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Best of the scene

category: general [glöplog]
Yes, Rob is Jarig, but think about Navis, Chaos, Keops etc...
Chaos...and ryg. ryg. yes, ryg. Chaos is the best.
He did some nice ST screens and amiga ones.

Sorry ryg, as a good coder u are, please stop that attitude that can own all, coding or desingn side.

And ryg, next "party winner" demo which consist of old FR engine is good?

But yes, its sad that ppl vote those kind of demos.

Is there any chanse to get Chaos back in action to make 2nd engine and after that to take money like assembly 2006?

FR fears that greece will own...sad.

as for FLT, they owns, but X2, nothing else.

added on the 2006-07-16 17:22:46 by moredhel moredhel
can you say something about != please, I'm curious.
added on the 2006-07-16 17:24:40 by _-_-__ _-_-__
The only chaos that i can see right now is somewhere deep in your brain. Listen Dream Theater - Finally Free. It helps a lot really...
added on the 2006-07-16 17:27:59 by decipher decipher
"And then came a shot out of the night..."
added on the 2006-07-16 20:51:14 by Gargaj Gargaj
Listen Dream Theater - Finally Free. It helps a lot really...

A good choice, well said. Tho Fatal Tragedy and Beyond This Life are even better i guess. They always did seem to do the trick.
added on the 2006-07-16 21:27:06 by tsw tsw
can you say something about rez please, I'm curious.
added on the 2006-07-16 22:57:53 by rez rez
Btw, Keops rocks of course :)
added on the 2006-07-16 22:58:15 by rez rez
can you say something about superluksus lemmen paketti please, I'm curious.
added on the 2006-07-17 08:33:40 by dixan dixan
Amiga > Atari ST
added on the 2006-07-17 09:26:04 by 4kum4 4kum4
can you say something please, I'm curious.
added on the 2006-07-17 13:00:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
You missed a character there:

Amiga <> Atari ST
added on the 2006-07-17 13:17:25 by --- ---
mispelling detector: best -> bestest
added on the 2006-07-17 13:24:06 by rmeht rmeht
dream theater sucks so bad i wanna drive a knittingneedle thru my eardrums every time i see that name..

just so u know.
added on the 2006-07-17 14:58:12 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
Amiga != Atari ST
added on the 2006-07-17 15:04:11 by StingRay StingRay
Amiga != Atari ST

amazing, that's the reason why saint can't run 9 fingers!
added on the 2006-07-17 15:05:35 by dalezr dalezr
amazing, that's the reason why saint can't run 9 fingers!

Might explain why UAE can't run Virtual Escape as well :D
added on the 2006-07-17 18:15:49 by StingRay StingRay
who the fuck cares about 9 fingers.... one is more than enough for a topic like this :

BB Image
added on the 2006-07-17 18:45:16 by havoc havoc
I am the best of the scene
added on the 2006-07-18 00:25:32 by grip grip
can you say something about mfx please, I'm curious.
added on the 2006-07-18 14:47:18 by Zest Zest
The Pig from "origins of the pig" is the bestest scener ever.
added on the 2006-07-18 15:19:31 by xeron xeron
at least Pig's the most known scener by now
added on the 2006-07-18 15:38:04 by d0DgE d0DgE


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