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Adobe CC 2014 Keynote

category: gfx [glöplog]
added on the 2014-09-22 22:43:17 by yzi yzi
Probably because of the North Kingdom connection, I would guess.
added on the 2014-09-22 22:45:27 by gloom gloom
The North Kingdom connection ?
added on the 2014-09-22 23:29:16 by p01 p01
CC = Creative Cloud? I thought about getting Illustrator at some point, but moving it to the "Cloud" subscription thingy turned it from being just overpriced to not worth it. So ... wait, I'm not even sure I'm on topic here. Why do we care about their keynote again?
My favourite Adobe video ever:
added on the 2014-09-22 23:38:48 by rc55 rc55
ruairi, wow, what a load of crock! Sounds like a great candidate to run for office. Would fit right in.
Probably because of the North Kingdom connection, I would guess.

Hehe... this was entertaining...
added on the 2014-09-23 00:12:33 by mrdoob mrdoob
Mrdoob: I'm glad someone got it :)
added on the 2014-09-23 17:38:53 by gloom gloom
I take it was just a pun on the Norwegian conspiracy and co. :-\ and no scener's behind Northern Kingdom.
added on the 2014-09-23 20:41:38 by p01 p01


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