3DKexplo by K-Storm [web]
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popularity : 61% |
alltime top: #9628 |
added on the 2004-02-23 02:56:51 by skarab ![]() |
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i want next one : 3DIexplo ! to make Gibson's Matrix real ;)
La page ne doit plus exister.
looks cool...just need a working download link.
working lk : here
It's new! fresh!
hahah this is cool! :)
the idea rocks
I'll give a thumbs up as soon as it's fullscreen, stable AND i can a) navigate by flying into the boxes and b) actually launch files ;)
wasn't left-clicking supposed to open stuff? (i dunno, it crashed here :)
btw, "start.exe d:/directory/file.ext" starts anything associated, no need for the .ini :)
great idea, very cool. I'd like controls to move vertically up/down tho, and a way to go up one level in the filesystem. I could only get one file to launch by clicking on it - Music Infleunec by Linux. When i tried it with other files it either crashed or did nothing.
How cool is THAT now!?! ;-DD
This really rocks!!
What a funny idea...
I always wanted to see all those 'funny and way exaggerated' sci-fi movie computer-OS-styles in reality!!
And finally here it is!! ;-D
So next step would be now to port all this into a 3D plasma projection to be displayed freely in your room all around yourself to be finally really _inside_ the OS then to control it with your hands and arms and moves... ;-DD
Go! Go! Go!! ;-DD
How cool is THAT now!?! ;-DD
This really rocks!!
What a funny idea...
I always wanted to see all those 'funny and way exaggerated' sci-fi movie computer-OS-styles in reality!!
And finally here it is!! ;-D
So next step would be now to port all this into a 3D plasma projection to be displayed freely in your room all around yourself to be finally really _inside_ the OS then to control it with your hands and arms and moves... ;-DD
Go! Go! Go!! ;-DD
weasel: yes the idea cames when watching hacker ;)
for all : yes, i know that many things should be done for that, but it's sure everybody would have different ideas about an explorer like that, and i think i've past enough time on this project (even if it's really really really enthousiastic),
that's why the sources are included in the .rar If somebody wants make a new version, i'll be very very happy :)
bw: this was just a pause between 2 demo-creations.
for all : yes, i know that many things should be done for that, but it's sure everybody would have different ideas about an explorer like that, and i think i've past enough time on this project (even if it's really really really enthousiastic),
that's why the sources are included in the .rar If somebody wants make a new version, i'll be very very happy :)
bw: this was just a pause between 2 demo-creations.
jurrasic park
"Hey, I know this, it's a Unix system!"
rainmaker: HAHAHAHA indeed :)))
I took some time and fixed the thing up a bit, now you can open files by clicking, quits on ESC and I also removed all the french stuff (Ko, "borned" :)
I may continue the development if permitted :)
I may continue the development if permitted :)
Thanx :)
Yessssss sure :)
Yessssss sure :)
do as you wish, but it would be cool if you join the src (maybe somebody else is interested)
nothing new at all ... 3d filemanagers have been around for ages ... but thumbs up for providing the source as well :)
I get errors when I am trying to open some dirs or stuff. Nice idea. It almost rules. I will give it a pig.
is this really new ?? q is right, seing files in 3d is far from fresh ! :D
Gargaj i've found that to execute correctly files :
BOOL ExecuteFile(HWND hWnd){
char *PathFile;
PathFile = new char[MAX_PATH];
char *NameFile;
NameFile = new char[MAX_PATH];
int ItemPos = ListView_GetNextItem(ListView, 0, LVNI_SELECTED);
if (!ItemPos) return FALSE;
if (ItemPos == -1) ItemPos = 0; // <<< uniquement pr éviter le Warning qui m'enerve ...
ListView_GetItemText(ListView, ItemPos, 0, NameFile, 256);
strcpy(PathFile, Directory);
strcat(PathFile, NameFile);
if (GetFileAttributes(PathFile) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
return FALSE;
char ExeAssociate[256];
FindExecutable(PathFile, Directory, ExeAssociate);
if (strlen(ExeAssociate) == 0)
MessageBox (NULL, "ce fichier ne semble être associé à aucun exécutable ..." , "Mince alors !", 0 + MB_ICONHAND);
return FALSE;
ShellExecute(GetParent(hWnd), "open", PathFile, NULL, NULL, SW_NORMAL);
I'm going to make a new version of 3dkexplo.
BOOL ExecuteFile(HWND hWnd){
char *PathFile;
PathFile = new char[MAX_PATH];
char *NameFile;
NameFile = new char[MAX_PATH];
int ItemPos = ListView_GetNextItem(ListView, 0, LVNI_SELECTED);
if (!ItemPos) return FALSE;
if (ItemPos == -1) ItemPos = 0; // <<< uniquement pr éviter le Warning qui m'enerve ...
ListView_GetItemText(ListView, ItemPos, 0, NameFile, 256);
strcpy(PathFile, Directory);
strcat(PathFile, NameFile);
if (GetFileAttributes(PathFile) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
return FALSE;
char ExeAssociate[256];
FindExecutable(PathFile, Directory, ExeAssociate);
if (strlen(ExeAssociate) == 0)
MessageBox (NULL, "ce fichier ne semble être associé à aucun exécutable ..." , "Mince alors !", 0 + MB_ICONHAND);
return FALSE;
ShellExecute(GetParent(hWnd), "open", PathFile, NULL, NULL, SW_NORMAL);
I'm going to make a new version of 3dkexplo.
this is really cool
here is my correction :
if (thisdemo == crap)
echo "mahuahuha ur really uesless man";
echo "mahuhauah, ur useless anyways :p";
if (thisdemo == crap)
echo "mahuahuha ur really uesless man";
echo "mahuhauah, ur useless anyways :p";
hm..... lets say it´s unfinished
submit changes
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shit download place