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Bubbles Intro by Dark Bit Factory [web]
screenshot added by Shockwave on 2005-03-20 19:33:03
platform :
type :
release date : march 2005
  • 21
  • 17
  • 8
popularity : 64%
  • 0.28
alltime top: #6633
added on the 2005-03-20 19:33:03 by Shockwave Shockwave

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Just coded for fun :-)
added on the 2005-03-20 19:33:33 by Shockwave Shockwave
all that in 892 Ko ? you're a king
sucks added on the 2005-03-20 19:47:58 by skarab skarab
BB Image
added on the 2005-03-20 19:53:18 by skarab skarab
The archive is quite big. I suspect you included too many useless libs in your exe (to read .3ds .png and .jpg files). It could have been much smaller but who cares, you did not intend to make a 64k anyway ;)

Refreshing though, I like it.
rulez added on the 2005-03-20 19:55:43 by keops keops
Yeah, cheers Keops. :-) The mesh I used for the envmap is big too, I could have saved space by generating it within the program. It's just a fun release anyway, glad you liked it!
added on the 2005-03-20 20:05:00 by Shockwave Shockwave
this was a nice little thingy. very good mood, liked the chiptune. but isnt all demos/intros coded for fun? ;)
rulez added on the 2005-03-20 21:26:55 by quisten quisten
rulez added on the 2005-03-20 22:12:55 by aLpHa oNe aLpHa oNe
ok release. I like the bubbles and the motionblur.
added on the 2005-03-20 22:25:11 by loaderror loaderror
skarab: if there's anyone who sucks at doing intros, it's you... get a grip :P
added on the 2005-03-20 23:19:08 by el mal el mal
rulez added on the 2005-03-21 00:09:08 by zeebr zeebr
Very nice... who cares how big an intro / demo is these days ? NOT ME .. ive got 2mb broadband so wouldnt matter if it was 10mb!

These guys aint competing for anything they are just release stuuf for our enjoyment.

Keep up the cool releases DBF ....

rulez added on the 2005-03-21 00:14:10 by _CoDeMaN_ _CoDeMaN_
Lovely bubbles :)
rulez added on the 2005-03-21 01:52:56 by Buckethead Buckethead
liked it :)
rulez added on the 2005-03-21 06:49:54 by NuKem NuKem
codeman, intros are normally sized less than 64k and demos are larger :)
Thanks for the comments :-)
added on the 2005-03-21 08:40:57 by Shockwave Shockwave
Very strange music , nice bubbles and writer...
added on the 2005-03-21 09:20:17 by AbcuG! AbcuG!
ugly logo.
added on the 2005-03-21 09:44:36 by ninja ninja
Quite an enjoyable intro, good if it was smaller. I just wonder why there is a huge 3DS file in the media folder... Where is the 3D part?
added on the 2005-03-21 10:24:06 by chock chock

I just wonder why there is a huge 3DS file in the media folder... Where is the 3D part?

That's the mesh I used for the background, it's quite dark in the intro, I would have saved about 285 kb if I'd taken it out but the blurr didn't look half as good when I removed it.
added on the 2005-03-21 10:29:14 by Shockwave Shockwave
ahhh real oldschool cracktro feel to that :) Should be much smaller of course, but its for fun, so it doesn't matter much.
rulez added on the 2005-03-21 11:32:17 by psonice psonice
Really liked it!

Maali: hahahahaha. :-D
rulez added on the 2005-03-21 11:56:18 by ekoli ekoli
is ok, thumb up because of skarab lameness
It could never been in 64kb anyway, it`s made in a gamecreation tool called Blitz.

sucks added on the 2005-03-21 13:36:26 by Zplex Zplex
your bubbles rock ! :) & your blur algorithm rules Shockwave ! Don't care about the size !
rulez added on the 2005-03-21 18:20:49 by lonestar lonestar
Cool and fun! I like the carefree, "let's just make something for the heck of it" attitude.
added on the 2005-03-21 21:15:50 by s_tec s_tec
Cheers for the comments folks :-)
added on the 2005-03-21 23:22:01 by Shockwave Shockwave
who cares how big an intro / demo is these days ? NOT ME ..

size matters.

ok "intro". thumb up for the fx, thumb down for size and used language.
added on the 2005-03-22 00:24:16 by las las
Why does size matter ? 64k 964k still does the same thing?

most people have broadband and large HD's are not so expensive these days.

So what its done in BLITZ , runs fast enuff and he still CODED it unlike some people who using DEMO MAKERS!..

So you ok it for it being blitz ? you wouldnt have know if some one didnt mention it above maybe!!!?!!?!?!?!!?

And at the end of the day its done for FUN not to try be l33t ect....

So stop whinging about size and language and enjoy the bloody releases (which there aint too many of)
added on the 2005-03-22 01:04:16 by _CoDeMaN_ _CoDeMaN_
Nice. Too big but nice. :-)
rulez added on the 2005-03-22 01:20:16 by knox knox
Crappy "music".

uk: send all your complaints and grievances to the national vanguard.
rulez added on the 2005-03-22 01:26:15 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
_CoDeMaN_ : 964k is 15X bigger than 64k, do you think it'll be good if actuall game would be like that ?

"he still coded it" :) here is some grab of what blitz is :

; LoadMesh Example
; ----------------
Graphics3D 640,480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
RotateEntity light,90,0,0
PositionEntity drum,0,0,MeshDepth(drum)*2
While Not KeyDown( 1 )

and :

Graphics3D 640,480
campiv = CreatePivot()
cam = CreateCamera(campiv)
CameraRange cam, 0.1,2000
level=LoadBSP( "nyk3dm1\nyk3dm1.bsp",.8 ) ; load a 'legal' quake3 bsp map
BSPAmbientLight level, 0,255,0 ; make the ambient light green
;BSPLighting level, False ; uncomment this line to turn lightmap off
While Not KeyDown(1) ; if ESCAPE pressed then exit
mys = MouseYSpeed()
If Abs(EntityPitch(cam)+mys) < 75 ; restrict pitch of camera
TurnEntity cam, mys,0,0
TurnEntity campiv,0,-MouseXSpeed(),0
If MouseDown(1) Then ; press mousebutton to move forward
TFormVector 0,0,3,cam,campiv
MoveEntity campiv,TFormedX(),TFormedY(),TFormedZ()
MoveMouse 320,240 ; centre mouse cursor

Yes, in 15 lines you're able to load and use a BSP, but as you want to tell us, it's NOT a demotool :)
added on the 2005-03-22 08:29:36 by skarab skarab
Yeah men size is important.
added on the 2005-03-22 08:32:44 by tesla tesla
64k, 4k limitations are VERY important, the limits force the coders brain to the maximum performance.
and i never saw a 4k in blitz or whatever, who cares...
assembler rules! :D
added on the 2005-03-22 08:44:40 by las las
how about a nice cup of stfu skarab ? c\~/
Yip, Blitz is a directx wrapper but I never tried to hide it, I didn't even change the icon that Blitz assigns to the file.

Everything I've done with Blitz before this was software rendered, I decided to have a play with some blurs for this prod.

I'm also pissed off with the file sizes that it creates because it includes a load of needless stuff into the exe no matter what you do, so for the next thing I do I'll make it in Devc instead.

In fact I've just had a flash of inspiration...

Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"Fuck off Skarab\n"; cin.get(); }

added on the 2005-03-22 09:16:54 by Shockwave Shockwave
nice inspiration, now try to do your hello world without errors :)
added on the 2005-03-22 09:40:57 by skarab skarab
BB Image
added on the 2005-03-22 09:48:01 by Shockwave Shockwave
sorry but it looks buttugly...
better try to get some decent graphicians
sucks added on the 2005-03-22 10:31:09 by xeNusion xeNusion
That looks cool! I like the gfx they use (low colored, dithered), but through motion blur you don't notice it (except from the logo :P)
rulez added on the 2005-03-22 10:37:54 by Optimus Optimus
ugly logo. the rest is ok
added on the 2005-03-22 18:11:34 by hollowman hollowman
Ugly logo, ugly "design" and generally quite pointless! Plus it was coded in Blitz Basic which means it required virtually ZERO coding skill or knowledge.

Just because 5h0ckw4ve has spread this production with a "good attitude" by saying dumb crap such as "oh, i coded this just for fun! :))))))" doesn't mean we should all pitty him and encourage others to produce more trash like this in the future. The main reason *ANYONE* codes an intro/demo is for the enjoyment, it's not something you need to state in your post. "Just for fun" does not make you automatically exempt from harsh criticism when you decide to dump ugly, idiotic intros like this onto the Scene.

This prod is a dire waste of time and bandwidth. And silly people on Pouet supporting this kind of production with comments like "oldsk00l style rulez!!" need to stfu. Oldskool does NOT rule, oldskool is just OLD and tired. If anyone wants to see oldksk00l prods then they should download an Amiga, Atari ST or c64 emulator and watch some of the widely available _authentic_ classics from the 1980/90s created by the masters of their day. We do not need people like 5h0ckw4ve giving us "oldskool" history lessons, because it is just an excuse for them to release RUBBISH and further water down an already diluted Scene.

If for some strange reason you MUST create prods with an oldsk00l "feel" then atleast make it entertaining and imaginative. There are actually a few examples of well executed homage to the past, for example: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=11282 is nice, and although it has no right being in the top25 most popular Pouet productions, at least it shows some imagination and skill.

I'm afraid that the only thing THIS production shows is that 5h0ckw4ve is a Blitz Basic lamer.

PS: just a quick point...Blitz Basic was also available on the Amiga many years ago and it's interesting to consider that if anyone had dared release a demo created with BB on the Amiga Scene they would instantly be ladled an unskilled lamer. Yet today on the PC Scene people are praised and welcomed for such acts. What does that say about the PC Scene today!?
added on the 2005-03-22 21:21:05 by peta peta
oh, and I forgot the all important THUMB DOWN!!!
sucks added on the 2005-03-22 21:22:51 by peta peta
There are actually a few examples of well executed homage to the past, for example: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=11282 is nice, and although it has no right being in the top25 most popular Pouet productions, at least it shows some imagination and skill

"It has no right being in the top25 most popular on pouet"? erm... according to what law? :)
added on the 2005-03-22 21:35:29 by keops keops
The Equinoxe anti-trust amend has begun !
added on the 2005-03-22 21:45:17 by willbe willbe
@Skarab : Most of the stuff shockwave has "coded" is not 3d. He has done it in 2d and had to code it from scratch. So blitz is easy them Skarab show us something youve done in blitz seeing as so easy to get results.

@Peta : I thought the scene was all about releases and having a good attitude ? What have you done then peta ? Apart from moan like a twat ? And the above demo being in the top25 ...erm something to do with people like it and your just a moaning twat ???

How about a seperate part for blitz stuff on pouet then. .. that way miserable twats like peta can stay away from anything blitz :)
added on the 2005-03-22 22:01:12 by _CoDeMaN_ _CoDeMaN_
Except the absurd popularity theory, I totally agree Peta's statement.
Being "oldschool" is not an excuse for providing crap content.
"Just for fun" attitude ? Damn, I was actually thinking that demomakers were making their prods for fun already... I might be wrong !

My thumb down for believing that a 892kb prod could be categorized as an "intro". Please, read about scene codes before entering.
sucks added on the 2005-03-22 22:10:04 by willbe willbe
"Codeman : Skarab show us something youve done in blitz", ehm.. i don't use blitz and i'll never use something as lame as this shit.
added on the 2005-03-22 22:32:33 by skarab skarab
Ok, so a degree of talent can be judged on the amount of code/design you can cram into a small filesize.. but come on guys, this intro looks good, feels good (old skool=BONUS!) and is better than some bullpat thats been shoved out recently.

Personally I don't give a shit about the filesize, if it works and you like it, what the hell! It's fun..

See the key word here everyone --> FUN!!!

Isn't that what it's supposed to be about?
rulez added on the 2005-03-22 23:00:05 by OldSkoOL OldSkoOL
Its funny...

Ugly logo, ugly "design" andblahblahblah

Normally i would concider such a post silly whining. But whats silly about it is the amount of text needed to say. Me no like, blits is teh suxxors.
added on the 2005-03-22 23:09:00 by NoahR NoahR
Yes Francis P Yockey, and considering you spell the word conSider with a _C_ I'm not surprised you fear reading lots of words. I probably would too if I was as illiterate as you.

esddaz: No, you are wrong. Competition is the foundation of the Scene (Not FUN) and it's the *ESSENTIAL* ingredient because it's what drives groups of people to improve as gfxers, musicians and coders. The Scene is truly about beating opposing groups and releasing something nth times better! That's what the scene has always been about and anyone who thinks otherwise does not know the Scene. Like I said, if you want oldsk00l go grab an emulator and watch the real thing, those guys done it a lot better than this parody!

The "Just for Fun" mentality is damaging the Scene because it doesn't encourage improvement and good old fashioned Scene competition. Everyone knows that the Amiga Scene, for example, had a much higher standard of releases compared to the PC. The reason is because the Amiga Scene had a culture of humiliating groups and people who released substandard work. That humiliation encouraged people to think twice and try very hard to IMPROVE their skills before they released any old trash. So it's the duty of Pouet users to put lamers in their place and not wrap them up in cotton wool by defending their lameness. Maybe if these lamers get flamed up the ass they'll walk away, study their craft more seriously and return with something really worth a d/l. Instead they stay lazy and continue to force their crap onto the Scene and never bother to improve.
added on the 2005-03-23 00:51:56 by peta peta
I'm not agree, fun is a part of the scene. Glon-Cocoon show that fully, but where does people see something funny in a thing like that ?
added on the 2005-03-23 01:05:37 by skarab skarab
Well Peta, If you don't like it then there you go, I don't have a problem with that, as for me being lame because of the language I chose to do this then fine I don't really mind what you think of me since I don't know you or want to know you so what you think of what I do has very little bearing on me or my life.

The way I look at is that some people enjoyed it and I enjoyed making it so there you go.

Don't know how you can say that the invite for sota2004 doesnt deserve a top 25 place, it's there because people like it and voted for it, it should be in the top 10 imo.

As far as elitism and non perfect productions should never be released and the scene not being about fun stuff yada yada.. All I care about is doing some demos, hopefully meeting a few of my old friends from the Amiga days, making some new ones and money permitting getting to some parties again.

Anyways this lamer's going to fuck off to bed now, to those who downloaded it and liked / hated it thanks for the comments :-)
added on the 2005-03-23 01:18:25 by Shockwave Shockwave
Maybe Pouet.net should have a Blitz Basic category, so that we are warned next time :) There is a category for Flash etc etc....

PS: Maybe a category for Werkzeug also :)

added on the 2005-03-23 01:38:31 by Zplex Zplex
peta. If you cant hit the ball, hit the man. Good job there. Really makes you stand out as illuminated.
added on the 2005-03-23 01:55:13 by NoahR NoahR
not very impressive and the filesize...
sucks added on the 2005-03-23 08:59:10 by RA RA
lamers?? if someone must be called a lamer here it's surely peta.
this intro is not the intro of the year and shockwave did not claim it was. but at least he is active and he produced something. it's made with blitzbasic? so what? werkkzeug, a.d.d.i.c.t., demopaja or blitzbasic, what difference does it make?

on the other hand we have peta, the actual illuminated lamer who seemingly never produced anything but who naively gives lessons about demomaking nevertheless.
peta, prior to lecturing people on how demos and intros should be made, move your ass and show us what you have done and why things should be done like this or like that instead of moaning you flaming idiot.

. shockwave, humble and trying to be active bringing stuff to the demoscene.
. peta, genuine lamer and wannabe demomaker.
I have made my choice
added on the 2005-03-23 09:13:22 by stm stm
Well said STM.
I agree 100% with ya there m8 :)
Peta STFU and show us something YOUVE done.
added on the 2005-03-23 17:07:40 by _CoDeMaN_ _CoDeMaN_
you greeting someone in hugi.

bubbles are ok, really. but all in all, this is crap.
sucks added on the 2005-03-23 19:34:07 by Mr Twist Laser Mr Twist Laser
5h0ckw4ve: I'm very glad that what I think has no bearing on your life, because it would be very sad if it did. My opinion is not a personal attack it's based purely on your Scene work, nothing else.

stm: YOU are the perfect example of what's "wrong" with the scene today. You say: "it's made with blitzbasic? so what? werkkzeug, a.d.d.i.c.t., demopaja or blitzbasic, what difference does it make?" and this shows you have absolutely NO idea of the Scene. You're just a lazy wannabe who wants to "WOW" people without putting in the effort. And the worst thing about your disgusting attitude is that you feel absolutely no shame in it and are not made to feel shame in it by the Scene as a whole today. In fact you seem almost PROUD to make such statements! *tisk* *tisk* :))

C++ along with OpenGL/DirectX and all the other low level API's should be the *ONLY* endorsed coding tools of The Scene. Because mastering the knowledge and skills required to code with C++ (& asm) is the only way the Scene will continue to produce truly INNOVATIVE & Fresh prods. C++/Assembler are the only tools to give you the freedom needed to be DIFFERENT and unique. THAT'S WHAT DIFFERENCE IT MAKES. Not that I expect you appreciate the subtle difference STM. The Scene should be "cutting edge", not some dumbed-down Werkkzeug demo authoring tool playground.

Anyway, this is all I'm saying on this one. Bored trying to explain the scene and it's dreadful decline to LARMAHS!! :)))

PS: I'm really not going to get into a boring "what have you done!?" debate, but if you really want to see a demo by "me", visit: http://ada.planet-d.net/ . And no, I'm not telling you exactly which one. Make of my anonymity what you will, I really couldn't care less :) I'm talking about the wider issue of the Scene, not individuals. Silly person.
added on the 2005-03-24 02:31:32 by peta peta
First i don't wanna thumbing down this one. But now i have to do it ! :(

sorry, but this flame just starts make me angry. Everyone _KNOWS_ this is a simple low quality (how someone said: lame) prod. I don't care about filesize, i don't care about easy code, it's just 4 fun _like almost every release on scene_. _BUT_ How people try to defend this one is just starts to laughable...

This thing is 'pouet's biggot idealism' , make my thumb not the _DEMO_ itself !
sucks added on the 2005-03-24 10:58:11 by AbcuG! AbcuG!
5h0ckw4ve You at least tried and you have some great talent, You'll get better I know you will.
rulez added on the 2005-03-24 14:14:46 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
See you in the next one, probably we will be doing a chiptune compilation next, that one will be in Blitz but it'll be software rendered, after that I'll be doing some stuff with devc. The language isn't important to me really but I am pissed off at the file sizes.

Maybe by this time next year we'll have made some more progress!!

Greetings to all who commented :-)
added on the 2005-03-24 20:21:09 by Shockwave Shockwave
@peta: like trying to teach a dog to shit in the toilet...
added on the 2005-03-25 01:20:56 by rock rock
I have to laugh at all the people who are negative towards the code work of Shockwave. The reality is, you guys have no idea how talented this guy this. Believe me, using the most restrictive languages on Amiga (probably before most of your time) he was coding extreme routines. Really breaking the limitations.

The fact most people don`t seem to grasp the idea of releasing because one enjoys it is beyond me. Really is a sad state for the scene. It`s easy to see why so many people aren`t interested anymore.
added on the 2005-03-25 02:08:05 by darkus darkus
darkus: if he is so talented, why does he release this crap ? THIS is the only true reason that people aren't interested.
added on the 2005-03-25 08:40:30 by skarab skarab
too bad that he isnt breaking limitations anymore then. people can use whatever language they wish, its fine with me, as long as they do something interesting. a bloated "intro" which contains nothing new whatsoever is not going to get a thumb up from me. and i dont see why you are supposed to get a positive response just because you had fun making the production. why are we even having this thumb up/down system? then we can just replace it with a field for the production which tells if the author enjoyed himself or not while doing it
added on the 2005-03-25 09:19:11 by hollowman hollowman
oh my.. so many people in the thread need to visit this little store once more...

BB Image

*walks away whistling*
added on the 2005-03-25 10:39:11 by okkie okkie
okkie: indeed they do need it :)
added on the 2005-03-25 10:44:38 by keops keops
Why do I release this crap? :-)

I realise that if I release *anything* there will be people who will enjoy it and there will be people who don't enjoy it, that's life. I release this crap because I tried releasing some software rendered stuff here and I read the feedback that I got, most people seemed to be saying to me that I should be using hardware accelerated gfx so that's what I did, ok maybe it's not in C but learning new languages is no problem to me, I've been coding in 68k, blitz, amos, pascal and god knows how many other languages since the 1980s.

Shortly after I left Wizzcat uk I left the scene and didn't have a computer for years, then I bought a PS2 and messed around with yabasic, I coded amongst other things a 3D filled version of battlezone and then I moved on to buying a dev kit for the PS2 and doing games on it, did that for a while, then I set up a help forum to teach people to code using Blitz, I've taught dozens of people how to make effects.

Now yabasic really was a limited language, no sound, no bitmap gfx, only triangles and rectangles to play with, memory leaks everywhere and it was really difficult and I mean *really* difficult to do anything worthwhile with it.

In my own time I have built my own 3D engine that supports perspective correct mapping, cameras, perfect clipping, gourad shading, z buffering, phong shading etc and taught at least 5 others to the same level.. To me it was great to pass this knowledge on, all my work was pixel wise and although the B3D command set is really simple, the sources to some of the stuff I have done would be beyond a lot of people, I don't like hubris so I don't really say much about that at all.

It has been enough for me to just understand the mathematics and implimentation of a lot of the effects that you take for granted when you play quake 3 or watch a great demo by kewlers or farbrausch or equinox or andromeda etc.. I am studying for my bsc hons in mathematics because I just have a love for all this stuff.

I came here really without any expectations, when I was part of the amiga scene I had good contacts but I always maintained friendships with people that would be classed as lame but still I had lots of good friends and we wrote long 10 pages long letters to each other, chatted on the phone, met up at parties and as far as I was concerned, this is what the scene was all about.

I don't see what I do as a job, I work hard enough for a living and demos are an interesting hobby, the only thing I take seriously is teaching people to code.

Blitz was a language I chose to use because I brought a lot of people over from developing on the PS2 and Blitz allows types which are similar to structs but is more forgiving as a balance to help more people get into it, I have to say that it's worked with a lot of people having migrated towards C++ and asm that I hopefully had some small part in setting them along their course.

Whether someone thinks what I do is shit I don't care really, there are a lot of users on Pouet, only a small percentage of them commented.

If even only 3 or 4 people like what I am doing it's ok, I don't mind.

I am dismayed at some of the hatred I see around me for something which is meant as a fun hobby. I mean who gives a fuck who I greet? I speak as I find, I have my own mind and I make up my mind based on my own experiences of people, I don't need someone to tell me if someone is a tosser, I can get to know the person and decide for myself.

I totally respect the dedication and talent of many of the people that post what they do on Pouet, and I also have a lot of respect for the other people that are maybe not as talented but are trying to improve.

What I like about pouet is that generally people are honest in their opinions and that's hard to find and I appreciate it.

Fact is the intro is bloated and it was a whole lot easier to code than a lot of the software rendered stuff I've done which not many people would appreciate because they'd say it's slow.

Of course having a blitz category here would be pointless, blitz is not a good language to use for demos, the compiler is crap, sw rendered code is inherrently slow and ends up as having too many needless libs included into the exe and why should I expect anyone to understand a language that none of you want to use? Like I said, the only reason I use it is because it was a convenient stepping stone to teach people to program.

I will add that the environment in which I teach people is not hostile at all, nobody gets flamed and everybody gets helped.

It's age and having a good social life I suppose, I'm 34 years old now and I am a lot more mellow than I used to be so generally I just let things wash over me, I always appreciate any feedback I get, bad or good and I am very happy that 31 people here have found this prod fun compared to only 8 that didn't.

If -1 is 0 and +1 is 10 then I have scored about 7/10 which isn't bad.

Thanks :-)
added on the 2005-03-25 10:49:10 by Shockwave Shockwave
Apart from the terrible music, I liked this one. Extra points from releasing something just for fun outside a party. I miss the days when that was a common practice..

Don't mind the whiners, keep it up. Just kick your musician into improving a bit. :)
rulez added on the 2005-03-25 11:15:49 by break break

Try dropping the serious act and inject a bit of fun into your production, you might just educate yourself.

As the saying goes.. have a coke and a smile!
added on the 2005-03-25 21:34:58 by OldSkoOL OldSkoOL
added on the 2005-03-25 21:35:59 by OldSkoOL OldSkoOL

Yeah good shout, a BB area would be a definate bonus. Plus it would get rid of the 'OH NO ITS TOO BIG' bullshit whining.

added on the 2005-03-25 21:48:12 by OldSkoOL OldSkoOL
Ever heard of "wild" category ?
Besides this, your production is fine enough.
added on the 2005-03-25 21:59:43 by willbe willbe
Just added to offset Peta's thumb :) Anyway nice prod bro although the logo sux get yourself a proper gfx person :-)
rulez added on the 2005-03-25 22:49:14 by wham wham
Just added to offset Peta's thumb :) Anyway nice prod bro although the logo sux :-)
added on the 2005-03-25 22:50:06 by wham wham
eh? :-)
added on the 2005-03-25 22:56:40 by Shockwave Shockwave
5h0ckw4ve: ok, that's right explanations for that. ( between i've right ex. for my last crap releases too )
added on the 2005-03-26 06:36:25 by skarab skarab
Nice little intro by DBF again. Visit your forums, its March '06 now and they are being revived. ;)
rulez added on the 2006-03-21 05:24:44 by coder coder
Not bad, nice font and textwriter but I dislike the motionblur. And the music is very bad too. :)
added on the 2006-06-08 02:57:22 by StingRay StingRay
Made me smile :D
rulez added on the 2007-03-09 18:53:56 by ferris ferris
uh, those bubbles were tastey. :) nice!

I like the whole Dark Bit Factory community thing too.
rulez added on the 2009-07-20 03:00:02 by button button

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