Atari Falcon demos rules!
category: general [glöplog]
It's interesting to see how many Amiga demogroups switched from A500 to A1200, whereas so few Atari people switched from Atari ST to Falcon (which happened more or less at the same time)
That is one of the interesting questions for that period.
My guess is, that a large amount of this failure to move up to the Falcon was the initial expensive price and rarity of the machine. But also in the early nineties, a lot of the old Atari scene was in a tired and quitting frame of mind as well.
It is revealing that the new Falcon scene which emerged in 93-94 effectively started again from scratch ;-)
CiH: quite true and I have always wondered why.
Too many sprite contests? Too many cuddly remakes? Too many fullscreen big-scrolls? Too many main menus?
My guess is that we could somehow "blame" Tex and TCB for being kickass pioneers who initiated a mainmenu-synscroll-fullscreen-spritecontest trend that just never stopped on Atari ST ;)
Too many sprite contests? Too many cuddly remakes? Too many fullscreen big-scrolls? Too many main menus?
My guess is that we could somehow "blame" Tex and TCB for being kickass pioneers who initiated a mainmenu-synscroll-fullscreen-spritecontest trend that just never stopped on Atari ST ;)
the DSP port at the back of the Falcon can be used for various things:
1) a different clock for the DAC/ADC. For instance a nice 44.1 kHz one.. this saves some resampling.. but it's the simplest expansion
2) optical audio in/out..
3) 8 channel audio in/out (additional dac's and adc's)
4) crazy shit like a video DAC done by Bitmaster (yes, the DSP becomes a monochrome video chip and can be used for debugging purposes while you run your programs on the normal screen ;))
and ehm.. that's about it..
1) a different clock for the DAC/ADC. For instance a nice 44.1 kHz one.. this saves some resampling.. but it's the simplest expansion
2) optical audio in/out..
3) 8 channel audio in/out (additional dac's and adc's)
4) crazy shit like a video DAC done by Bitmaster (yes, the DSP becomes a monochrome video chip and can be used for debugging purposes while you run your programs on the normal screen ;))
and ehm.. that's about it..
It's interesting to see how many Amiga demogroups switched from A500 to A1200, whereas so few Atari people switched from Atari ST to Falcon.
Hmm, A500 sucked like hell while Atari ST was the shit? ;-)
@earx can you give some URL for 4. - " the DSP becomes a monochrome video chip"?
Why use that when there's bugaboo? ;)
Why use that when there's bugaboo? ;)
calimero: there's no info about that one the web, but here's bitmaster's page: - error 404
is it my service provider oder ...?
is it my service provider oder ...?
calimero: It's working fine over here... alternatively you can try

bartman: nice screenshot :) ...but what do you want to tell us? :D
You must be new here :)
well i'm not, and i don't get it either! nice nipples btw.
bartman: I'm not new at all, check my profile ;)
me too, me too :) - not new but don't get it!
okay, my joke was bad. i was trying to tell you that you seem to be new because you still believe that my posts have some serious meaning :)
axa, then it's ok :) anyway nice tits
bartman: ... und ich dachte es geht um Titten :D
Doch, schon...

Hey Bartman that desktop is -XI-'s nice manga right...
By the way check this out:
68060 by Freescale product of 2006! ->
and DSP:
I think with FPGA + those chips will be possible /haubbjob rules... if will be possible... /
68060 by Freescale product of 2006! ->
and DSP:
I think with FPGA + those chips will be possible /haubbjob rules... if will be possible... /
This link is for DSP ->
4GHZ DSP imagine that + 68060 +SD/MMC for OS + ST/FALCON compatible+FPGA 2xYM+96khz AD/DAC...bla bla bla
I think no fucking PC GPU is 4GHZ...
Quad-CORE Baby no DulaCORE HEEHH check that DSP link...