guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶ information 22286 glöps
- general:
- level: gloperator
- personal:
- first name: 256
- last name: 256
- portals:
- demozoo: profile
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Experimental by Wipe [web]
- cdc #2: Inside by Carillon & Cyberiad [web]
- cdc #3: tHe S by Suspend [web]
- cdc #4: Staying Pictures by The Planet Of Leather Moomins [web]
- cdc #5: STS-02: Electric Kool-Aid by Synesthetics
- cdc #6: Chaos Theory by Conspiracy [web]
- cdc #7: 솥 by Limp Ninja [web]
- cdc #8: Quantum Chaos by ALLien Senses [web]
- cdc #9: Chromosphere by SQNY
prods added 7 x 2 = 14 glöps
- demo Windows STS-01: Lucy in the Sky with Deities by Synesthetics
- demo Windows Aithein by mfx [web]
- 64k Windows illmatic by Square
- 64k Windows Space Pigs Will Never Die by Spacepigs [web]
- 4k Windows Billow by Speckdrumm [web]
- 4k Windows Umbra by Darklite [web]
- 64k Windows Blast 64k by Surprise!Productions [web]
account created on the 2000-10-17 13:41:01