about the screenshot bug
category: general [glöplog]
to all the nice glöppers who uploaded a screenshot recently, it's normal if the screenshot seems broken in your browser, the new php4 has been compiled with some wrong options.
but don't worry, your screenshots are there and they'll show up as soon as the server-side software is fixed.
but don't worry, your screenshots are there and they'll show up as soon as the server-side software is fixed.
Great! I was just thinking about this one!
Ah, now it works again ! Great job!
Now if somebody would fix this, I'd be happy... No wonder it turns out that way when you have tables-within-tables for no good reason and set different cellspacing on them ;-)
?! the font is ok for me in Firefox and Mozilla 1.6. But indeed, CSS+XHTML is the way to go. ... I doubt PS would like to redo the whole pages :p
Pouet moved to Apache 2! Hurray! :-P
poi2: It's not the fonts, the table alignments are wrong, I experience the same problem.
poi2: It's not the fonts, the table alignments are wrong, I experience the same problem.
poi^2: you wouldn't have to redo the entire design. just remove the stupid table-within-table stuff (the prods are in one table, the platforms are in another, etc...)
i think i know how to fix that sesse, its couz the table on prods has no fixed size and the other ones do, i had to put the fixed size so it wouldnt look like that on the platform and date columns.. since the demoname/type column would always be compeltly filled and have constant height on all its cells (due to the icon for the platform) but apparently it fucks up on other browsers..
im not willing to recode the tables things couz its a mess inside the group.php with all the if ($which) in between. but i think i can still fix it, just need to also set a fixed height to the prods name list, i'll chekc it later when i get home. will need someone to test it for me though, too lazy to bother installing another browser but im sure someone on irc will have one of those browsers that you mentioned..
im not willing to recode the tables things couz its a mess inside the group.php with all the if ($which) in between. but i think i can still fix it, just need to also set a fixed height to the prods name list, i'll chekc it later when i get home. will need someone to test it for me though, too lazy to bother installing another browser but im sure someone on irc will have one of those browsers that you mentioned..
moT: doh! indeed that's weird. I have that problem in Firefox when I change the size of the fonts with Ctrl+Plus and Ctrl+Minus
yeah.. it's in my firefox too.
ps: firefox is one of the best browsers around.. so overcoming your lazyness (which is not true since you're pretty unlazy to fix everything here..) would give you a nice browser :-)
ps: firefox is one of the best browsers around.. so overcoming your lazyness (which is not true since you're pretty unlazy to fix everything here..) would give you a nice browser :-)
poi2: It happens in most non-IE browsers, believe me.
ps: I know it would be alot of work, but that table in table setup is dirty. It will break with any chance it gets.
ps: I know it would be alot of work, but that table in table setup is dirty. It will break with any chance it gets.
yeah.. I second moT, alot of work but then no more problems.. :-)
moT: I believe you ;) Gecko is a popular alternative to IE, and whatever non-standard markup and misused tags are the best way to break the presentation and accessibility of a site
so i rewrote group.php
- should look the same when there is no which=xx
- should look like a proper pouet table when there is which=xx
could you guys please check if all of these simple tests look ok good on your browsers?
i'll move it to www.pouet.net as soon as i got confirmation that it looks decent on ie+mozilla+firefox+opera+whateverelseyoucancomeupwith
- should look the same when there is no which=xx
- should look like a proper pouet table when there is which=xx
could you guys please check if all of these simple tests look ok good on your browsers?
i'll move it to www.pouet.net as soon as i got confirmation that it looks decent on ie+mozilla+firefox+opera+whateverelseyoucancomeupwith
this these not the other one...
I tested and it passed with flying colours.
stfu: dude, use search.php with the bullet on groups for that.
While you're fixing stuff... Would it be possible to change the <img> tags of the avatars on the oneliner and the bbs from alt="text" to title="text", as they don't show up in Firefox at the moment? According to Mozilla developers,
"Title" and "alt" are displayed just the same way in IE, so that won't change anything for IE users.
Alternate text is not supposed to be shown when you hover the mouse over an image, it is supposed to be shown when the images are still loading, or if they fail to load. "Alternate" text, is intended to be just that. Alternate. Websites should use the "title" attribute if they wish to provide tooltips.
"Title" and "alt" are displayed just the same way in IE, so that won't change anything for IE users.
yeah, ps, right. forgot 'bout search.php ;P
exocet: fixed. is it working ok?
hehe now we want page navigator on the top of groups list ( same as bbs page selection ;).
i mean charachters list...
i mean charachters list...
character ofcourse...
and i want a pizza with pineapple and salami and triple chese. also a medium sized coke, beer is kinda bad with pizza couz it leaves you feeling extremly full and no beer deserves not to be finished, except for the german and dutch ones that taste like piss (like most of them do ofcourse), those are only good to play fizzball. which ile can confirm that im quite a natural talent at.
i think what i meant to say was: sod off. dump them on fixmebeautifull and i'll fix them when i got time and will to do it.
i think what i meant to say was: sod off. dump them on fixmebeautifull and i'll fix them when i got time and will to do it.
ps: <img> tags still seem to use "alt" on the main page. Maybe I wasn't clear enough... instead of :
<img class="icon" src="avatars/captain_lowrez_avatar.gif" alt="Gargaj">
it should be:
<img class="icon" src="avatars/captain_lowrez_avatar.gif" title="Gargaj">
<img class="icon" src="avatars/captain_lowrez_avatar.gif" alt="Gargaj">
it should be:
<img class="icon" src="avatars/captain_lowrez_avatar.gif" title="Gargaj">