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inercia 2003 - post-party comments

category: parties [glöplog]
I just home from id03 a few hours ago and IMHO it was great. It really was worth to travel about 350km to get there in the fozi-mobile! hehe

The best about the party was the people around and the 64k intros, all the 3 of them ruled! In another hand, the demos presented were a bit disappointing and some demos were not finished (like mine) in time to get them released in the party. And worst than that my favorite demo there placed 2nd, nice job anyway crmxx!

Finally, just want to say that the org team did a nice job, even though the delays and some weird mistakes in the voting system. Now I'd like to ear from others' opinions! Did you like id03? why or why not?

And don't say pt scene is dead because it's not. It's just lazy like we Portuguese people are used to be! :D

added on the 2003-07-29 04:01:03 by hybrid-2k hybrid-2k
Well, as a non-visitor no comment to the party. But atleast the quality of the portuguese productions is raising. Not bad with the quite small scene in Portugal in mind.
added on the 2003-07-29 05:08:02 by Crest Crest
I cant agree more, id03 was really great!

It was the 2nd time i was there, fist time as a participant, and all i can say is that quality is getting better. Too bad not everyone finished their work :/

I'm thinking on getting serious about this next year, so as u can see pt scene is getting new participants ;)

The only thing i did not like it that most of the works used know efects.. it was better to use new or less known things.
added on the 2003-07-29 06:44:30 by XKpe XKpe
you guys act as if the most important thing about a demoparty is its compos/productions.
added on the 2003-07-29 08:43:41 by skrebbel skrebbel
Richard: when one production means 50% of all entries or 33%... well... it does matter (keeping in mind that there is only one party here per year). Of course there are other important things like boozing outside with dextrose/negative/crmxxx/ps hehehe. Anyway I agree this year the party was much better, congrats to the organizers. Only voting system has to be changed IMHO...
added on the 2003-07-29 10:33:55 by EviL EviL

hybrid-2k, thx for comments. :)
we will try to fix the timeschedule delays next year.

about the voting system, i dont quite agree with the results myself, it suffered from same syndrome as last year imho (friendship vote instead of value vote) just jeenio didnt compete this year; even with the 50% value coming from the production makers, mor friends still means more votes. i think it's more of a disrupted voting mentality then anything else. or maybe i just can't accept when voting results surprise me negativly. but i cant impose my voting preferences over the world either so we'll see what we can do about it for next year to keep the audience with some voting power but making sure the stuff with more imagination/talent/work stays afloat. maybe a voting awareness lecture speech/debate in the begining of the party can help getting people more aware.
i think if our scene wasnt so small we would get wider spread votes and not so much friendship cohersion.

anyways, i know i enjoyed the party despite all the work in my hands, the workshops worked very well imho, we'll certainly try to keep the number/quality for next year. the prods were more and some better then last year (atleast i didnt lose to a single cube this time). we had some new faces walking around. we had some old friendly faces too. too bad radioactive design ppl and attack/wij didnt show up. :(
i hope all people attending enjoyed inercia atleast half of what i did. feedback is always welcome ofcourse, along with your sister or cousin's phone number, so .pt ppl dont be shy and tell us what's on your mind. :)

and to the non .pt people:
check the prods and acknowledge that the greek scene is starting to have some serious competition for the second to last place in european union demoscene ranking :P
oh yeah, and next year its free for foreigners so consider getting your ugly ass to where the sun shines bright and the beer costs 60 cents.

added on the 2003-07-29 13:52:38 by psenough psenough
... and next year I will compete again! muahahahaha WORLD DOMINATION!

seriously, next year's edition will witness a lot of improvments regarding party place, schedule, prizes and attendance. I guess we just have to start the machine earlier... :)

thanks to all the visitors. you make the scene.pt alive.
added on the 2003-07-29 14:50:06 by jeenio jeenio
Well, I gess I can call my self "some kind" of scener... I don't know... But I loved it! it was some of the best days of my "computer-art" times. The organization was quite cool.

hope I get to go next year!
C U there!

added on the 2003-07-29 15:50:19 by Kazuya Kazuya
Has an organizer of inercia its great to see ppl that really enjoyed the party, and despite of some mistakes during it, they still give us support.... thanks people, your support is what keep us going on... hope we can correct some errors and offer u even a better party!! :) cya all next year
added on the 2003-07-29 16:23:11 by organom organom
as an organizer of inercia you should learn how to spell too orga :P
added on the 2003-07-29 23:00:21 by psenough psenough
Nice kuality productions...

The voting is the problem of all partys...
and the problem of others things arround there...

who told friends are bad?

the problem..seams...that you can't just vote for the kuality/originality of production...

if you can vote in your futeball favorite team , why dont vote for it.. even if it played worse?

but you can't compite for the prices.. or for the podium.. you must compete with your self.

see you all @ ID04

Did you have a system like asm where the group name is not shown in the prod during the compo?
added on the 2003-07-30 10:07:09 by psonice psonice
That could work if sceners didnt code their intros/demos during the party. It's very difficult to prevent people from voting for their friends, unless the sceners themselves make an effort to keep their demos away from curious eyes.

But i don't think this was a big problem at the party, IMHO the only big problem was in the demo compo. The reason why this happened was because at the time of voting, one of the potential winners wasn't present on the voting sheet, it showed up only after 30 min later or so, by the time almost everyone had already voted. This has to be fixed next year.

Inercia03 ruled so much this year, the underground spirit was there all the time. The hardware throwing compo owned totally! The conditions were better than in any inercia before: hot showers, 24h bar, 1mbit internet connection.

I look forward for ID04!
added on the 2003-07-30 15:08:12 by fozi fozi
Well, this was my 1st time I was at a demoparty.
When I saw a demo (I dont remember the authors, shame on me) for the 1st time, i said WoW, i must get onto this.

So the main objective of our demo was to introduce our selfs to the demo scene, but it came ALOT better that I could Ever imagine!

One of the things I liked @ ID03 was the ambient.
And the workshops. They were one of the main reasons of my coming to inercia, and they were worth it!

Btw, I only knew we won the 1st prize @ PC-Demo compo when I was leaving work. I got pretty stunned !

You bet we will be @ inercia 04 !

Best Regards,
Jae686 [3Dgfx] @ VI.
added on the 2003-07-30 19:37:36 by Jae686 Jae686
Whatever... some miracle or something has to be done in voting system (I can't figure out what...) because honestly, I am tired to see crmxxx loosing all the time even with massive good quality productions. And yes, I rest my case...
added on the 2003-07-31 11:00:35 by EviL EviL
first came dinosaurs.

then kintas released his first cube.

then crmx lost all compos he should have won.

then id04 had a big lecture/debate about the state of the scene and the fairness of erroneous voting on the opening day.

and the world looked lightly slightly better pleased for a while there.

then came cousin linda's boyfriend and we were all slighly sad again for a while there but thats another story..
added on the 2003-07-31 11:11:19 by psenough psenough
ps: respect!

Yeap good thinking, let's debate on how to vote, maybe people don't know how to vote :)

I really hope that it will work.
added on the 2003-07-31 13:37:23 by EviL EviL
I think the problem is, when ppl still do their final tuuning at the party. and ppl around get to see they work.. but even so, it like crmx, all the othe sceeners would work in a lowprofile way, to keep their demos as a surprise (pleasnt surprise), there is no way to control ppl from asking friends to vote on them. I do admit having voted on kammutiers 64k intro, and FoZi's buraco, But I did, because I belived them to be good quality. one way or another. not because thei are friends. and no, they didn't ask me to vote on them, just as I dind't ask any one to vote on me. I just think ppl are lead to vote on works that they are familiar with. that they know how hard it was to do.
but hey... I'm a rookie at this. it's just my thoghts on the subject.

Kazuya Mochu
added on the 2003-07-31 16:31:59 by Kazuya Kazuya
I can see two workable voting systems for your next party.

1. No coding at the party. Friends of demo makers are not allowed to vote. No alcohol is allowed and anyone found drunk is banned from the hall.

2. Have 2 votes per person for each compo - which demo you want to win, and which demo you think is best quality. Everybody buys the most popular demo team a beer, and the team that made the best quality demo wins the prize.

If you go for number one, better hire more security ;)
added on the 2003-07-31 16:59:23 by psonice psonice
or just have the party in finland.
added on the 2003-07-31 17:34:16 by skrebbel skrebbel
egberts suggestion is so true. :)
added on the 2003-07-31 19:32:24 by stonda stonda
I am the maker of the voting and entry submission system and there was nothing wrong with them, and i'm not saying this because it was me who did it.

The main problem arround is that the demoscene is not widely spread in Portugal and most of the people who attended to any of inércia demopartyes have a basic idea of what the demoscene really is, and that is what we, at Inércia, are trying to change so it is no surprise that things don't get out as they should, the only thing we can, and we do, is to try harder to spread the word and teach what the demoscene really is and what quality prods are made of.

Right now the main problem isn't even the people who vote in their friends, like you say, but the lack of people that attend to the party. If there are more people the results will, obviusly, be different and maybe quality productions will win, also more quality in some areas is needed so what really is needed to do is make more people attend to the id04 and then id05, to make people realize what the demoscene really is, to have work shops and teach how to make a demo, a quality one.

Sit here discussion the pass won't do any good to anyone, everyone knows what wen't wrong and are aware of what is nedded to be done, and believe me, if id03 was the best so far id04 will be the best of all time. Just help us spreading the word and bring your friends, family and anyone you can to id04.

I'll see you all there :-)
I believe that as soon as the demos /intros /etc were presented, they should be made avaliable to the voters, to make the choice easyer.

And this "voting issues" thing, we (VI) did not ask anyone to vote for us. Btw, this issue is getting a bit annoying. We were new, so we did not have any "friends".

About the " it showed up only after 30 min later or so" problem, the solution could be a pre-inscription of the material that would participate on the compos
added on the 2003-07-31 19:56:04 by Jae686 Jae686
I'm getting a bit tired of the vote-for-friends and xxx-should-have-won subjects, but considering that I'm involved in these subjects I'll wrote my opinion about them (for those who still didn't know).

1. The voting system was ok for me, the problem was the way it was used.
2. evil & crmxxx prods were great, some of the best intros & demos I've seen in pt.
3. I voted for crmxxx for demo and 64k and I would do it again.
4. crmxxx 4k was clearly technically superior to mine, but it didn't run!
5. I don't think I won anything because of my friends, it was my 1st time at id.
6. Demo voting was unfair because crmxxx wasn't in the list for almost 30mins.
7. IV demo got 1st probably because of (6), no one knew them before anyway!
8. Kazuya and KammutierSpule won more than one compo because they're good.
9. Voting results will always shock people at inercia because it has few people.
10. Votes should be public, maybe it would help to stop these stupid debates!
11. I'd really like to know what NuKe/s!p wants to mean with "FAKE VOTING".
12. Next year I'll be there and I hope it'll be even better than id03!

Ok that's all from me about id03 voting.
Hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings with my words!

-- hybrid-2k/uva
added on the 2003-08-01 03:52:50 by hybrid-2k hybrid-2k
oh!!! hybrid-2k!!! my feelings!!!! oh!!!!!

i think we really should take richard's suggestion and go to finland. and then we'll prove we're better than asm muhahahahahahah

W O R L D D O M I N A T I O N ! ! ! ! ! !

or that, or we have to keep working to make id the best party in portugal!
added on the 2003-08-04 14:24:13 by jeenio jeenio


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