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What the hell is going on?!?

category: general [glöplog]

It's the profile of Dirty Minds in Ojuice. It hasn't that much time, since irrelevant people make their own personal profile on Ojuice and choosing DM while not beelonging in my group! The first one was a girl, who I knew though email and explained her everything about demoscene and what the hell am I doing there, but I guess she didn't understood. She is not there anymore, cause I told her to remove her account from my group and so she did.

Then that Lord Xeen guy appeared and asked him whatta hell! He is the biggest joke of all!!! He replied to my email with something like "Ohh,. I didn't knew the puprose of the site, I just thought it would be a nice idea to sign in. At the groups, I just thought that it was obligatory to fill them and not leave them blank, so I choosed the ones that sounded better". I then explained him kindly everything concerning the demoscene and that if he is still interested, he can just leave the groups blank. I never got an answer from him again and he is still there, even if I emailed him back 2 times!

And now, I see another girl there who has nothing to do with our group and I don't even know her! But I can't find her email to tell her. Ugh :P

The last one could be an April joke for me, at first thought, but she must have signed much more earlier according to her sign number..

The guy doesn't want to leave and breaks my balls and the girl doesn't want to give me her email ;P

I am not going to tell anything to the administrator, I am not really angry, mostly wrote this text for fun (Yeah,. I just wanna see your reactions!), cause it's fun that someone not aware with the purpose of the site, logged there and choosed your own group name cause he/she found it more sexy ;)

Did you had similar problems with your group on Ojuice btw?
added on the 2003-04-08 10:32:04 by Optimus Optimus
I am actually more concerned about serious things...
added on the 2003-04-08 10:52:38 by tomcat tomcat
Let's all join Dirty Minds! ;P
added on the 2003-04-08 10:55:39 by ekoli ekoli
No,. you must be a dirty mind to join, carefully examined by Antitec :)
added on the 2003-04-08 11:06:14 by Optimus Optimus
.. optimus girlstory #29a ..
added on the 2003-04-08 11:34:27 by dalezr dalezr
hehe, optimus optimus, you have to much spare time, though I reccon your problem, since 30% of the guys on ojuice that got razor1911 as a group dont have anything to do with the group =) but who cares?
added on the 2003-04-08 12:01:39 by Dubmood Dubmood
I am also a Dirty Minds & Razor 1911 doublemember.
added on the 2003-04-08 13:01:45 by tomcat tomcat
I got kicked out of Dirty Minds due to inactivity :(
added on the 2003-04-08 16:55:25 by sagacity sagacity
added on the 2003-04-08 17:02:37 by kusma kusma
You have got to be kidding me.

we don't care, however :)
added on the 2003-04-08 22:29:35 by Inopia Inopia
well, there should be some kind of group-admin role..

in the meantime, a DirtyMind join party would be supah
added on the 2003-04-09 12:31:49 by It-Alien It-Alien

Perhaps I should be more polite to those girls. Especially the ones who decided to join a group named Dirty Minds ;)

Needless to say, I've just changed myself in the ojuice profile as Anubis member because Anubis is reborn and we will kick (But I am in Anubis, not faking ojuice here!). I had Dirty Minds/Nasty Bugs before in the Ojuice profile at least. But I had to remove one group to put Anubis as the other. And that was Nasty Bugs because Dirty Minds is my primary and best of all!

Why just two groups and why only one computer to choose? We need 5 fields for each at least! Are the Ojuice admins still active and willing to expand the features of the site? Or are they lazy as hell?

And yet, there are two member in Anubis list in Ojuice that I don't know. One is a girl, mmm :)
The other one is a greek guy. Nah, CSDb is more reliable.

And the Aardbei list is preety fucked up :)
Even two greek guys there. Are they really in Aardbei? One seems to know the demoscene from his favorite demos/coders/etc. list I see. But still no clue?
And Lord-Xeen is still there in Dirty Minds list ;P

added on the 2006-03-24 21:49:55 by Optimus Optimus
Well, you could write an official Dirty Minds members list and distribute it to all the diskmags...

Or form a new group called Real Dirty Minds and as the first prod do a fucktro to all the people still in Dirty Minds with subtle death threats to them in the scroller...
added on the 2006-03-25 09:45:01 by El Topo El Topo
or make a split, and form "Clean Minds" and "Dirty Minds".
Or "Dirty Minded Greeks" and "Dirty Minded Everyone Else".
added on the 2006-03-25 09:54:10 by kelsey kelsey
hahaha.. what a man can worry about...

I didn't even know Ojuice was still active..
added on the 2006-03-25 12:32:03 by okkie okkie
hehe yeah, wellknown problem....

i wrote a small note about it two PAiN issues ago:


A strange thing I noticed lately. A thing that is so absurd that it's already funny, and yet so outrageous that it made me write this note about it.<br><br>

It's nothing new that sceners sometimes claim to be in group they aren't - that happened since the earliest times, and various flamewars over the decades document it. On <ul><link httpo://www.ojuice.net>Ojuice</link></ul> though, it happens in absurd proportions. I was checking the stats of Black Maiden and noticed that there was someone called <ul><link http://www.ojuice.net/11704/nick.htm>Blake</link></ul> whom I didn't know. I thought it could be someone from the old ANSi times, but this couldn't be confirmed through the older Black Maiden members, and also the fact that Blake states he joined the scene in 1999 makes it quite illogical. Okay, so here we have someone who claims to be in a group where he isn't, for whatever foggy reason.<br><br>

I was even more surprised though that we weren't the only group "blessed" with imposters on Ojuice. Especially really famous gorups are befallen from that plague. Check the Farbrausch memberlist on Ojuice, for example. There are several people on there who are by no means members of Farbrausch, the best example being someone called D4rkvip3r who states to have been interested by the scene since 2001. The Haujobb memberlist hosts one oOLoopOo who also considered it a fancy choice to "join" Future Crew. Speaking of Future Crew, there are at least 3 people listed that never have been FC members.

But even a funny or unusual groupname makes the group vulnerable to suspect "joining": So we have some 14-year old kid claiming to be member of Metalvotze and Darkness - most likely attracted just by the groupnames. Also the groupname Matrix seems to pull quite some people, including someone who claims to having been interested in the scene since he's 4 years old.

I really wonder what's going through the mind of people who just "join" some random groups on Ojuice? Are they trying to show off? But it should be obvious to everyone that "group membership" on Ojuice doesn't mean anything. I rather have the assumption that some people think Ojuice is some kind of new U-boot or Orkut, where they can register and meet new friends. And with the groups, like "Oh yeah, i'm a mean Metal-Votze and I like Darkness wooh!". And probably they start to wonder after a few months why noone sends them private messages, and forget about that "useless" community. Or perhaps, there are already tons of non-scene communication on Ojuice, there's dating and shit going on and we don't know it?

However it might be, it should be clear for everyone that "group status" on Ojuice doesn't mean anything! And if any of those clueless newbies or even non-sceners should happen to read this: It doesnt make any sense! Clicking some groupname doesn't make you a groupmember.

added on the 2006-03-25 13:53:01 by dipswitch dipswitch
I guess there are a lot of people visiting ojuice who have no clue about the demoscene, and some of them don't know what these groups are all about. Maybe they believe it's a kind of online role playing game and they have to choose a group they want to play with.

I've recently counted the number of ojuice.net users: It's more than 23,000! Do you really think all of these are demo sceners? I would be very surprised. I actually estimated the number of sceners worldwide not to be more than 10,000. But then again, it's not always easy to tell who's a scener and who isn't.
added on the 2006-03-25 14:08:12 by Adok Adok
there's plenty of random wtf spamming going on on OJ.
added on the 2006-03-25 14:09:43 by tomaes tomaes
jesus christ, give it a rest already.. it's a website! A WEBSITE!
added on the 2006-03-25 17:57:28 by okkie okkie
Guys, i'm administrating Ojuice, mostly. It's still alive, at least for the news. If anybody really cares about his group sheets there, just write to us and we'll fix it.

Beside, the large number of user accounts can be explained too: The userbase is shared between Ojuice and Nectarine, leading in having plenty of non-sceners on Ojuice that registered at Nectarine.. but who cares?
added on the 2006-03-25 18:35:58 by unlock unlock
optimus it must have been the pitza you had the other day

eat pussy and :P more
itz working!!!
added on the 2006-03-25 19:39:10 by seel seel




99% of news are lame mp3 release... *yurk*
added on the 2006-03-26 00:57:58 by rez rez


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