What did the Italian defender say to Zidane to make him go mental? Suggestions
category: general [glöplog]
"you're old and foolish"
"is that a lardon in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?"
You mother is a meatbat and your father is teh cockbambi
"did i already mention that you look an awful lot like Keops in undies?"
"You are not an atomic playboy"
I bet you can't do an impression of a goat.
"suck my cock violently"
"you didn't come to codex alpe adria!"
"you are not edward teller"
"my pasta beats your cheese any day of the week"
"I'm here to save the scene"
your a blading lamer with poor code
"chuck norris would win the world cup alone and eyes-closed"
"The Amiga is dead"
"bet you can't get a red card!"
"gimme some head"
"Scaldare l'olio con il burro ed aggiungervi i funghi tagliuzzati, la cipolla e la carota tritate e la carne: lasciar rosolare per qualche minuto e poi versarvi la passata di pomodoro e il brodo: far bollire per 1 ora a fuoco lento. Lessare gli spaghetti e scolarli al dente: condirli con il ragù e il parmigiano grattugiato e servire."
"football scene has to keep the fuck you"
zidane:"Ordinanza de tirare il costume!!"
Materazzi: "Taciti, enculo, hai solamente cio che merite..."
(zidane get away..)
Materazzi:"meritate tutti ciò, voi gli enculato di musulmani, sporchi terroristici"
Materazzi: "Taciti, enculo, hai solamente cio che merite..."
(zidane get away..)
Materazzi:"meritate tutti ciò, voi gli enculato di musulmani, sporchi terroristici"
"You have somewhat poor taste in clothes, and your singing voice is thin and reedy"
"Face it, the world cup is like Serie A - Juventus will strike again!"
"did you know you look like Captain Piccard?"