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skull and bones

category: general [glöplog]

Please save these documents and put them online. For world safety. Thanks
added on the 2006-07-03 21:39:36 by ep ep
In Austria we also have students organisations, and some of the leading politicians first met there. This is nothing special.
added on the 2006-07-03 21:44:26 by Adok Adok
What is special with skull and bones is what they do to the world. Have a good read: it's long because this is world history. And yes all important people meet in important schools. But read on and let's get a discussion about this web site which have been erased !!! So keep copies.
added on the 2006-07-03 21:48:19 by ep ep
Oh those conspiracy theories. I've read too much of them but still can't decide who rules the world. Who cares anyways? ;P
added on the 2006-07-04 13:40:51 by Optimus Optimus
Optimus: Better get coding ;)
added on the 2006-07-04 15:38:10 by Adok Adok
Please save these documents and put them online. For world safety. Thanks
They're already on archive.org. I don't see any reason why they'd vanish from there?
added on the 2006-07-04 19:17:40 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
For great justice.
added on the 2006-07-04 21:52:08 by kelsey kelsey
BB Image
added on the 2006-07-04 22:04:25 by el mal el mal
that's the first time in years since maali's [img]s made sense.
added on the 2006-07-04 23:52:46 by skrebbel skrebbel
skull & bones is a joke
max & power is the thing!
added on the 2006-07-04 23:56:58 by nosfe nosfe
max & power rule.
scene rules the world!
added on the 2006-07-05 09:38:03 by decipher decipher
Scene won't rule anything. We don't even have a secret handshake. And you all know secret societies are nothing without a secret handshake!
added on the 2006-07-05 10:12:12 by teel teel
no, Sam & Max rule
added on the 2006-07-05 10:50:34 by Axel Axel
shit then we must invent a secret handshake!
added on the 2006-07-05 11:17:57 by decipher decipher
how about hete dans actie?
"Je voudrais le l'eau si vous plait"
added on the 2006-07-05 12:59:47 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
added on the 2006-07-05 13:14:06 by el mal el mal
someone please come up with "The Official Scene Handshake", so we can license it to everybody and make zillions of dollars.
added on the 2006-07-05 13:36:16 by Axel Axel
someone please come up with "The Official Scene Handshake", so we can license it to everybody and make zillions of dollars.
added on the 2006-07-05 16:24:54 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01


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