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Demoscene Screensavers

category: general [glöplog]
What examples are there of demoscene screensavers? I know rrrola has made atraktor and puls screensavers, and am also aware of http://glob.com.au/demosaver/
Demoscene effects are perfect for screensavers, to replace the boring visuals that you usually get. And imagine someone asking "Hey, that is a nice screensaver, where can I get it from." and discovering pouet..
added on the 2012-04-30 19:47:29 by FreeFull FreeFull
added on the 2012-04-30 19:48:34 by las las
Question is, if you know Demosaver, what else would you need? :)

Also, do screensavers still exist? I thought they became deprecated around '98(?) when monitors started being able to energy-save :)
added on the 2012-04-30 19:56:03 by Gargaj Gargaj
anybody reccommend a good one to use in Demosaver? or know how to run neonrain without
the choose resolution frontend?
btw my comp is crap so nothing to taxing for the gpu (384mb)
added on the 2015-10-09 02:03:21 by B1aSz B1aSz
Also, do screensavers still exist? I thought they became deprecated around '98(?) when monitors started being able to energy-save :)

Screensavers definitely still exist (and still ship enabled by default on most OSX and Linux distros I've seen.) They just have no useful purpose anymore beyond being entertaining to watch.

...much like demos.
added on the 2015-10-09 02:11:55 by jmph jmph
just went with electric sheep, but some suggestions would be nice though...
added on the 2015-10-09 08:02:46 by B1aSz B1aSz
Playing with Demosaver :)
BB Image
added on the 2015-10-09 08:46:06 by B1aSz B1aSz
by jmph:
Also, do screensavers still exist? I thought they became deprecated around '98(?) when monitors started being able to energy-save :)

Screensavers definitely still exist (and still ship enabled by default on most OSX and Linux distros I've seen.) They just have no useful purpose anymore beyond being entertaining to watch.

...much like demos.
Yeah but even though my Mac laptop has one I enabled the keychain icon in the top right tray area and lock the screen from there so I never see it. You have to basically let the computer go idle by itself, and I'm not leaving it open when I stand up for a bit...

Same goes for PC at work (I lock it I get up from my desk), and home PC I turn off the display or it power saves.

Nice idea? In theory. Practical anymore? Nah, not really.
Actually I'm not even sure what the screensavers for both those PCs are, since I never see them. Probably both set to the crappy default ones that come with Windows. My only Linux box is a server. Who needs a screensaver for a CLI? :P (Plus even the shitty old LCD attached to it power saves.)

An operating system usually comes with an engine for screen savers, as others already mentioned.

I did see some cool OpenGL based examples for Mac here and there ... have a look at repositories like for example http://www.macupdate.com/

This link here may be of your interest:
added on the 2015-10-09 20:46:57 by AlienTech AlienTech
I'm still working on Plane9 every now and then. Can be run as a screensaver that reacts to the music and it has Oculus rift support.
added on the 2015-10-09 21:50:59 by Xetick Xetick
Use a Screenraver instead
added on the 2015-10-09 23:44:18 by T$ T$
I still use screen savers, but the pretty ones.
added on the 2015-10-10 16:28:28 by AntDude AntDude
3D Morph?
added on the 2015-10-10 16:49:01 by g0blinish g0blinish
...much like demos.

what??? demos don't serve a higher purpose?
screensavers are sooo 1990s... and so is the demoscene!
added on the 2015-10-10 17:01:08 by el mal el mal
90s ruled. :P
added on the 2015-10-17 18:33:19 by AntDude AntDude
added on the 2015-10-17 19:43:56 by v3nom v3nom
Damn, that was dumb...one shouldn't try to copy paste links on a smartphones display..
added on the 2015-10-18 00:32:33 by v3nom v3nom
I just posted this: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=66771
I actually still have rrrola's puls as "screensaver"
added on the 2016-01-02 16:59:21 by Serpent Serpent


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