Stuff you must code before you die
category: general [glöplog]
I always thought it would be cool to code ultra-lo-res demo effects on some of those pharmacy LED grids.
The logic for robots that will take over the world.
my final falcon demo, falcon emulator, and a SPH model that doesn't behave like rubber balls
start with the emu please
"goodbye world" program
i have one thing i need to code before i die...
it's the demo by speedfisters... the demo that will kill all other demos.
im talking about the ultimate demo
im talking about the demo called:
"7 years"
it's the demo by speedfisters... the demo that will kill all other demos.
im talking about the ultimate demo
im talking about the demo called:
"7 years"
Software emulating
* Björnes magasin
* a black hole
* Riksväg 50
* Skärblacka
* Björnes magasin
* a black hole
* Riksväg 50
* Skärblacka
SYS 64738
Either a Wolfenstein or fully fledged Resident Evil franchise game, I can die in peace then
Damn, this is a good concept for a thread.
a very small program, an intro, a demo, a tool and a game. oops! all done! :-D
OMG The Sins
A one-man-army MusicDisk.
Oh noes ;)
one of these days i hope to write a demo for the computer of my childhood, the Enterprise 128
For me it's a trackloader, I reckon.
A virtual version of E-Werk, complete with tunnel, Bigscreen, rave and multiplayer support!
Good procedural bass, basskicks, snares, instruments.
Real 3D spheremarching engine with SDF or similar.
3D IFS for forests, trees and fake man made structures.
All that in <=256b of course ;)
Intro for Z9001 (or z80, cpc, kc 85/x), maybe >=256b
Real 3D spheremarching engine with SDF or similar.
3D IFS for forests, trees and fake man made structures.
All that in <=256b of course ;)
Intro for Z9001 (or z80, cpc, kc 85/x), maybe >=256b
a Piano Roll sequencer (+editor) to go along with my Tracker. [x] check !

My current list:
- An actual complete game (not unfinished ludum dare thing) that's good enough I'd enjoy playing myself, either on CPC or modern PC. (all those years doing little demos, but not a single game)
- A Doom style game/engine on modern PC (or 3DO).
- Finish wolfenstein 3D CPC based game (could qualify for previous thing, if it doesn't play badly)
- Various little CPC demo effects never done, one demo with realtime 3D polygon objects (and expand from flat to gouraud/textured/etc), besides precalced animations, never seen it in realtime on CPC since Face Hugger Megademo (1992).
- An actual complete game (not unfinished ludum dare thing) that's good enough I'd enjoy playing myself, either on CPC or modern PC. (all those years doing little demos, but not a single game)
- A Doom style game/engine on modern PC (or 3DO).
- Finish wolfenstein 3D CPC based game (could qualify for previous thing, if it doesn't play badly)
- Various little CPC demo effects never done, one demo with realtime 3D polygon objects (and expand from flat to gouraud/textured/etc), besides precalced animations, never seen it in realtime on CPC since Face Hugger Megademo (1992).