Recursive FX
category: code [glöplog]
After using the GLSL sandbox to test functions, I got hooked and played with recursive effects. Just sharing the outcome of this tinkering.
Ah, Nineties how I missed you so. I quite like the first one:)
Recursion and feedback have achieved some of my favorite visual effects ever, first one seems quite nice.
@Preacher - Haha :)
The first one is indeed very nice to look at, nice one.
The first one is indeed very nice to look at, nice one.
coming up next: milkdrop
Yeah, the first one is sweet. :)
Great idea for the first one, love it, it's like galaxies or something :)
I did some feedback stuff in heroku back in the days too.
recursive rotator
burning sun
What I'd like in heroku would be some kind of account to save your own tests. So you can also click on another user and see their older works. It took me time to search back for my old stuff.
I did some feedback stuff in heroku back in the days too.
recursive rotator
burning sun
What I'd like in heroku would be some kind of account to save your own tests. So you can also click on another user and see their older works. It took me time to search back for my old stuff.
optimus: "Heroku" is the name of the hosting-service, the interactive webgl shader editor is called "GLSL sandbox".
Sorry, a friend used to call it heroku and I did so too :)
The first one seems strangely attractive.
The first one looks like an evil star collision. I like that.
oh yes, fbos and glcopyteximage2d
*hugs said functions*
*hugs said functions*