Enter information 9 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Radoslaw
- last name: Rozkrut
- cracktro Amiga OCS/ECS Hacker 100% by Scoopex [web]
- Quote:
feel free to thumb down all of my other productions as well
Hahaha. With pleasure but for this you need to have some, but your don't malicious StinkyRay :-) - isokadded on the 2020-04-18 10:40:19
- cracktro Amiga OCS/ECS Golden Wing +4 by Flashtro [web]
- Quote:
I know, I am lame.
Good that You know! Cheers Stinky. - isokadded on the 2020-04-17 21:52:28
- cracktro Amiga OCS/ECS Hacker 100% by Scoopex [web]
- Stupidity and is your second name I see mr. Stinky Ray :-)
- isokadded on the 2020-04-17 21:20:19
- cracktro Amiga OCS/ECS Golden Wing +4 by Flashtro [web]
- Stealing code from someone? That's definitely not right. Thumb down for lame attitude.
- sucksadded on the 2020-04-17 18:50:57
- 64k Amiga AGA Breadbox by Appendix [web]
- Impolit and malicious creature, Mr. Stingray shows his mature position giving himself monopolly for judging productions? Your cractro is just ugly Mr. Scoopex coder? Exercise more. And try to be more polit.
- isokadded on the 2020-04-17 11:05:33
- cracktro Amiga OCS/ECS Hacker 100% by Scoopex [web]
- After several impolit and malicious comments from his side, mr. Stingray has in another malicious way commented and thumbed up my intro Breadbox.
Unfortunately for you mr. Stingray, my comment will not be different. I'm still hardly standing on my position and for me Hacker cractro is very simple - much too simple and even just ugly. Almost monochromatic and teribly green. Keep spirit and try more. Especially before you start in your malicious comments to teach somebody.
Cheers. - isokadded on the 2020-04-17 10:58:50
- demo Windows isolated, in sunlight by Traction [web] & Brainstorm [web]
- Ugly. Not solid at all and boring. Nothing good.
- sucksadded on the 2020-04-16 22:08:02
- cracktro Amiga OCS/ECS Hacker 100% by Scoopex [web]
- Ugly like a hell. Boring and low collors.
- sucksadded on the 2020-04-16 22:02:53
- 64k Amiga AGA Breadbox by Appendix [web]
- Quote:
The effects are also quite good but they feel a bit too 1999 sometimes. By the way, a bit of subdivision in the triangles of that bluish cube in the "Matrix" part would have diminished those ugly affine mapping artifacts that surely you can see with your coder/designer glasses on.
I was active Amiga coder between 1995-2000, therefore intro is "a bit too 1999". Now it is my "swan song" let say :-). Old bull men ;-). Inactive for very long time. - isokadded on the 2020-04-13 20:54:29
- 64k Amiga AGA Breadbox by Appendix [web]
- Quote:
don't see what's unfair
Put your glasses on your nose then. - isokadded on the 2020-04-13 19:32:04
account created on the 2020-04-13 19:13:55