Deadline 2023 | 29.9. - 01.10. | Berlin, Germany
category: general [glöplog]
Ah, one more update to the 256byte & oldschool competition rules:
* next to DOSBox 0.74 and DOSBox-X we will also provide DOSBox Staging - just let us know upon submission, which one we should use
* next to DOSBox 0.74 and DOSBox-X we will also provide DOSBox Staging - just let us know upon submission, which one we should use
More news!
No smoking inside anymore
We got some feedback about the smoking situation from you over the last years and hear you! So we talked with the ORWOpeople and smoking inside won't be allowed anymore (it wasn't allowed in the main hall anyways, but in the bar area - now it won't be allowed at all inside)
We will put an outside tent so nobody needs to stand in the rain.
No smoking inside anymore
We got some feedback about the smoking situation from you over the last years and hear you! So we talked with the ORWOpeople and smoking inside won't be allowed anymore (it wasn't allowed in the main hall anyways, but in the bar area - now it won't be allowed at all inside)
We will put an outside tent so nobody needs to stand in the rain.
*and we heard you
Well that fuckin’ sucks major balls. Being able to sit at the bar and smoke was one of the best features of deadline.
Speaking of outdoors, the outdoor area got a significant upgrade:

The Deadline is approaching!
A bit less than 4 weeks left! Remember to plan and book your trip :)
Are you working on your releases already? Remote entries are welcomed in all compos!
The partymeister online party system will be ready in the next days, looking forward to your entries!
Well that fuckin’ sucks major balls. Being able to sit at the bar and smoke was one of the best features of deadline.
Well that's arguable. When having asthma, the smoking inside has been quite unenjoyable. Maybe it's not that bad after all? The outside area looks pretty nice too, smoking or not!

The party system is online!
Remote entries are welcomed in all compos! Upload them here:
Some more news!
Invitation demo released
Cheers to slay bells and farbrausch for the wonderful invitation, which won the Nordlicht demo compo. Check it out:

brvtl by slaybells & farbrausch
First Seminar confirmed: Live 3D Modeling in VR with Oni
In this Workshop I would like to demonstrate how VR can be used to create 3D models. there are a few types of software that tackle how you create 3D models in VR differently, but I will be using the program Gravity Sketch and focus on that workflow. I will try and create a concept from start to finish and will be talking about the positives and negatives of using VR to create 3D models. While I work feel free to ask me anything that comes to mind and lets have a good time!
update on 4k exe graphics rules:
* maximum pre-calc time is 60 seconds. Bring it on!
Invitation demo released
Cheers to slay bells and farbrausch for the wonderful invitation, which won the Nordlicht demo compo. Check it out:

brvtl by slaybells & farbrausch
First Seminar confirmed: Live 3D Modeling in VR with Oni
In this Workshop I would like to demonstrate how VR can be used to create 3D models. there are a few types of software that tackle how you create 3D models in VR differently, but I will be using the program Gravity Sketch and focus on that workflow. I will try and create a concept from start to finish and will be talking about the positives and negatives of using VR to create 3D models. While I work feel free to ask me anything that comes to mind and lets have a good time!
update on 4k exe graphics rules:
* maximum pre-calc time is 60 seconds. Bring it on!

More acts confirmed | first version of the timetable online!
We want you to dance! Therefore we convinced some of the nicest acts the demoscene has to offer to play for you! Check out our lineup and the preliminary timetable on our events page!

Less than one week left! Are you as excited as we are?
We are so looking forward to partying with you, and of course to presenting your releases on the big screen. Also this year our trophies will be something special - something very concrete to honour the best entries! 😉
Remote entries are welcome in all compos, and in case you will we will try to get them to you (eg. by bringing them to Revision)
In the meantime, check out all competition details on our website!
In other news:
* Timetable near final
* Pixtur will run a new competition: the Patch Battle! More info on this mini-site. (final time TBA)
we're pleased to announce our Saturday seminar:

Live 3D Modeling in VR with Oni

Live 3D Modeling in VR with Oni
In this Workshop I would like to demonstrate how VR can be used to create 3D models. there are a few types of software that tackle how you create 3D models in VR differently, but I will be using the program Gravity Sketch and focus on that workflow. I will try and create a concept from start to finish and will be talking about the positives and negatives of using VR to create 3D models. While I work feel free to ask me anything that comes to mind and lets have a good time!
The pre-sale is over, but DON’T PANIC! You can buy your ticket at the party place, no problem!
Just come around and get your ticket at the infodesk! See you at the party!
Just come around and get your ticket at the infodesk! See you at the party!
We will kick our asses out of comfort zone and host Find out and join if you like :D
Crap Box 22 is in the mail now, and a few disks will be handed out at Deadline. Get your copy with an exclusive release!
YES, we stream!
Big shoutout to SceneCity for taking care of our streaming needs and making sure that Deadline can be enjoyed by everyone!
Big shoutout to SceneCity for taking care of our streaming needs and making sure that Deadline can be enjoyed by everyone!
Yep. You can watch the livestream and join the party chat at SceneCity:
If you would like to have the chat in another window or on a different device, you can join here:
Native apps for the chat are available for lots of platforms and devices:
If you would like to have the chat in another window or on a different device, you can join here:
Native apps for the chat are available for lots of platforms and devices:
My favorite deadline so far!
Thanks a lot for organizing and setting this up! ❤️
Thanks a lot for organizing and setting this up! ❤️
Thanks for providing the stream, the compos were really nice. Hope to be present next year!
Thanks for the party guys, really enjoyed it. Best Deadline to date IMO. My favorite at least, for sure. Really good mood, serious effort done mostly right from the orga team, respect. Great releases as well.
Was it perfect? No, but close. :) Was it full of heart? Absolutely. Mog would be proud of it and proud of y'all.
Already looking forward to the 10th Deadline next year!
Was it perfect? No, but close. :) Was it full of heart? Absolutely. Mog would be proud of it and proud of y'all.
Already looking forward to the 10th Deadline next year!
If you want to see what the party looked like from an organizer's perspective, you may now consult your friendly TRBL same-day party photo delivery service.
Thank you for the great party again! It was so good to see you all <3
This year I had bad luck with my mobility aids. My power assisting thingy (Smoov One) stopped working on Thursday (and it's till not working and apparently there is nothing I can do about it). Firday morning attachement of the wheelchair waist strap gave in. Luckily we got it fixed at the party place. I'm just so lucky that people tend to have things like soldering irons at demo parties. :D Thank you Topy and Messy for helping me fixing thet! I think this was like a second time you guys helped me to fix my wheelchair at Deadline, let's try not to make this a tradition! :D
Huge thanks for all the people who helped me getting around the venue and back to the hotel both nights. That means a world to me. I was in a full panic mode on Thursday night when the smoov stopped working. I had no idea how to manage thigns. And I still have lot of things to solve (like how to get to the airport alive on Tuesday and how to manage my daily live when I'm back home), but I'll figure that out. :)
And thank you KeyJ and rest of the compo team for all the help and patience. <3
This year I had bad luck with my mobility aids. My power assisting thingy (Smoov One) stopped working on Thursday (and it's till not working and apparently there is nothing I can do about it). Firday morning attachement of the wheelchair waist strap gave in. Luckily we got it fixed at the party place. I'm just so lucky that people tend to have things like soldering irons at demo parties. :D Thank you Topy and Messy for helping me fixing thet! I think this was like a second time you guys helped me to fix my wheelchair at Deadline, let's try not to make this a tradition! :D
Huge thanks for all the people who helped me getting around the venue and back to the hotel both nights. That means a world to me. I was in a full panic mode on Thursday night when the smoov stopped working. I had no idea how to manage thigns. And I still have lot of things to solve (like how to get to the airport alive on Tuesday and how to manage my daily live when I'm back home), but I'll figure that out. :)
And thank you KeyJ and rest of the compo team for all the help and patience. <3
For those who wish to keep melting their brains with the jingles: :)