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Why jurys at demoparty sucks

category: general [glöplog]
most people in jurys tend to be democritics who never get their thumb out of their asses to acctually do anything :-)

we have several examples of this such as phoenix and ps who all think they know everything about demoscene and should be the ones that decides what should be shown or not ..

I dont mean to say that they are never right, i forexample think it was correct to disqf. halcyon by chimera at asm due to its style would mostly bore its viewers (who where mostly very sleepy at that point of the party), but we have another problem, i can take PS for example.

At BCN (was held this weekend) we released a demo with music by steyn (a.k.a robert/machinae supremacy) and then PS claims the music being ripped (probably cause it didnt sound like any regular crappy demomusic) and think the demo should be disqf. it didnt tho. kudos to the crew who i assume had more brains than the lamer PS ;-)

so, why doesnt the creative people at partys wanna be in the jurys? i think i have the answer to this:
The people producing demos doesnt wanna sit in a stinky room watching all demos on a smaller screen before the compo , its not a funny job and probably the active people have been either partying like hell before or producing stuff until deadlines.

kudos for PS for not even trying to comment on the fact he's a stupid geek :-)
added on the 2002-11-04 13:34:23 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
acctually i was wrong bcn had cool rules for jurys i just saw that :
"This jury will be made out of the people who takes part in the competition.

Each participant MUST take part in the jury. If you don't then you will be DISQUALIFIED, it won't compete but it will be shown with the other entries."
i guess PS made a demo or he got the be in the jury cause of:
"In case there is less than 5 persons in the jury the organizers will choose as many experts as needed for reaching 5 members." ;-) or because of:
"There are still some details to be solved."

however i doubt PS made anything, he usually doesnt ;-)
added on the 2002-11-04 13:38:56 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
ok, he made a "demo" ;-)
added on the 2002-11-04 13:40:26 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
halcyon by chimera, rofl , i rock today =)
the corrections will be longer than the flame ;p
added on the 2002-11-04 13:43:52 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
lol stefan

a) i was in the jury couz i made a demo
b) it says on the rules it needs to be copyright free
c) the orgas told us, the jury, about your demo having machinae supermacy soundtrack and said they were gonna ask the threepixels people if it was asked for permission or not. i didnt alert them on anything about this.
d) when the situation was still unknown and we were supposed to vote i did say i doubted seriously you had asked for their permission (due to the fact you were talking on irc about ripping a commercial mp3 for a demo 4 days ago), but i also did said at the same time i have personal problems with you and so they shouldnt take my word for it but find out for themselfs before disqualifying. which they ofcourse agreed but couldnt get in touch with you online.

i couldnt care less on what if a demo gets disqualified or not. be it from you or anyone else. as long as they still show it.

and yours still got shown on the compo you moron.

now please, be a good kid and stop talking crap.

i dont have patience for dealing with moron kids who think their thoughts are the worlds.
added on the 2002-11-04 13:59:44 by psenough psenough
well, as i made two demos this weekend you shouldnt comment about my irclogs, the other demo has ripped music :-)

and copyright free, it is,well it isnt WE have the copyrights and steyn has the copyright for the music, thats the law .. it even says all credits in info file, the tune was unreleased you could just go to www.machinaesupremacy.com and check it, even link to it in the info file.

If we wouldve broken the rules we shouldnt have released it, trace would know about that.
added on the 2002-11-04 14:04:21 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
well then next time ask trace to reassure the orgas your track breaks no copyrights instead of flamming me for shit i didnt even do.

i got better things to do with my life then to put up with your crap. i already ignore half the shit you say for the pure sake of not having to waste time standing on my pov on issues you dont even dare to reason twice about.

and btw, how the fuck would you know what i do or did or am doing? stfu then.
added on the 2002-11-04 14:12:02 by psenough psenough
why should one have to assure tha organizers that one doesnt rip? isnt the orgas that should be assured it IS ripped? thats kindof the point with this thread.

ps: you suck
added on the 2002-11-04 14:14:59 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
stefan: afaik thats what they were trying to do while you seemed to be offline for the rest of sunday.

i dont really mind you thinking i suck, its a free world, think whatever you want. i just dont like it when you keep demonstrating it publically triggered by dubious reasons.

now, if i told you i hate your demos for beeing full of typical shit demo effects and the usual terrible trance crap, you are elegible to reply a you suck.
when i say, i dont like it, i would rather do it this way but what do i know do it howhere you feel like, you are not elegible to call me #1 flamer demo criticiser who is full of himself but never did any real demowork.

im quite sick of it.
i did do demoscene review work, yes probably too much of it. yes i do hate telling someone their demo sucks but if thats how i feel thats what i say. atleast i try and show my reasons why unlike some well known pouet.net retards.
i actually stopped doing demojournal and diskmag stuff to do more serious music and demo stuff.

now if you dont like the stuff i do thats fine,
you dont have too. no one has too.
news flash: hardly anyone does. i dont do it to entertain others, i do it for myself.

yes i do think doing prods for entertaing others is silly and should be secondary on your priority list. thats my pov, thats what i think. im not forcing you or anyone else to agree. do whatever you fucking want!
its a free world! you could all run naked on japan for all i care.

but you can shove your scene reviewer who does nothing up your ass.

i did 1 album, 3 eps, 4 demos and 2 intros this year.
besides organizing a demoparty and attending 6 others. and doing the scene.org work and what not shit that you wouldnt even possibly think of couz you DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW ME.

(yes kb i waste too much time on the scene, i know, im sorry)

added on the 2002-11-04 14:39:34 by psenough psenough
stefan: afaik thats what they were trying to do while you seemed to be offline for the rest of sunday.

i dont really mind you thinking i suck, its a free world, think whatever you want. i just dont like it when you keep demonstrating it publically triggered by dubious reasons.

now, if i told you i hate your demos for beeing full of typical shit demo effects and the usual terrible trance crap, you are elegible to reply a you suck.
when i say, i dont like it, i would rather do it this way but what do i know do it howhere you feel like, you are not elegible to call me #1 flamer demo criticiser who is full of himself but never did any real demowork.

im quite sick of it.
i did do demoscene review work, yes probably too much of it. yes i do hate telling someone their demo sucks but if thats how i feel thats what i say. atleast i try and show my reasons why unlike some well known pouet.net retards.
i actually stopped doing demojournal and diskmag stuff to do more serious music and demo stuff.

now if you dont like the stuff i do thats fine,
you dont have too. no one has too.
news flash: hardly anyone does. i dont do it to entertain others, i do it for myself.

yes i do think doing prods for entertaing others is silly and should be secondary on your priority list. thats my pov, thats what i think. im not forcing you or anyone else to agree. do whatever you fucking want!
its a free world! you could all run naked on japan for all i care.

but you can shove your scene reviewer who does nothing up your ass.

i did 1 album, 3 eps, 4 demos and 2 intros this year.
besides organizing a demoparty and attending 6 others. and doing the scene.org work and what not shit that you wouldnt even possibly think of couz you DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW ME.

(yes kb i waste too much time on the scene, i know, im sorry)

added on the 2002-11-04 14:39:40 by psenough psenough
oh boy.. :(
added on the 2002-11-04 14:49:26 by kuree kuree
sorry rest.
added on the 2002-11-04 14:53:38 by psenough psenough
ps: ignore stefan's game and be happy :) btw.. thanks for attend to bcnparty :*
stefan: moron! you can do 3 demos in a weekend! work!! ;)
added on the 2002-11-04 15:03:59 by mrdoob mrdoob
ps: stefan is a troll. you should know better than to waste one second of your life responding to him.
added on the 2002-11-04 15:41:15 by phoenix phoenix
The entertainment value of pouët.net is priceless.
stefan: vann du/ni på gazål eller? såg ju bra ut när jag var där
added on the 2002-11-04 18:55:34 by mnd mnd
no we didnt win, we ended up last or so, tho we had prety much all voting keys but somewhy we wherent to focused to even care .. oh well =)
added on the 2002-11-04 21:23:20 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
umm.. stefan is, like, fifteen or so. i wouldn't even try to figure out when he's trolling or serious ;)
added on the 2002-11-04 23:33:19 by 216 216
speaking of Chimera,

(Phoenix writes):Um, no, I was on the jury. It didn't show up in the compo because it never made it to the jury to begin with. Now if it was entered on time and the main demo organizer deleted it before I got a chance to see it, then my bad.
I haven't seen it yet, but to date, there's no Halcyon demo I wouldn't want to see in compo. The scene needs to get a little less paranoid.
added on the 2002-11-05 00:52:39 by cats cats
Yes, and then scroll about 30 comments down and you will see that I corrected myself. Let's not bring back the whole Asm jury witchhunt by the Halcyon fans, m'kay. La-la la la.
added on the 2002-11-05 05:02:11 by phoenix phoenix
216: or so.. correct, well about the trolling.. thats the advtantage i have.. ;P
added on the 2002-11-05 07:07:24 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
. . . . . . . . . .
not exactly on-topic, but about "chimera".. i don't like it at all. it's boring and dull. not "arty" enough to be "art", i think. in my eyes, there is nothing present to even compare the halcyon that came with "chimera" to the halcyon that came with "lifeforms".
added on the 2002-11-06 01:05:09 by gloom gloom

chimera is just uncompareable. its shit. its bad shit man y'know

added on the 2002-11-06 08:41:20 by raver raver
stefan & plek for the demojury at every party ;)
added on the 2002-11-06 11:45:34 by Igoronimo Igoronimo


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