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Texas a 4k from nvision 2008

category: general [glöplog]
dx10 is vista only.
added on the 2008-08-28 14:22:58 by kelsey kelsey
dll are not present on my vista, it's a shame to be obliged to download such a thing. but it's a really cool 4k.

Seems like he actually has vista :)
added on the 2008-08-28 14:31:05 by Puryx Puryx
@sxrebbel : i didn't make the synth on this. I only put the tune together usings spookysys' experimental jazz generator. It works by sampling random grains of sound in selected parts of an mp3 and fading these into eachother over time. What is exciting is that if you put it to work on the exp jazz track that comes with vista, the jazz comes out sounding exactly the same after randomization lol
added on the 2008-08-28 15:15:39 by loaderror loaderror
jazz = noise
freejazz = love
added on the 2008-08-28 15:47:20 by psenough psenough
vista comes with a jazz track ?
another good reason for not installing it. ever.
added on the 2008-08-28 15:49:20 by EviL EviL
loady hahah :D:D
yeah brrr experimental jazz! :-) even worse than just jazz!
added on the 2008-08-28 16:09:03 by skrebbel skrebbel
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added on the 2008-08-29 17:05:44 by Tigrou Tigrou
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added on the 2008-08-29 17:42:29 by gd gd
Just to mention it - mentor mentioned that people could somehow interpret that we (TBC) use midi for our music - we don't.

Everything you hear in all TBC intros is 100% generated in our synth.

Just to avoid misunderstandings :)
added on the 2008-08-29 17:58:51 by Puryx Puryx
and we belive you.
added on the 2008-08-29 18:01:28 by quisten quisten
lies! i heard tbs uses the hidden BASS+LOUDNESS filter in calc.exe!
added on the 2008-08-29 18:06:37 by skrebbel skrebbel
eh. tbc, not tbs.
added on the 2008-08-29 18:06:50 by skrebbel skrebbel
Ok, that post might have sounded as if I was pissed off - that was actually not the intention :D
added on the 2008-08-29 18:06:57 by Puryx Puryx
skrebbel: WHAT!!?... there's such a filter and you never told me!? #!@#@! :)
added on the 2008-08-29 18:07:57 by Puryx Puryx
added on the 2008-08-29 18:47:40 by Calexico Calexico

WOW! awesome sound design.. great dynamics - and most importantly - it really made me feel something. fantastic prod, congratz kbds!

added on the 2008-08-29 19:15:29 by xerxes xerxes
what's synctracker
search for "gnu rocket"
added on the 2008-08-29 19:16:42 by Puryx Puryx
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added on the 2008-08-29 19:18:45 by Calexico Calexico
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added on the 2008-08-29 19:19:09 by Calexico Calexico
Not that the GNU Rocket project page gives any more real information on it :)

GNU Rocket (informally known as "the synctracker") is a synchronization-tracker for demos. It's a tracker-like interface and a program-stub that allows the tracker and a demo to communicate, so you can adjust values while displaying a demo. It's designed to be a non-tool tool - that is, a tool that only solves _some_ problems and doesn't get too much in the way for your real coding. Let's face it, you have more important things to do than to design abstract effect base classes and create hypnoglow factories.
added on the 2008-08-29 19:26:01 by kusma kusma
thank you
wait what ? i was in the middle of designing abstract effect base classes :(
gnu rocket is the best tool in the world, i love it more than my penis.
added on the 2008-08-29 19:51:48 by quisten quisten
reminds me that i once promised to write docs for it.
kusma, after my msc thesis deadline ok? :-) (monday)
added on the 2008-08-29 20:13:02 by skrebbel skrebbel


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