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ceasefire wont load

category: general [glöplog]
I knew it. /me gets his coat
added on the 2024-07-17 17:24:24 by leGend leGend
Make sure to run it with Geforce instead of UHD? How much ram do you have in RTX4050? 8GB? Should be enough I think.

haha, literally the first reply
added on the 2024-07-17 18:03:02 by okkie okkie
this one probably predates those hacky things added to the exe (NvOptimusEnablement etc) to persuade the nvidia gpu to kick in.

Maybe the coder of Ceasefire should stop slacking, because they're clearly not competent

sources are lost, i tell you. lost!
added on the 2024-07-17 18:50:36 by smash smash
same usb stick?
If you are going to run win32 demos from that era make sure to install the corresponding vc++ redist from here and direct x 9.0 from here. If you have the intel uhd + nvidia combo always run the demo exe using the nvidia card which will compile the shaders correctly. Usually it's the way the shaders are interpreted by the driver / hardware that breaks the demo and not that there is an error on the demo itself. I have been running a great majority of win32 demos from early 00s to mid 10s on various hardware over the years and it is only recently that they have started to appear broken or fail to run due to new hardware. Good luck! :)
added on the 2024-07-20 22:39:00 by Defiance Defiance


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