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30 second demo - know of any?

category: general [glöplog]
Hey all... I've been roped into doing the English Speaking Award, and I thought, hell, why not do my topic on the demoscene, give it some press... However, what I'd like to do it slap a demo in. I've been advised to keep the demo down to 20 seconds or less... Yeah right! Anyone know of any intros/demos that are between 30 seconds/1 minute worth mentioning? Size ain't important, but the "cool" factor is a must - these people really do bum English, so it's a hard task!

Yeah, so any suggestions?
added on the 2002-12-11 21:46:48 by dotwaffle dotwaffle
maybe you could ask someone[s] (or a group) to create a 30 seconds presentation for you...?
added on the 2002-12-12 00:08:24 by sofokles sofokles
It's not an hard task, speaking about code and design.
I think the hard job is for the musician, that, in fact, have to be a "jingler".
added on the 2002-12-12 01:56:03 by pan pan
Why not buy demoDVD, capture some of the demos (for your own personal use), bring them into Premiere or Edit* and edit up your own 30 second 'best of' demo? :)
added on the 2002-12-12 04:33:25 by DW DW
waffle, show a crackintro! =)

or give everyone some greens , hehe, and show you know wich intro=)
Tume by Mass is 7 seconds IIRC.
added on the 2002-12-12 09:55:14 by noid noid
98 seconds by calodox is cool, but guess the length? :-)
added on the 2002-12-13 12:09:58 by mempheria mempheria
Power by Elmü
a piece of crap, but is around 23 seconds, if you don't count the "and now enjoy the music" part...
added on the 2002-12-13 12:15:34 by FooLman FooLman
project:2501 by teklords is my first released demo and about 33 seconds long :) (~3 seconds intro and exactly 30 seconds rest).

i should maybe do a remix of that and re-release it (don't think the normal version runs on current machines anymore)
added on the 2002-12-13 15:10:15 by ryg ryg
well, all those elitegroup teaser demos are pretty short.

And most of my demos are not much longer than 90 seconds either. ;)
added on the 2002-12-13 15:19:06 by tomaes tomaes
"Why not buy demoDVD, capture some of the demos" -- Or, just grab the featurette/trailer at ftp.demodvd.org and use that, it's 1 minute long and the last 30 seconds are all clips from demos.
added on the 2002-12-14 04:25:59 by trixter trixter
why not just take a 30sec fragment of something?
added on the 2002-12-14 14:35:40 by skrebbel skrebbel
Noice has a demo called "30 sek demo" :-)
added on the 2002-12-14 23:43:25 by Sesse Sesse
heavy 30sec demos could easily start being bigger in size than a mpeg of them. would be very stupid and everything.
added on the 2002-12-16 15:49:07 by droid droid
i think coma had one very short and very nice demo. can't remember name
added on the 2002-12-16 19:45:45 by astu astu
make sure you get some demo that doesn't contain lots and lots of spelling errors and/or lame scenepoetry
added on the 2002-12-17 12:53:06 by violator violator
all elitegroup trailers are about 30 seconds.
added on the 2003-01-02 13:08:25 by chaos chaos
Kunto by Loonies
a´94 style A500 demo nicely rounded off in 45 secs.
added on the 2003-01-02 19:55:19 by Psycho Psycho


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