Finnish Amiga Party 2015
category: parties [glöplog]
I could not find a thread so I started it.
I could not find a thread so I started it.
yay! Let's all fap!
Yay indeed!
Currently there are 21 FAPpers registered to FAP! Register now!
the excitement rises, will this website change it's state during the party? Only one way to find out!
Lienee aika koodata dweezilin efe päissän? :D
urs: is there a betting pool?
urs: is there a betting pool?
We could start one... but first we'd have to find somebody to bet *in favour*. :)
"ITS READY" said the Swedish Robot
5 scenepoints on truck!
Gargaj, if there was, I could imagine insider information being a significant problem.
how much are people willing to pay for b etting tips?`
SEGA Outrunners tournament
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1st. zov
2nd. jupp3
3rd. nosfe
Protracker module
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1st. Age of Tantrum by Yolk / CNCD (30 pts)
2nd. Stamps Back by Jugi (25 pts)
3rd. Turjake by Teel / Accession (24 pts)
4th. Jotain 2 by jaffa (18 pts)
5th. Hello Kitty the Goddess of All Flesh ... by Sosumi/iso (13 pts)
7th. protracker on iha paska by zov (10 pts)
8th. mod.assault of cacophony by LIV / Dreamweb (8 pts)
9th. Rules.mod by Lobotomy (-1 pts)
Irem Bomberman World tournament
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1st. oasiz
Hippoplayer Music
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1st. Ninja-Joe by Esko Mursu / Ninja Gefilus (13 pts)
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1st. Dragon by Felor (31 pts)
2nd. Mandalowl by Sanni (27 pts)
3rd. Quick3d by Hackers (16 pts)
4th. Bubba42 by ccr/TNSP (13 pts)
5th. Sunrace by Hackers (11 pts)
6th. satan hates nosfe by rehanna (9 pts)
7th. Bröstmjölk by Bobi W / FST (4 pts)
8th. Porsso by Moo (2 pts)
Deluxe Paint or Raytraced Animation
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1st. DoS Invitation by Jupp3 & Axcu / Monolith Res... (38 pts)
2nd. hello.jpg.anim by Outsourced Animation Works (24 pts)
Coolest Amiga
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1st. cd32 by jupp3 (31 pts)
2nd. Bare by Jope (18 pts)
3rd. Toimii toistaiseksi vain vanhoilla ko... by Moo (11 pts)
Bootblock intro
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1st. Swirl by Loonies & Darklite (45 pts)
2nd. Ear Tear by Joga (23 pts)
3rd. BootPossession by visy (16 pts)
Amiga demo
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1st. AMIGAはゲイのたわごとコンピュータです by Hackers Japan Co., Ltd. (30 pts)
2nd. Hello Amiga! by Mercury (28 pts)
3rd. The End by Jumalauta (23 pts)
4th. Choose Future by Dragon Magic (21 pts)
5th. Kansainvalta by ISO (16 pts)
6th. Megademo 2015 by Finnish Amiga Group (7 pts)
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1st. Woodstock 1969 by El Visio (27 pts)
2nd. Quinceañera fisting by hmn/Jumalauta (18 pts)
3rd. iso loves isis by evoluutioterroristi (14 pts)
Amiga ANSI
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1st. RIP Damoens by Hoboman (19 pts)
2nd. Poison by Myy (16 pts)
3rd. dominating the scene by evioluutioterroristi/iSO (10 pts)
Amiga 40k intro
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1st. Twice by Dekadence (46 pts)
2nd. Compofiller by Kakka of Damones (19 pts)
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1st. zov
2nd. jupp3
3rd. nosfe
Protracker module
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1st. Age of Tantrum by Yolk / CNCD (30 pts)
2nd. Stamps Back by Jugi (25 pts)
3rd. Turjake by Teel / Accession (24 pts)
4th. Jotain 2 by jaffa (18 pts)
5th. Hello Kitty the Goddess of All Flesh ... by Sosumi/iso (13 pts)
7th. protracker on iha paska by zov (10 pts)
8th. mod.assault of cacophony by LIV / Dreamweb (8 pts)
9th. Rules.mod by Lobotomy (-1 pts)
Irem Bomberman World tournament
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1st. oasiz
Hippoplayer Music
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1st. Ninja-Joe by Esko Mursu / Ninja Gefilus (13 pts)
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1st. Dragon by Felor (31 pts)
2nd. Mandalowl by Sanni (27 pts)
3rd. Quick3d by Hackers (16 pts)
4th. Bubba42 by ccr/TNSP (13 pts)
5th. Sunrace by Hackers (11 pts)
6th. satan hates nosfe by rehanna (9 pts)
7th. Bröstmjölk by Bobi W / FST (4 pts)
8th. Porsso by Moo (2 pts)
Deluxe Paint or Raytraced Animation
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1st. DoS Invitation by Jupp3 & Axcu / Monolith Res... (38 pts)
2nd. hello.jpg.anim by Outsourced Animation Works (24 pts)
Coolest Amiga
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1st. cd32 by jupp3 (31 pts)
2nd. Bare by Jope (18 pts)
3rd. Toimii toistaiseksi vain vanhoilla ko... by Moo (11 pts)
Bootblock intro
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1st. Swirl by Loonies & Darklite (45 pts)
2nd. Ear Tear by Joga (23 pts)
3rd. BootPossession by visy (16 pts)
Amiga demo
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1st. AMIGAはゲイのたわごとコンピュータです by Hackers Japan Co., Ltd. (30 pts)
2nd. Hello Amiga! by Mercury (28 pts)
3rd. The End by Jumalauta (23 pts)
4th. Choose Future by Dragon Magic (21 pts)
5th. Kansainvalta by ISO (16 pts)
6th. Megademo 2015 by Finnish Amiga Group (7 pts)
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1st. Woodstock 1969 by El Visio (27 pts)
2nd. Quinceañera fisting by hmn/Jumalauta (18 pts)
3rd. iso loves isis by evoluutioterroristi (14 pts)
Amiga ANSI
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1st. RIP Damoens by Hoboman (19 pts)
2nd. Poison by Myy (16 pts)
3rd. dominating the scene by evioluutioterroristi/iSO (10 pts)
Amiga 40k intro
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1st. Twice by Dekadence (46 pts)
2nd. Compofiller by Kakka of Damones (19 pts)
thank's all the visitors and remote entry submitters, you made FAP worth to organize.
Yes! Thanks everybody for coming and making entries, both local and remote. It's the reason we put the effort in. Maybe I'll get c2p working next time x) - see you later!
I haven't seen the entries, but I wonder if the audience understood what “AMIGAはゲイのたわごとコンピュータです” means.
great party, thanks to organizers :)
Livestream had best live commentary EVAH!
kiitos ja anteeksi
kiitos ja anteeksi