Why the football worldcup interested you so much?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
I love a bit o footy, tennis is only good for looking at the women.
since the headline is written in past tense, this thread is (at the moment) basically for the english, french and italian demosceners... :D
...except those that are still interested, despite their team dropping out...
goddamn people, do you never check dates of posts? :)
Go Brazil Go!
What world cup
The only thing that interested me about the 22 guys and the leather testicles...is the vusvuela debacle.
Why did it interest me? I can look at my screen here at work, and write some boring php database stuff. Or I can look the other way and watch brazil beat netherlands on the tv. Easy choice :D
Actually ... it doesn't. I just enjoy the games and return to "real life mode" when they're over.
...or i can watch netherlands beat brazil on the tv :D
I can't understand how people can know the names of so many players and recognize them on a tiny screen. I can't even see if some are black or white!
It didn't.
psonice: wait till holland beats PHP!
Wait? They beat PHP this afternoon ;)
ah true :D
no that was lua

Germany's forth goal and celebration, the best moment in this match:
pffffft germany, just as crap as urugay
it doesnt. NEXT QUESTION.
what qmotvs said..
EPIC BATTLE: Germany vs. Holland
World Offside Compo 2010!
im forced to watch football because i cant watch the RIT.