The B.I.G. Demo by The Exceptions | ||||||||||
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #1493 |
added on the 2004-01-10 04:04:39 by keops ![]() |
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oh yeah .. one of the first demos i ever saw. spent hours listening to all the mad max zix and reading that insanely long scrolltext. tex rule!
rulez added on the 2004-01-10 04:13:50 by mrpink 

That demo could catch your attention for hours and hours, the musics were amazing!
Liked this one! See 'Freax' for screenshots. :)
At last Steem 3.0 emulates the main menu perfectly, screenshot added :)
4 comments... what a pity, it was THE demo!
4 comments... what a pity, it was THE demo!
oh god ! my st was ON for hours ... listening to all these cool zicks ...
first overscan ... big scroll ... etc ... a peace of art for the atari-nation
first overscan ... big scroll ... etc ... a peace of art for the atari-nation
Long long hours watching this. Also by far best digital music ever on the ST at the time of arrival. Reset bombing-screen is a classic as well.
It's probably been too long, because I've not been impressed by the B.I.G. demo. The "design" (what little there is) is just too awkward, and Jochen Hippel's Hubbard covers haven't got a tenth of the excitement of his original compositions. The best effect in this demo was when my vision was blurred from too much scroll text reading...
I didn't knew this demo ;\
Damn january 88, impressive soundtracks and cool chiptunes: om'F'g I knew Goldrunner was Human race but never heard that tune!
Play Human race (4) !
I like the "we hope they never find the corpse of this guy who said, we should make this demo run on monochrome"
:) Amazing palette
Damn january 88, impressive soundtracks and cool chiptunes: om'F'g I knew Goldrunner was Human race but never heard that tune!
Play Human race (4) !
I like the "we hope they never find the corpse of this guy who said, we should make this demo run on monochrome"
:) Amazing palette
i only have heard of this demo, never seen it.. but the mistake is corrected, and i can say it's great stuff for any atari lover :)
one of the best ever on atari considering the release date
The Exceptions rule
hummm YESSS =)

After reading the scrolltext for ages, I noticed that my vision was scrolling even while away from the screen...
Still, the C64 conversions are bad, the design is just not there, and it lacks screens (too many tunes and TEXts.
Can't make my mind up whether it really deserves a thumb or not.
Still, the C64 conversions are bad, the design is just not there, and it lacks screens (too many tunes and TEXts.
Can't make my mind up whether it really deserves a thumb or not.
Thanks to keops, i discovered a really sweet chipdisk with a nice musics and animations. As keops said it's a lengendary production on st. :)
Huuuu Legendary!
From todays point of view it looks a bit lousy, but back in time it was the silver lining for ST owners. The YM just startet its career, and was yet no star...
of course its true that the eye straining colours, scrolltext and c64 cover versions have not aged well. but this demo is total classic.
gwEm: I think it aged quite well for a 17 years old prod actually :)
The digital department is still a delight to listen to, especially Starpaws tune
The digital department is still a delight to listen to, especially Starpaws tune
One just one of the young guys who speknt hours trying to read the whole scroll text. Must have been one of the first demos I ever saw. Could someone make a full length video of this prod? :-D
I remember hooking up the ST to my Stereo to listen to all these great tunes!
good for it´s time
Forgot to mention the lower border <3
Blummin' Heck! This kept me going for months!
First demo I ever saw. Classic.
Exciting classic.
yeah very old very good for me :)
How many people have been reading the complete scrolltext hoping for the explanation on how to do the lower border :)
DJF: What you have to consider is that at the time this demo was made, there were absolutely NO good music even made on the ST. All we got was some lame tunes directly ported from 8bits machines, without any effects of any kind. Also, most rasters were wobblings when moving the mouse of pressing a key...
If you put that into perspective, you can probably realise the amount of work this music demo presents:
- a reset demo (it was the first one I saw)
- stable rasters, with some pretty wicked half screen splits
- a huge number of tunes, that fit in a 520st memory
- an incredible digisound player
- low border scroller.
and some effects. they are not particularly impressive today, but just the big scroller in the cave like background is not that easy to make it fit in memory when you have all the other crap in memory at the same time.
So yes, I say respect for all that precursor work.
DJF: What you have to consider is that at the time this demo was made, there were absolutely NO good music even made on the ST. All we got was some lame tunes directly ported from 8bits machines, without any effects of any kind. Also, most rasters were wobblings when moving the mouse of pressing a key...
If you put that into perspective, you can probably realise the amount of work this music demo presents:
- a reset demo (it was the first one I saw)
- stable rasters, with some pretty wicked half screen splits
- a huge number of tunes, that fit in a 520st memory
- an incredible digisound player
- low border scroller.
and some effects. they are not particularly impressive today, but just the big scroller in the cave like background is not that easy to make it fit in memory when you have all the other crap in memory at the same time.
So yes, I say respect for all that precursor work.
First impressive demo on ATARI ST I ever saw. Still an impressive chiptune collection.
This was where it all started for us. It came bundled with my little Atari 520STFM from Evesham Micros. Amazing.
Aaw, it doesnt start on my 1040 STfm :(
Synt4x_3rr0r: are you sure your msa is not corrupted and the diskwrite operation went fine? Try your MSA with Steem as, well just in case.
Yeah, got it to work. It was me who had formatted a disk double sided when the image is a singe sided image lol.
So to people having trouble with it, format the disk single sided!!! :D
The prod ruules btw!!
So to people having trouble with it, format the disk single sided!!! :D
The prod ruules btw!!
very cool... yes i've read the entire scroller because of the lower border... and tried it and worked... ;))
The very first demo i ever saw. Better and bigger demos came afterwards but this is where it all began.
I spent hours listening the fabulous music conversions from Jochen Hippel. This demo inspired me to develope my own assembler sound routines for the shitty YM2149.
Tangens: w00t, shitty? Check out what the YM ROCKERZ are doing nowadays with it :)
ltk_tscc: Yes, shitty! This chip only produces square waves and noise. Ok, I also found out 1989 how to use the envelope function to produce a deep bass sound. I was surprised that Jochen discovered this technique too at that time. ;-)
What you mean (e.g. digidrums or SID-sound) are for me only sample techniques which have nothing to do with the chip itself. So as usual on ST we had to work also on the music part with poor hardware - but nevertheless we've done the same things as on the Amiga!! ;-)
What you mean (e.g. digidrums or SID-sound) are for me only sample techniques which have nothing to do with the chip itself. So as usual on ST we had to work also on the music part with poor hardware - but nevertheless we've done the same things as on the Amiga!! ;-)
Lotek: when is the next YM Rockerz due by the way? Any chosen theme yet?
Tangens: Please listen to the newer tunes. 2006 is not 1989 anymore ;)
Keops: 2007 for sure... but there are no concrete plans yet.
Keops: 2007 for sure... but there are no concrete plans yet.
ltk_tscc: Ok, I downloaded some disks and will listen.
Please don't misunderstand me, I love this shitty YM2149 and I spent a lot of time programming music for it...
Please don't misunderstand me, I love this shitty YM2149 and I spent a lot of time programming music for it...
YM2149 is shitty, yes. But I llike its sound so much :)
hail tex!
The first disk filling demo on the ST i suppose ?
It's mainly a music disk but i also hope they never find the corpse
of the guy who said they should make this demo run on
monochrome ...
It's mainly a music disk but i also hope they never find the corpse
of the guy who said they should make this demo run on
monochrome ...
no thumb yet? sheesh!
At that time it was a amazing demo. All the kewl music tracks from all the games. And the best part. Reading the entire scrolltext below. After this you looked around in your room and everything was going sideways...
one of the - if not THE - pioneer demos ... have to thumb it up ...
the so often cited "big demo".. hard to believe this once kicked ass.. thumb up for being what it is ;)
The mother of all demos. At least it was for me. Also, I didn't realize how much work MadMax put into this until I read the behind the scene articles, very interesting stuff:
(3rd part is about the tune conversion between C64 and ST)
(3rd part is about the tune conversion between C64 and ST)
A classic indeed!
the music <3
1988 - big "classic" demo - TEx roxx!!
Very cool !
I remember to have read all the scroller.... I was crazy nut :)
Real demo history for me, countless hours spent listening to the musics, reading the scrolling and watching the different screens. True pioneers of the demo, TEX rules forever !

"small title" is the same Amstrad CPC tune of One man and his droid :)))
A true milestone for the demoscene.
Having just spoken to Keops about it where's my thumb?
haaa, I played that demo on all STs I could find in computer stores ;)
A real classic! One of the first demos I ever watched!
This brings back memories, I spend some time enjoying this back int he day!
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