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Women are a fraud

category: residue [glöplog]
Ok, what Optimus Knight linked to pretty much said it: in my experience, what women find most attractive in men is confidence. And believe me, they can spot this in a man as fast as you spot a nice pair of tits! So I dont't know about you, vibrator, but if you feel confident, show it(!), like a girl would use a nice push-up bra to be noticed. Why the hell should a girl want to ask you for a fuck if she didn't even notice you properly?

In our over-materialistic society, superficial indicators for a confident man tend to be matieralistic too: my house, my car, my swimming pool. Hence the rant about girls being materialistic. But don't blame the girl nor the guy with the Porsche, blame our socialisation! Still, you as a guy have to make the first move. Always. And repeat after me: always make the first move!!!! That's precisely an indicator for confidence, something, a girl wants to see before she can feel attracted to you. And there are many more. Like making computer art and being proud of it (leaving out technical details of course :P ).

And of course, girls like to be hit on, but properly. And ouf course, girls like to fuck as much as we do, I'm afraid, even more. But, my observation again: men have on-off switches, girls have volume knobs. So don't just bolt in, play, be nice, let it escalate. She'll play along and right into you hands, as long as she doesn't feel pursued like prey.

Any girls reading this thread? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
added on the 2010-07-12 05:35:01 by gleema gleema
Having one regular partner, married or otherwise doesn't automatically imply a single sexual partner. The only thing it really depends on is the people and their mutual trust and agreement on the matter. It IS possible to overcome the natural jealousy of one's sexual partners.
added on the 2010-07-12 06:45:35 by visy visy
But yeah, all this loser-talk here sounds like the standard "I'm such a nice guy"-syndrome that I've seen a thousand times before.
added on the 2010-07-12 06:47:17 by visy visy
I code but haven't released a prod so don't really belong here. But this thread is too tempting. Basically because of my weird upbringing, i have a million female friends and only a few guy friends. On top of that i have mutated from high school years being a chesslete and a mathlete and hanging out in the library every lunch time all through years at high school. Went from that to being able to sit at a table full of beautiful women and be able to say i am a coder, explain what i do in an interesting manner and hold their interest beyond that point. I am now the guy i used to hate all through high school. I looked at guys with chicks, and said, hey maybe they are athletic but at least i am smart and a nice guy. Back then i was wrong, i thought their popularity came at the cost of intelligence, or that i somehow compensated for what i lacked. The only thing i lacked, was self confidence.

None of you guys are dirty nerds, you are artists, producers, creators, you subdue mathematics and wrangle it to your bidding to sprout art and beauty, in more artistic dimentions than some paint covered beatnic or a deadbeat with an electric guitar. And the only difference between the nerd and the pinnacle of art is the self confidence to say that and to act like it.

Gleema is right, confidence is important.

"But i don't have any confidence, i am fucked", you say.

No, noone can tell the difference between real confidence and fake. You can fake it so easily. And after you fake it for even a little bit, it starts to grow, flourish, before you know it you are sitting at a table of beauties and telling them what the scene is and that you are a producer, and it's your passion, and they will respond to that. They won't say "may i interest you in some intercourse" and here's hoping you won't say it either. But you will be able to say, hey, i enjoyed talking to you would you like to go for a walk on the beach, or have a picnic(because you are not retarded, you won't say hey let's go to a movie and get some food, you will look up interesting date ideas on the net and pick something that will blow her away)

I have a lot of female friends, and i still get advise from them, i used to say to them, jerks get all the girls, and my friends would say, not, it's not that they are jerks, it's that they are self confident. The two will look very similar, especially if youare already predisposed to dislike the guy who is successful with chicks. But don't be mistaken. Confidence. A little bit of arrogance is ok, but arrogance can backfire big time if it's unfounded. And being a jerk is only good when you are trying to break up with a girl.

So yeah after confidence is practice.

I am sure kb's first prod was not debris. I am sure that dude wrote a few atrocious hello world things. I am sure he has some plasmas floating around. Badly formatted, crude little horrors. Talk to girls, not to have sex, NEVER TO HAVE SEX. It's too advanced for you :P.

Lastly, there are a million sexual social dimorphisms. And it polarises the sexes, especially if you buy into the thinking of vibrator's first post. Which is why you should never go after women for sex. Go after women to make friends, talk, if you find her boring, it's not because women are stupid it's because you have incompatible interests, i mean it's the same with guys, i could walk into a pub and some dude would be a moron, and talk to me about rugby, i would lose faith in the male gender. Women are all different, keep it in mind.

And also, get a haircut, get some advice on what to wear, even from your mom, or from your sister. But yeah confidence confidence confidence.

If you have none, fake it, noone can tell teh difference.
added on the 2010-07-12 07:11:50 by alumunum alumunum
Close thread. Alumunum may not have released anything but he sure as hell talks some sense. :)
added on the 2010-07-12 07:17:46 by visy visy
i think im better off alone
As insulting as this might sound, a lot of sceners have real issues with their image and their social skills. I'm no exception and you'd struggle to find a more socially awkward, insecure and unstylish loser than the guy I used to be for many years.

Luckily for me, I (eventually) developed some self-awareness, started looking at myself and the things I needed to change. This is an essential starting point as too many guys in this situation try to convince themselves they're fine and that it's other people who have the problem...they get hostile towards women or people who try to offer advice. Nobody is perfect and there's always room for improvement.

For some, it's a long and tough process, but you have to push forward. Work on your image, your diet and fitness, posture, force yourself to socialise more, talk to more women and work on your confidence.

Personality wise, confidence is essential and you have to convey yourself as a redblooded male. Nice guys who hide their sexuality and appear a-sexual will only ever be a girl's friend or a nice little lapdog. I agree with Alumunum that faking this confidence can really help. You kinda get used to speaking with authority and keeping all those insecurities to yourself, that would normally scare women away.

Also, never put women on a pedestal. This way of thinking where you have to win women over, impress them or do/say the right thing is the mentality of a loser. Women need men as much as we need them. There's nothing wrong with good manners and acting like a gentleman, but once you start trying to buy or win the affections of another person (not just women, but friends too) then you really decrease your value. Respect yourself and be a man!

And if everything fails, be willing to walk away. Everyone fails, I've had more rejections than I can count, I've been dumped, I've even had a couple of dates walk out on me, but every time I learn something new or find motivation to improve myself and I bounce right back. You'll never be everyone's type, so don't take it personally. Learn to shrug your shoulders at rejection and move on.

Another important thing to remember is that until you are in a secure and committed relationship, you have to keep playing the field. The more options you have, the less you will depend on them. Women love the chase and like a man who is hard to attain. If one starts acting distant or gives you the brush off, ignore her for a while and move on to the next. Often enough she'll come crawling back.

I can't explain why, but whenever I obsess over one particular woman, she nor anybody else seems interested, but seeing multiple women has a snowball effect - the more women you date, the more women will want to date you and play for your attention.

Anyway, I could go on forever as this topic is something pretty important to me, but I'll call it a day here.
added on the 2010-07-12 13:14:09 by Wade Wade
What is it now? College?
Please add disclaimer to pouet registration: "Pouet ist not the place to discuss your personal issues, politics [include other topics here]. Be prepared to get unexpected results and possibly useless or even insulting comments. You have been warned."
added on the 2010-07-12 13:40:31 by raer raer
girls like bad boys, so at least trolls get laid!
women you don't know, coming up at you, and point blank asking you for sex? unless you are a vip, tv or sports personality, it's not going to happen.

the next best thing is, if you are really good looking, or have a well built physique, and if you frequent the right places, women will come up to you to chat you up. if your personality lives up to your looks, YOU can ask her to go to a more quiet place, and she will generally agree... And let's hope you are very good in bed, else next time she spots you around, she will tell all her friends what a loser you are.

failing all that, you have to do it the hard way, like all other guys do it. make friends from work and social circles you attend, try to make as many contacts as possible, and by the rule of averages, the more girls you know, the more chances you stand.
added on the 2010-07-12 14:02:29 by mop mop
There's some impressive misunderstanding of the whole concept of relationships going on in here.

As a small clue, if you find it hard to get into a relationship and just can't seem to find the right woman, the problem is you not the fairer sex.
added on the 2010-07-12 14:13:57 by psonice psonice
what tFt said
added on the 2010-07-12 14:27:50 by farfar farfar
I am sure kb's first prod was not debris. I am sure that dude wrote a few atrocious hello world things. I am sure he has some plasmas floating around. Badly formatted, crude little horrors.

No, you are wrong! KB is god and exists in multiple dimensions; we only see his 3D cross-section. He created chuck norris, the C64 and spandex. I refuse to believe what you're claiming.
added on the 2010-07-12 14:33:47 by trc_wm trc_wm
I am very humbled by what you're saying. I hereby would like to politely ask you to stop doing so though; rumours/facts like these might scare off women who'd otherwise have approached me for sex.

Thank you.
added on the 2010-07-12 14:37:25 by kb_ kb_
but not the boys! *wink wink*
I agree with crosbow.
added on the 2010-07-12 15:20:43 by Optimus Optimus
married guys have sex?
added on the 2010-07-12 15:39:46 by abductee abductee
sex is overrated.
added on the 2010-07-12 15:45:35 by Optimus Optimus
Married guys have sex as often as they want, with the woman that they want, who knows exactly what they want.

The unmarried guys just haven't figured this out yet ;)
added on the 2010-07-12 15:47:18 by psonice psonice
since this thread got royally pouetized now, i would like to state that a lot of women i never saw before come up to me and ask me for sex straight ahead, and that is 24/7, usually much more than one a time.
it can get annoying, but luckily i have some very impressive lovemaking abilities, so 99.9% of them walk away satisfied after about 2 or 3 hours of heavy sex.
you can tell that i know how to get/impress/satisfy women by my very high self esteem which i am totally fine with, because it resembles the truth.
added on the 2010-07-12 15:47:54 by hcdlt hcdlt
and then you woke up?
and then i made a rap song about it...
added on the 2010-07-12 15:55:38 by hcdlt hcdlt


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