafisz.

@manwe: do i really look one of these guys? (hint. check slengpung:) :>

@bitl: what can i say. try again, others doest seem to have this problem... :|
added on the 2007-01-25 16:43:57 by angelo angelo
this is humourous! 82 megs thumb down. it's not worth it here.
sucks added on the 2007-01-25 17:06:55 by oldaccount oldaccount
Oh, finally, I've downloaded it. Gdansk, Poland - the place where my second name came from! :) Greets from Moscow, guys ;) I even can understand a half of words...
added on the 2007-01-25 17:15:36 by Manwe Manwe
Good tunes, although i don't speak polish, and nice interface.

Anyone care to tell us what it's about? Is it a commercial album? Is it ripped, or with permission? Is it done by somebody in exodus?
rulez added on the 2007-01-25 17:31:37 by psonice psonice
erm is this music disk or album.. :<
added on the 2007-01-25 17:42:46 by gr gr
On the official website of band, there is information about this prod. I think it is "official music disk" with unconventional music. ;)
added on the 2007-01-25 18:05:28 by wie8 wie8
ehehehehe :)
added on the 2007-01-25 18:06:05 by wie8 wie8
@psonice: it's a musicdisk. i tought category it was placed in is selfexplanatory.

if you really need to know the personal story: founder of the band was 15 years ago founder of the exodus demoscene group. he's still a member. other 2 guys in the band are our good friends. myself - the humble coder - is a member of exodus for more than decade now. i guess this is enough to release this production under exodus label, isnt it?

all was done in peace in harmony, no newage stealing bullshit youre prolly used to, cause i cant explain in other way all this questions "are you sure it's perfectly legal?"
added on the 2007-01-25 18:21:11 by angelo angelo
ps. exodus+towary zastępcze appreciate that some of you really like it, even tho u cant understand a word out of it :]
added on the 2007-01-25 18:23:10 by angelo angelo
tee mit honig rockt so genial!
rulez added on the 2007-01-25 19:07:23 by elkmoose elkmoose
unj: thanks, guessed that it probably wasn't stolen, but given some of the 'music disks' recently you never know, and with the cd covers in the folder too... best to ask and make sure ;-)

Great to hear the story anyway, and to hear the people from the scene of old are still giving something back to us now and then. Releasing something like this as a music disk is great - send my extra thanks and respect to the band!
added on the 2007-01-25 19:11:54 by psonice psonice
unj: cool. great release ^_^
added on the 2007-01-25 19:25:52 by psenough psenough
thumb up for realising something bigger than 64mb!
rulez added on the 2007-01-25 21:32:35 by nystep nystep
Other netlabels should get such code/gfx, and release their stuff as a Musicdisk on da scene. . .
The music is really good!
added on the 2007-01-25 22:37:14 by gentleman gentleman
I tried to download it but it failed 3 times =/
added on the 2007-01-26 16:15:20 by SilkCut SilkCut
nice music but donno, i dont like those new mp3 disk alike thinggie going on lately :< and NO, i dont talk about oldskool or elite talks about..just dont like it. if it was a mp3 pack..it could be nice
added on the 2007-01-26 16:18:21 by cxczevik cxczevik
added on the 2007-01-27 16:10:37 by iks iks
Rulez of course. Great release!
rulez added on the 2007-01-27 17:58:30 by Lazarus Lazarus
Music is ok
added on the 2007-01-29 00:39:36 by T$ T$
swietnie! jeszce nie sciagalem disk, ale hisztoria jest juz warta thumbup. =)
rulez added on the 2007-01-29 00:47:24 by dipswitch dipswitch
aaaaah, jaka odmiana! po tych wszystkich skrzeczacych, chiptunkowych magach. nieeeezle teksty, muzyka inspirujaca i wciagajaca. jeszcze nie raz przeslucham i bede spreadowal gdzie sie da :)
rulez added on the 2007-02-17 20:33:54 by wrthlss wrthlss
very nice indeed
rulez added on the 2007-02-17 20:44:17 by decipher decipher
rulez added on the 2009-03-19 16:47:57 by Sorcerer Sorcerer
Towary Zastępcze tutaj? Whoohoo :).
rulez added on the 2010-09-18 04:48:17 by Jakim Jakim

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