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Any demos written in FORTH?

category: general [glöplog]
Just what the topic says... I'm looking for demos written in the FORTH language.
added on the 2003-09-08 00:01:53 by legalize legalize
FORTH is a language that is about midway between assembler and C. I would think that it would make a good environment for 4K, 16K and 64K demos. If you do it right, FORTH can have a -very- small footprint for the basic environment (<1K for a small dictionary is very doable).
added on the 2003-09-08 18:12:10 by legalize legalize
legalize, why go for an exotic language when you can do it in plain c? (i.e. it's possible to make small code with c and visual studio).
I think it's simply for the fun of it. FORTH is mainly used in astronomy and personal use. If no-one has ever done it before he could be the first...I would personally prefer assembly language. It's easier to understand than FORTH. :-)
added on the 2003-09-09 06:06:25 by Corvus Corvus
FORTH seems to be rather confusing yeah. For example, it uses postfix notation which is rather disturbing.

5 50 + = 55 for example.. argh.. A bit like assembly though.
added on the 2003-09-09 08:32:53 by loaderror loaderror
and operations seem to be stack based as well.. try to figure out what this piece of code does
Code: FLOOR5 DUP 5 < IF DROP 5 ELSE 1 - THEN ;

added on the 2003-09-09 08:34:33 by loaderror loaderror
There was a guy in Poland who was writing games for 8bit atari in forth.
added on the 2003-09-09 12:48:39 by Dzozef Dzozef
FORTH is used in astronomy? Oh crud, I bet Dr. Evil is going to expect us to know it...
added on the 2003-09-09 15:43:18 by crusader crusader
Not only in astronomy. Microcontrollers also. But really, you'll find more demos written in brainfuck than in fo(u)rth or fortran, Lisp, Prolog and Visual Basic. ;)
added on the 2003-09-09 17:29:59 by tomaes tomaes
FORTH was created for microcontroller type environments where resources like RAM and ROM space were extremely limited. Personally I like developing code in an interactive environment and FORTH is interactive, even in extremely tiny computing spaces. This would seem to be a win for a 4K demo, where you'd usually write it in assembly, but would lose out on being able to interactively develop the code.
added on the 2003-09-09 18:13:11 by legalize legalize
maybe i'd code in Common Lisp if the 40M runtime was allowed ;)

(same nice feature of being able to interactively compile code)
added on the 2003-09-09 19:42:24 by _-_-__ _-_-__
knos: I know people who prototype in Common LISP (motto: it's -all- in there!) and then take the debugged algorithms and port to another language.
added on the 2003-09-09 21:50:02 by legalize legalize
I was just considering doing that.. just got to hook up CMUCL to my main loop
added on the 2003-09-09 21:52:31 by _-_-__ _-_-__


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