melw information 880 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Matti
- last name: Palosuo
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: hplus by Halcyon
- cdc #2: x14 by orange
- cdc #3: fr-055: 828 by Farbrausch [web]
- cdc #4: fr-074: 02:20 by Farbrausch [web]
bbs posts 426 posts
- Antivirus false positives w/ packers (general)
- What was your first demo? (general)
- Interested in having a bar-meeting in Paris? (general)
- scene music stolen (music)
- scene music stolen (music)
- Your Software for musicproductions, GFX, Coding is ? (general)
- Vote system suggestion (general)
- Separated at birth: Sceners and their twins (residue)
- Opinion wanted on next MindCandy (general)
- Garfield vs. scene (residue)
- RIP Crest (general)
- fix me beautifull (general)
- How does one get started in this here "scene" (general)
- Now this Breakpoint shit is over, so come to Simulaatio (general)
- Breakpoint 2007 (general)
- awards 2006 thread (general)
- awards 2006 thread (general)
- Breakpoint 2007 (general)
- Demovibes - electronic grooves from the bigscreen (music)
- Statix strikes back! (general)
- How do you guys arrange for the time to do demos? (general)
- The 5th Annual Scene Awards (general)
- The Epic Voyage II - Demoscene Summer Tour 2008 (general)
- fr-055: 828: OFFICIAL FLAMETHREAD 2007 ! (general)
- a problem with v2 synth and renoise (general)
- what cheap gfx card? (general)
- Suggestion for a BBS not-quite-moderation system (general)
- Even playing Wii => still gamerlamer (general)
- Icons'07 - 16-18. February in Helsinki, Finland (parties)
- Nintendo DS / Demo or Intro projects in progress ? (general)
- The 5th Annual Scene Awards (general)
- The 5th Annual Scene Awards (general)
- The 5th Annual Scene Awards (general)
- what is this ? (general)
- PC demo hardware to sell/giveaway (general)
- XNA Game studio (general)
- ..and don't forget to come to inérciaDemoparty2006 (26sep-1oct) (general)
- function 2006 - budapest, hungary - october 6-8 (parties)
- why Kewlers stop the scene ? (residue)
- musicians : your gear ? (general)
- Pinball Dreaming = Dead? (general)
- Anaglyphic 3D GFX and 5.1 audio at Simulaatio 4 demoparty (general)
- Anaglyphic 3D GFX and 5.1 audio at Simulaatio 4 demoparty (general)
- sql optimize me beautiful (general)
- what is your average PC? (general)
- Recommendation of graphics card? (general)
- preselection sucks (general)
- awards 2006 (general)
- So what are the results? (general)
- What dead and burried group do you want to resurrect? (general)
account created on the 2000-07-18 16:08:15