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RTR by apocalypse inc [web]
screenshot added by bhead on 2002-04-02 08:09:13
platform :
type :
release date : april 2002
release party : Mekka & Symposium 2002
compo : pc demo
ranked : 17th
  • 22
  • 13
  • 2
popularity : 62%
  • 0.54
alltime top: #5682
added on the 2002-04-02 08:09:13 by bhead bhead

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Freaky scenes, great sound, new effects (fur, etc.). Cool!
rulez added on the 2002-04-03 13:21:22 by Hopper/SquoQuo Hopper/SquoQuo
nice tune, but textures were IMO quite ugly and the presentation was slow at times
added on the 2002-04-03 14:11:24 by funktion funktion
argh, i already told you several times on pouet to get better textures :) otherwise this is a really cool demo!
added on the 2002-04-03 14:23:03 by robotriot robotriot
hmm as always with that strange (psychedelic?) color scheme, but the fur stuff is very cool indeed.
rulez added on the 2002-04-04 21:00:37 by Spin Spin
Love the colours, love the textures, love the models. I'm not sure if I like this as much or more than 232. So far my favourite demo from MS2002, although I've still got a bunch to watch.
rulez added on the 2002-04-05 01:51:10 by sea_monkey sea_monkey
Cool psychedelic visuals, and I like paniq's music. Keep on the good work and don't be too discouraged by being no crowd-pleaser!
added on the 2002-04-07 21:17:57 by kb_ kb_
sorry, forgot to vote :)
rulez added on the 2002-04-07 21:18:19 by kb_ kb_
evil psychedelia a-plenty - but I wonder what those ugly pieces of scanned kiddie drawings are doing here..
added on the 2002-04-09 08:53:53 by bhead bhead
I am not a big fan of ainc psychedelic shows, but I must say that this one is good. If you like 243 get this one. It's even better.
added on the 2002-04-10 14:38:33 by front243 front243
I love the AINC style...
Although this style has changed in RTR to show something new I feel respectzzz for the fur stuff Toxie >)

Looking forward the next AINC production :)
rulez added on the 2002-04-13 11:55:23 by 0x$$ 0x$$
This Demo is NOT my cup of tea.
604 and 954 was Outstanding.
But I give you credit for the time and effort put into creating this, One thumb up
rulez added on the 2002-05-07 00:34:45 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
Cool visual.
Music was good.
It vote.
rulez added on the 2002-05-07 03:07:23 by got got
Technically astounding, but the design part of it could have been better. Looks like all colors and/or textures are done with coder-colors in mind, but the hair-alike thing on some models really rulez.
rulez added on the 2002-05-07 03:09:18 by shash shash
It's AINC. all right, but somewhat different. Technically ruling as always. Sugar ...in Water. ... MORE!
rulez added on the 2002-05-13 14:09:36 by Delax Delax
The hairy objects ruled, music too. A bit _TOO_ goa-colors...
rulez added on the 2002-09-30 17:34:13 by Gargaj Gargaj
great music, nice colourscheme. some more musicsync and better worked-out overall demoscript (more of a build-up to a climax in the visuals too) would've given this a rulez.
added on the 2002-10-10 14:40:29 by skrebbel skrebbel
OMG, i haven't commented this...
In my personal opinion the best AInc demo so far, as the whole 604 demo thing doesn't fit my personal taste to good.
But this one fits my personal taste perfectly.
Extremly detailed, weird scenes, great code (although it fucks up my Radeon a little ;) and perfect sync to the marvellous tune.
You can see, i'm running out of synonyms for "great", so i better stop typing...
the screenshots are juicy, although I still have to watch it on a decent machine
(!officepc :-) I like AInc productions
added on the 2002-10-30 10:38:20 by delta delta
Oops, forgot thumbs up, too... my brain seems a bit distorted
hey, thumbs up doesn't work!!!!!
Hopper: You know that you have already commented on this one, don't you ? If not, try to have a look at the first comment. :)
rulez added on the 2002-11-06 09:29:28 by nufan nufan
Oh dammit, you see what this does to my brain...
ok, i have already commented... "maybe" that's why the thumbs up doesn't work ;)
added on the 2002-12-17 16:19:05 by 0x$$ 0x$$
This is so fucking weird!
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 16:41:31 by elend elend
Preety cool scenes, colors, and 3d ideas (3d hairs, bumpy crystal objects and more weird stuff)
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 12:14:49 by Optimus Optimus
divison by zero >:(
added on the 2002-12-18 18:33:04 by asasel asasel
Nice job !
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 18:48:50 by skarab skarab
i like the kiddy drawings.. they add to the slight deranged effect the editing/objects and maniacal music establish.. unusual and accomplished.. wish the colors were a bit darker though.. hurts my eyes :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 00:47:59 by dyscotopia dyscotopia
please note the title is RealTimeRiot and not rtr
updated url for DL
oh.. and I always thought it stands for 'Rossiyskoye Televidenie i Radio' (russian tv and radio, 2nd channel)..
added on the 2002-12-19 12:53:17 by bhead bhead
RealTimeRiot or just RTR..
doesn't matter.. :)

asasel: division by zero-bug: please try another sound-output (->win waveout).. should work then..
added on the 2002-12-19 13:11:57 by toxie toxie
toxie: Doesn't work. I usually try about anything I can imagine before asking someone.
added on the 2002-12-19 18:49:53 by asasel asasel
Then add 1 to this fuckin zero and everythingzzz okeee ;o]
added on the 2002-12-26 04:06:57 by 0x$$ 0x$$
They need a graphician, those textures really let the overall impression down. Apart from that its a nice demo, i liked the hair-stuff.
added on the 2002-12-26 09:33:28 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
too chaotic for my taste... things flying around without much coordination. a few effects are very nice (fur, tv feedback). so it's a pigface
added on the 2002-12-26 20:35:16 by jazzman jazzman
Nice technically, but too much coder-color
added on the 2002-12-26 22:15:06 by shash shash
whoa. i missed that one at mekka.
the overlay-pencil-sketches dont fit. the rest is quite great :)
rulez added on the 2003-01-08 19:03:01 by cp_ cp_

started off rather interesting but its way too slow for c600/tnt2 to go on..

added on the 2003-02-05 14:53:45 by raver raver
kicks!! just great music, great visuals, great extraordinary feel. only thing i missed was the lack of sync in the skeletonheadbangerpart. the music kindof goes over the top there, but the visuals don't follow it enough.
rulez added on the 2003-03-19 12:25:53 by skrebbel skrebbel
please, do not rip the nickname of others, Made is a wellknown demoscene graphician and how can you use his name for these crappy gfxs?!
music is bad and demo is boring
chiptune is ok, faked fur code can be good, colors sucks, the whole thing is boring
sucks added on the 2003-07-07 14:11:20 by Zone (leZone) Zone (leZone)
i can't do a thing 'bout that handle-confusion..
cause the guy that did the gfx "normally" is a non-scener and calls himself "made" since quiet some years.. so i think he has the same rights to use this name.. sorry..
added on the 2003-07-13 12:37:38 by toxie toxie
good energetic trancin d'n'b track

but rest is just UGLY.
first demo ive seen which is entirely ruined by the texture artist and the camera man.. There are lots of cool models in here, but it feels like watching a porn movie which has gone through norwegian cencorship.. Once the action starts, the camera homes in on places where we can't really see anything or just focuses hard on the fireplace in the background.. ... Also that texture artist should be given a beating.. Or are the textures generated by pure rand() followed by a couple of blur passes?
added on the 2003-12-11 18:52:00 by loaderror loaderror
agree with loaderror.
there're plenty of cool things there, it's a shame that they are hidden by the bad camera movements and bad colors (in fact, the textures are not that bad, only the colors :)
rulez added on the 2005-03-01 18:15:42 by blala blala
bad colors are a result of me (=texture artist, coding slave and everything) being partially color-blind (red-green problems).. ;))
added on the 2005-03-02 10:40:04 by toxie toxie
Butt-ugly color scheme! but the code, music rocks, and there are too much cool going on to notice the ugly colors at times :)
rulez added on the 2005-03-02 11:39:59 by Duckers Duckers
color-blind texture-artist...
well, that explains it :))
added on the 2005-03-02 11:52:06 by blala blala
Total lack of design and terrible colours kill it. The 2D art is different, too bad it doesn't fit in with anything else. Modeling, music and code are fine.
sucks added on the 2006-04-14 14:37:58 by slux slux
rulez added on the 2007-05-25 13:32:25 by las las
Na, da konnte ich damals fein meine Geforce 3 dran austesten :). Die 3d-Szenen sind recht würdevoll gealtert und der Track von Paniq ist eh geil - Daumen! Die Farben sind genau richtig, darum gehts doch...
rulez added on the 2007-08-24 22:41:44 by Stebo Stebo
endlich hat's einer kapiert.. ;))))
added on the 2007-09-02 14:10:43 by toxie toxie
Pretty much what loaderror said, 10 years ago. ;)

The awkward camera slinging and all the aliasing on the drawn cartoon textures pull this demo down a bit. Still, a pretty entertaining demo, and it runs well on todays' hardware too.
rulez added on the 2014-01-10 14:21:42 by tomaes tomaes
Nice soundtrack, but ugly color selection.
added on the 2019-10-19 19:13:34 by vdr vdr

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