Would you submit a production to a €100 Linux demo contest?
category: general [glöplog]
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that site hurts
hell-0 paniq
hello silkut ;)
yeti: yes.
yeti: yes.
I wouldn't mind since I'm running and actually coding demos under linux anyway.
If I got the 100 euros first then yes.
(Linux + demos) != true;
( Linux ^ Demos ) == true;
this is WRONG! this is against COMMUNISM! true opensource HIPPIES will spit on your CAPITALIST $100, for they compile their kernels FREE FOR ALL, for the sake of LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and PEACE!
Yes, and it will own. Mmm,. I don't need to know Linux. I make something in Freebasic with SDL and compile it in Freebasic for Linux easilly too. Fragsss... fragss... (that means money =)
Heh,. I have the similar reason to take part in GP2X competition. Money kills the scene but I like them ;)
Heh,. I have the similar reason to take part in GP2X competition. Money kills the scene but I like them ;)
Can I submit a Windows demo?
i make demos for boy-love, not money.
horray for a compo that will consist of 99% ripped SDL-examples + demcollection effects. OLDSKOOL FOREVER!!111
but its about the money and not the effects!!!!!!
Would you let your daughter go out with a €100 Linux demo contest ?
Wasn't Linux supposed to be free?
where to take 100€ from no software-sales? :)) *just kidding*
paniq: now will it be a win compo, or is it just a poll for fun?
i would. last 100€ compo i saw had a damn nice winner so i'm all for these ideas.
well based on how the poll will turn out i will start a compo. its mainly so we get more productions for linux and people who had no contact with linux start to learn a bit more about this fabulous system.
when i entered the linux developers scene, somebody said to me he finds it puzzling that a community as freaky as the demoscene is not doing more stuff for linux. and i answered i think that is because nobody really cares.
well, i do care. and most of you guys only move your asses for money, so thats why i threw it in :D
when i entered the linux developers scene, somebody said to me he finds it puzzling that a community as freaky as the demoscene is not doing more stuff for linux. and i answered i think that is because nobody really cares.
well, i do care. and most of you guys only move your asses for money, so thats why i threw it in :D
and most of you guys only move your asses for money
A lot of people indeed and unfortunately, but not all Sir :)
paniq, i assume that it's okay to enter a demo developed on windows that also runs on linux?