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- cracktro Windows Street of Moscow Cracktro by Skid Row [web] & Anti Nowhere League & Titan [web]
- This is really cool :) Well done :D
- rulezadded on the 2009-06-01 15:40:44
- cracktro Windows Warfare cracktro by Skid Row [web] & Titan [web]
- For supporting oldschool traditions :)
- rulezadded on the 2009-06-01 15:35:00
- demo Windows Zine #14 Headlines by Conspiracy [web] & Brainstorm [web] & BitFellas [web]
- Boring as hell, should not even be showned at a democompo like BP (make that a headline next time) Good tune, but general impression is like a 4k intro. No really interesting headlines (sorry Keops)
If this is Zine anno 2009, then i would prefer Zine anno 1992 anytime.
You can't reinvent the wheel, so stop making cubed wheels! - sucksadded on the 2009-04-13 02:37:31
- cracktro Windows El Matador 1.1 by Skid Row [web]
- True to a certain point, but back then we had tons of bad cracktros too.
Another point is that doing Melon Dezign style today, just don't cut it.
The big question is, can and will someone help the crack groups of today, so we can get the "cracktro" of all times?
Which leads to more questions, do we really need to see cracktros being reinvented or can they be reinvented?
What about the demoscene?
I mean, after the first ribbon demos, then it got so mass over used, so much that it bored me to death.
Talk about innovation in the cracktro areas, when the most innovative in the demoscene these days, is size and engine optimation. - isokadded on the 2008-10-17 19:48:19
- cracktro Windows El Matador 1.1 by Skid Row [web]
- Hyde, i think there is quite a bit more to it than just that easy answer of yours.
The pirate scene seem a little lost these days from my point of view. Those groups who find time to include cracktros, are some of the same people that used to be really active in the good old days with C64 and Amiga's.
It's a quite simple to turn to your past and roots, because it was at those times you really had fun. Just look at demo groups like Rebels, Brainstorm and TRSI. Quite a few of their productions
looks and feel the same. Basicially it's the same routines, ideas and graphic styles. Why revive those groups, when you got nothing really excellent to offer?
Just take a look at Kefrens, Polka Brothers, Scoopex and some other groups, why rebuild these groups? Well the answer is quite simple, because the guys behind these groups remember the good times they used to have and for the most people, that's why they return back to the scene.
Which again makes you wonder why the same people don't build a new group? I presume you can answer that question yourself.
I agree that the cracktros of today, could use a facelift, but then again many demos could need the same. Just because we write 2008, then things wont necessarily have to be better than the past. - rulezadded on the 2008-10-17 17:34:10
- musicdisk Amiga OCS/ECS Color Crime by X-Trade
- Awesome, thanks so much :)
I remember these guys gave me this musicdisk at the Hurricane party and i really loved it :) - isokadded on the 2008-05-16 07:52:03
- musicdisk Amiga OCS/ECS Color Crime by X-Trade
- I remember this from the "famous" Hurricane party in Denmark. I also recall that this had some really cool tunes.
Anyone who know, where i can get the mods? - rulezadded on the 2008-05-15 09:58:58
- artpack Windows Mudia Art #02 by Alcatraz [web]
- Axel, i have the exact same feeling about Brainstorm.
- isokadded on the 2008-01-29 20:12:28
- diskmag Windows ZINE #12 by Brainstorm [web] & BitFellas [web]
- I really did look forward to see the new Zine, but damn i was disappointed. You might ask, why? Let me tell you. First of all, I think it was a bad idea to try and rebuild the old classic magazine. Namely because, people will compare it the experiences they had with the old issues and especially if you have been active in the scene or actually read the old issues when they were actually released. I admire that you’re trying to reinvent the magazine fame, with a good looking engine, but the engine is a very strong contender to where the magazine fails. The engine is very complex, considering what we have been use to, when it come to magazine reading. First of all I had several engine crashes, I can live with those, but the main control of the engine is good damn annoying. You can see that there have been put some serious time into the engine, to make it as pleasant to use for us readers, but the developers have overlooked a very important fact. Don’t try and invent something that isn’t meant to invented, newspapers is newspapers and can only be done one way, same goes with paper magazines, books and other paper related reading material. You might say, well this is an electronically magazine, sure is, but keep in mind, the major point in a magazine is the reading and when it takes too much time as it does with Zine # 12, to manure around the menu, then I already starting to lose interest in read the articles.
I won’t comment the articles as I haven’t read every article yet, maybe wait for a full review on Zine # 12 in another magazine, if I feel like it. I will comment on one thing and that’s the editorial. It’s like Alex is tired, no motivation or something like that. I mean, if you’re starting a magazine up like this, I would have sounded much more trilled and full of energy that Alex does. It’s like he don’t really care about the magazine, it’s more the fame by rebuilding something so many of us wanted to see rebuild.
Another thing, unlocking pervious modules from all pervious issue, is a nice feature, but why unlock? Why not just make them available from beginning? And why not make the old interface available too in issue 13, it’s much easier to navigate and use, of course not good looking, but after all I did download this to enjoy a good reading while listening to good music. This is the major formular of a magazine with success.
- isokadded on the 2007-08-22 09:49:08
- cracktro Windows Skidrow cracktro by Titan [web] & Electric Druggies & Skid Row [web]
- dubmood, i actually was a Razor1911 member, long time you even became it :P
- isokadded on the 2007-08-14 18:15:13
account created on the 2002-12-29 21:22:04