how to improve my english ?
category: general [glöplog]
Hi everybody!
As you've all noticed, my English isn't as good as yours.
So why not speak your mind?
please post here, every grammar or spelling mistakes you've seen in my posts / articles with right correction added.
I promised you to correct my spelling and expression once I'll be aware of my mistakes.
Thank you very much.
As you've all noticed, my English isn't as good as yours.
So why not speak your mind?
please post here, every grammar or spelling mistakes you've seen in my posts / articles with right correction added.
I promised you to correct my spelling and expression once I'll be aware of my mistakes.
Thank you very much.
Well, first of all, you don't speak your mind.
You tell what's on your mind, or you tell your thoughts about something.
You tell what's on your mind, or you tell your thoughts about something.
zoom: Ok, I've taken the dictionnary to find the expression to say "lachez-vous". So you say me the best english-french dictionnary worth nothing? Ok, I take note:
1st lesson: dictionnary are useless.
What else?
Thanks for support.
1st lesson: dictionnary are useless.
What else?
Thanks for support.
Dictionaries are only useful if you know how to use them. Or maybe your dictionary sucks after all if you spell "dictionary" 3 times wrong in a sentence...
Isn't "speak your mind" almost correct too. Means like "state your opinion" or something like that. Or am I completely off here. At least I think I've seen that before.
darn, he's still alive...
I just read an article from you and
Teel: Yes, "speak your mind" is a perfectly acceptable phrase, so Zoom's comment is invalid.
yes, speak your mind is right, tell what's on your mind, or you tell your thoughts about something is eurotrash ... sagacity is right
see you all in my very own "how to improve my english ?" thread ;)
shut up, and listen.

megadelux: go and find some decent clothes for the rest of this topic please! :)
So I was right.
Now please would you like to come back to the general purpose of this topic?
So where my english can be largely improved in its grammar and when it comes to the spellings?
I've noticed: dictionnary is worng spelling, dictionary is the right spelling, mind updated.
Thanks for support.
So I was right.
Now please would you like to come back to the general purpose of this topic?
So where my english can be largely improved in its grammar and when it comes to the spellings?
I've noticed: dictionnary is worng spelling, dictionary is the right spelling, mind updated.
Thanks for support.
i'd recommend english movies & television, as well as talking to english-speaking people.
dont feed the troll
reddor: thanks for the advice, I'm in London / UK since 6 monthed now and as I'm a bear I don't speak so much but my english have evolved and is better. I lack vocabulary but impossible to learn some. I spend my time in the dictionary while reading pouet posts and I use also to understand sceners.
As a DVD player owner, I've rent lots of DVD. I don't understand anything while actors speaks, and I understand 95% of the dialogues when I use subtitling!
If you find any redundant bad spelling or any grammar problem, thanks again to report it.
This thread can be great for a lots of sceners.
As a DVD player owner, I've rent lots of DVD. I don't understand anything while actors speaks, and I understand 95% of the dialogues when I use subtitling!
If you find any redundant bad spelling or any grammar problem, thanks again to report it.
This thread can be great for a lots of sceners.
nothing beats a pillow dictionary.
so ep your 5 girlfriends are either virtual or dumb.
so ep your 5 girlfriends are either virtual or dumb.
Zest: My girlfriends are in France and hopefully: I don't want to loose them while I'm in UK.
I'll see them on next chrismas.
See the other thread to get more info.
English grammar / spelling mistakes?
Please improve our english.
I'll see them on next chrismas.
See the other thread to get more info.
English grammar / spelling mistakes?
Please improve our english.