Secret parts in (Non-PC) demos?
category: general [glöplog]
Hi, I saw the thread about the PC secrets, and I have been wondering for years whether anyone has compiled the secrets in demos for the Amiga? (Or other systems?)
For example, Desert Dream (Kefrens) has (at least?) one extra part: put in disk 2, boot, and press the joystick (or was it mouse?) button.
Techno Trax 2 (Trojans) has a second song that has the same beat/rhythm as the main part but different music... how does one access it?
Then, the Abandon 2.68Mhz demo on the SNES has a nice hidden part if you press all joypad buttons at the end part and hit reset on the SNES.
Finally, the First Try (Magical) demo on SNES has a hidden pic and Turrican music if you hold Select then press Start in the greetings part.
Can anyone add more or point to a bigger list of these secret parts? No PC stuff please, that was already done in another thread.
For example, Desert Dream (Kefrens) has (at least?) one extra part: put in disk 2, boot, and press the joystick (or was it mouse?) button.
Techno Trax 2 (Trojans) has a second song that has the same beat/rhythm as the main part but different music... how does one access it?
Then, the Abandon 2.68Mhz demo on the SNES has a nice hidden part if you press all joypad buttons at the end part and hit reset on the SNES.
Finally, the First Try (Magical) demo on SNES has a hidden pic and Turrican music if you hold Select then press Start in the greetings part.
Can anyone add more or point to a bigger list of these secret parts? No PC stuff please, that was already done in another thread.
Desert Dream has 1 hidden part; the second one reputedly is THERE, but Laxity and Vention (and possibly Airwalk) don't know how to get to it. The story, relayed by Laxity and Vention to someone and reported on a messy board, is available if you google for it. (In short: it's an Airwalk intro, it was gonna be there, didn't work, removed way to get there.)
Various other hidden parts are listed in various diskmags. I hear there's going to be something along the lines of a comprehensive list coming somewhere in a while somewhere.
Various other hidden parts are listed in various diskmags. I hear there's going to be something along the lines of a comprehensive list coming somewhere in a while somewhere.
phoenix/hornet was compiling a list of hidden parts
then rod/mandula was mantaining it..
think last edited version came as bonus on an issue of PAiN some 3 years ago.. dunno who's having the latest version, not sure if it was also amiga or not.. could be pc only O_O
then rod/mandula was mantaining it..
think last edited version came as bonus on an issue of PAiN some 3 years ago.. dunno who's having the latest version, not sure if it was also amiga or not.. could be pc only O_O
i know that a certain demo from a lamer-group called "space baldz" or something has a secret part that appears if you change your workbench language to urdu.
The list by Phoenix/Rod seems to focus on PC stuff.
I'd like to make a CPC list even if I know very few secret parts at the moment.
Sevearl secret parts on Amiga is triggered by doing something with the music while booting the demo. I think..
On AtariST, there are several reset demos, are they supposed to be secret parts?
On AtariST, there are several reset demos, are they supposed to be secret parts?
Right mouse button pressed a little, a secret part on most cracktos/intros from Melon Dezign on Amiga.
the hidden parts list i started and gave to rod is pc only. i have an old amiga hidden parts list though. through the magic of google, i found an improved version here:
here is some info, collected by people at, it is all about speccy demos:
insult by codebusters - type:
shit 4 brainz by progress - press C+U+N+T in the part with fire effect.
trashe by e-mage - press magic (hardware button) while the first part with analyzers is working
snowtime'2002 by triumph - press Y+O+L+K+A
excess by zer0 after attribute fx, when "stay kool wiz new demo by zer0" appears, press and hold Z+E+R+0
insult by codebusters - type:
shit 4 brainz by progress - press C+U+N+T in the part with fire effect.
trashe by e-mage - press magic (hardware button) while the first part with analyzers is working
snowtime'2002 by triumph - press Y+O+L+K+A
excess by zer0 after attribute fx, when "stay kool wiz new demo by zer0" appears, press and hold Z+E+R+0
This site kicks ass!
Phoenix,i cannot wait for Mindcandy2!!!!
ccovell, it's somewhat pathetic to think secret parts were invented/only exists on PC. To my knowledge they first appeared on amiga. Read some more facts about demoscene history before thinking PC started everyhingl. PC was the LAST in everything, except accelerated 3d. :P
wtf are you on oswald? (and where can i get some?)
To my knowledge they first appeared on amiga
Your knowledge sucks.
tribe, I'm on your momma
shifter, enlighten me mastah
shifter, enlighten me mastah
Oswald, I never wrote anywhere in my post that I thought the PC had demos or secret parts first. Well, you can look at my first post up there again and read for yourself. But just to make clear:
For years I have wondered if there were other Amiga demos besides Desert Dream that had hidden parts. So, sometime in the late 90s I searched the Net for a list of hidden parts, and found nothing. Recently I was wondering the same thing again, and so searched on Pouet. I found the thread on hidden parts, but it was PC-specific. So, I made a post asking about non-PC demos, since I'm not interested in the demos on PCs. I think this is pretty clear from my post.
I've owned an Amiga since about 1993/4, and I love her. I never owned a PC in my life until about 1999 (no Amiga laptops), so please don't paint me with such a wide brushstroke.
For years I have wondered if there were other Amiga demos besides Desert Dream that had hidden parts. So, sometime in the late 90s I searched the Net for a list of hidden parts, and found nothing. Recently I was wondering the same thing again, and so searched on Pouet. I found the thread on hidden parts, but it was PC-specific. So, I made a post asking about non-PC demos, since I'm not interested in the demos on PCs. I think this is pretty clear from my post.
I've owned an Amiga since about 1993/4, and I love her. I never owned a PC in my life until about 1999 (no Amiga laptops), so please don't paint me with such a wide brushstroke.
Oswald: MEGADEMO 9 by ODD - released in 1912 - was the first demo ever to feature a hidden part. in fact, the hidden part was so secret and powerfull, even the demo has been lost ever since Ronald McDonald discovered it as a teenager. It was also the first demo in history.