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category: general [glöplog]

omfg // and whats the point? // EKKTOR

added on the 2005-04-18 10:43:47 by raver raver
God, I hope he does use drugs, and the right ones too, to boot.
added on the 2005-04-18 14:25:11 by Shifter Shifter
added on the 2005-04-19 15:33:34 by paniq paniq
added on the 2005-04-19 19:44:43 by dodke dodke
Ok I just want to say on the Heroin bit:

Lost folks to that already, which sucks hard because first you lose them and then they leave for good, after coming crawling back several times that they're gonna quit.


If you're gonna ride, don't ride the white horse.
If you're gonna ride, ride the white pony.
Slurpees are my drug of choice.

And demos.
Drugs are bad, but they won't mess you up the way beer will. Beer is worse, you know. It's much more subtle, but in the end just as addictive, and it'll only kill you after it's slowly been destroying your brain for years. God, I love beer.
added on the 2005-04-20 09:22:23 by doom doom
Actually alcohol doesn't destroy your brains. It just blocks some synapses when used heavily, and when you quit, you will recover slowly.

I'm not saying it's better than any other drug though.
added on the 2005-04-20 12:53:07 by teel teel
All drugs are indeed bad for you. Then again, pretty much everything is bad for in high quantities. Problem with drugs is that its hard to keep control over those quantities, more so for some than others. And I've lost a couple of friends to heroin too.. although i'm a lot more sorry for them than for me, they've had seriously shit lives.

I have a problem though... i have a bottle of white horse at home, and no white pony.
added on the 2005-04-20 17:49:49 by psonice psonice


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