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showing demos to someone into animation

category: general [glöplog]
So I have a friend who is a graphic designer very into animation and used to work in photography and has seemed impressed by some demos on art grounds but others will just talk about how "I could do the same thing with -x nonrealtime- computer animation tool" even though I explain that the point is to do stuff realtime. And he also knows about the history of computer animation, showing me stuff by Mary Ellen Bute and John Whitney and stuff, or stuff like this

So . . . suggestions on stuff to show him? He's seen a bunch of prods already (mostly stuff listed on atparty-demoscene.net/whatisademoparty.html, I will note)...

I know he thinks the scene is cool because when I showed him "Daydream" and "Finger Color Television" he LOVED them.

Want to recruit more sceners!
Show him a few procedural 4ks.
added on the 2009-09-16 14:17:02 by ham ham
Rob is Jarig
added on the 2009-09-16 14:24:00 by xeron xeron
show him HBC's stuff, and ask him if he can do "wilds" as cool as those.
Yep, HBC stuff is a must. Junk and Aenima will surely impress him too!

Also, how about Ninja 1+2 by Melon?
added on the 2009-09-16 14:43:14 by Wade Wade
'paper' psycic link, it may be old, but it's still 64k :)
added on the 2009-09-16 14:44:36 by spiny spiny
What do you want to show him? Stuff that he can't just say "I could do that in 3DSMAX" after seeing, or more of what he already is capable of doing?
added on the 2009-09-16 16:24:41 by lug00ber lug00ber
dude, you like fighting against walls.
***to everyone so far: thank you for suggestions!

***re: lug00ber

Stuff that he can't just say "I could do that in 3DSMAX"

Yes, that.
He did like "Field Trip" which I showed him.

***re: knl

dude, you like fighting against walls.

Yup ( :
The two demos that immediately spring to mind are Inflorescence and Cognoscere by mfx. The latter would be extremely difficult to pull off in any format besides realtime, though it's artistic merit is a little more subjective. I'd recommend watching in full HD if you can though, I did and that's when I "got" it.


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