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- 4k Windows Snowman by DEViANCE [web]
- ah irokos the one who nearly busted myth with his crap talks and the biggest leecher on earth (u should be careful as u were on the myth leech dump) all ips got scanned
u really think the adds on pouet do count as real release date ? ur are kidding no ? no one wanted u to add those intros here except u .. to say around u were ex this and that no ? i suggest ur should ask urself what u do nowaydays except talking lies and crap around and sometimes some lame nfos for mirror to get leech no ? (btw they are beeing investigated by the FBI u should maybe use a tunnel system and not ur real ip to leech)
btw: hlm never had a leader in the demo section how comes u spread around beeing a leader then ?
fuck u and ur lame crap team
go and release some art packs with old nfos.
maybe i should post here how much u leeched when u lied to lat u can crack hahah fucking lamer
got kicked from every team he was on and then says he was founder or leader and it seems u need alot of fame seeing u everywhere like a pest.
- isokadded on the 2006-01-01 22:33:47
- 4k Windows Snowman by DEViANCE [web]
- #1 to prove u are a damn liar
Eyewitnessreport from Midfit
This is a Witness-Report of the Rainbow Party I, held somewhere in 1994, it was organised by Radwar (!), Tristar, Red Sector Inc., Fairlight and Spreadpoint!
Welcome! My Name is Midfit/former TRSI/former ANTHROX... Most may know me from the Super Nintendo for my trainers and some freaks may know me from the C64! Anyway, I'd like to report over this party, one of the last real parties......
We all know that the today's scene is sucking like hell, and that the nowadays "ELITE" is just not more than shit ... But anyway here we go...
At the time of this party I was still active on the C64, in the group VISION, a danish Crackinggroup... I
thats not from you ? i even drank a beer with you damn liar but we both will meet soon and i am sure u will be very surprised.
no we respected the ANTROX AMIGA with whiteknight , rakim , ICE (Australia best trainer maker ever)
snes ? yes u sold alot no ? u want me to paste some proofs here ?
wrong . BOD good old warren joined up HLM in 94 i dont know what u mean i am still in touch with him
#4 & #5 dont give me advises about NSC and LEGEND sure he was on amiga snes doesnt count as they were bad sellers
#6 wrong h20 moved to france and joined up DEV as all good gfx artist did expect
also he is from the real pdx section i dont know what section u are in surely not the 0day or something else i am sure u dont even know who founded PARADOX no ? yes u might know mr.luke skywalker from France to bad as at this time u didnt even exist and this new PDX doesnt count as the real PDX was the one with SKYWALKER and later MAX .. apollo doesnt count with his new 0day pdx but we do respect ofcoz lincoln with his former amiga work for PDX (where have u been at this time?)
AngelDawn has not inet not for now i wonder how u can chat him damn LIAR
he will move to sweden soon to work with pantalooon on some major games
#7 well to prove another fact that titan stole an existing intro -> original code by alphaone/hoodlum
then lame TITAN did this haha code by lame TITAN
u did a bunch of intros i only remember one intro u did for dev
#8 its not a fake handle but when u got ur new glasses (which might improve ur gfx) u will notice
that i wrote t.e.s. which means what ? well u dont know ofcoz as u are just a fuck newb - isokadded on the 2006-01-01 21:47:03
- 4k Windows Snowman by DEViANCE [web]
- ah mr.midfit beeing active on c64 in legend and the fact he did the lame trainers on snes doesnt make u elite no? as we only respect ice and the blackcat from anthrox (the real anthrox trainer makers) plus whiteknight ofcoz (he sold lots of wildcards) and alien the grp whore beeing in 100 grps and thinking to be a good gfx artist when he did only crap logos for hlm when others like angeldawn and h20 did real ones (sure they are so less skillled people alien but u have the chance to tell angeldawn direct in the face he is not skilled at BP2006) u might say that to Butcher and Cypher aswell we know u are the best gfx artist thats why u joined the lamest grp on earth.and sure the less skilled people joined dev u said alien getting infos only from lame kids like irokos beeing in the lamest grp ever found called titan who got fame over good old amiga teams as he spreaded around hey i am ex this and ex that which he never was how he was not even born at this age of time.if u might check older intros from dev mr.legend.elite u may found out something about the coder of this bad i remember a better midfit from the rainbow party but this one seems a different as he knows jackshit about the current scene.go and dream on ur old legend c64 intros well IKARI was elite but really not legend thats why bod and just ice joined the real team go to ur lame total kaos forum which was 4 years ok when old mates arrived
and the original sargor from the totalkaos bbs (which was originally a hlm hq that time and only users from this bbs should have access to TK plus the mates from IKARI and TALENT) but now since they let even lamers like irokos in its more than sad no wonder barock and others wanted to be deleted on that public p2p forum where u write elite things no ? cu then
t.e.s./hoodlum ex ikari and talent ex skid row ex vision factory
btw: n.s.c. was the real trainer maker in legend but hell not you lame midfit and wannabe oldskool hanging around with titan
members on a public web forum LAMER
- isokadded on the 2006-01-01 13:59:16
account created on the 2006-01-01 13:58:36