RIP Florian Schneider (Kraftwerk)
category: offtopic [glöplog]
I was saddened to read this news towards the end of yesterday evening.
May he rest in peace. I am of the impression that his work, alongside other cofounders of Kraftwerk, was an influence on our scene and certainly amongst the musicians here.
Autobahn was certainly a great hit album for them; I am sure this was also an influence too, as well as their later works from over the years.
Hopefully you will have some thoughts ......
May he rest in peace. I am of the impression that his work, alongside other cofounders of Kraftwerk, was an influence on our scene and certainly amongst the musicians here.
Autobahn was certainly a great hit album for them; I am sure this was also an influence too, as well as their later works from over the years.
Hopefully you will have some thoughts ......
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No offence buddy, but if you enjoy writing (belated) eulogies so much, may I suggest you do it for the local newspaper and not Pouet? Apart from sceners that sadly befall us, there's little value for it here.
what Maali said
pot, two kettles.
May his work be remembered for centuries by humans and robots.
RIP kitchen appliances, apparently
Erstens, wenn man niemals in Düsseldorf beim Klingklang Studio war, ist man kein echter Kraftwerk-Fan, nur ein Mitläufer. Zweitens, der Tod von Florian ist tragisch, und er bringt vielleicht nochmal die uns als bahnbrechend mitgeteilte Geschichte von Kraftwerk in Erinnerung. Drittens sollte man die Unauthorisierte Kraftwerk Biografie gelesen haben. Ich erhielt meine "Computerwelt" mit 6 Jahren. Schönes Vinyl, nach wie vor im Besitz. Hoffen wir, dass Ralf Hütter vielleicht den Mantel des Geheimnisses endlich lüftet und ein paar Demos raushaut, bevor auch er vom Zahn der Zeit zernagt wird. Wenn er doch nur etwas weniger Energie auf diesen total sinnlosen Streit mit Moses P. investieren würde.
every musician in demoscene has been influenced by work of Florian Schneider, regardless of if they themselves acknowledge it.
Post a demo about it
here is one