Demo'ish objects
category: offtopic [glöplog]
for(y=0; y<256; y++)
for(x=0; x<256; x++)
*(screen + y*256 + x) = x & y & 3;
These miraculous plants can protect you from electromagnetic radiation, stabilize your sexuality, regenerate the earth power, help you to get more energy.
Cactus and computer users found that cactuses can stop computer radiation, clean your aura, improve your sexual energy, guard people from other creatures, and more.
See more there
See more there with formulas too
More there
Our cult to lobsters must include cactus from now!
And cactus give us all:
Hope it helps
Dishes, ham, ketchup and kittens.
Lots of yummy stuff, and last but not least some yummy stuff with a kitten next to it.
Does that make them mescaline cactii, or viagra plants?These miraculous plants can protect you from electromagnetic radiation, stabilize your sexuality, regenerate the earth power, help you to get more energy.
Cactus and computer users found that cactuses can stop computer radiation, clean your aura, improve your sexual energy, guard people from other creatures, and more.
the previous post was the (2^8+1)th post in this thread.
i hereby declare that post a demoish object.
i hereby declare that post a demoish object.
oldfield also has a "music VR", a demo is bundled with the Tres Lunas CD:
Actually, it's quite fun and can consume a lot of time :)
Actually, it's quite fun and can consume a lot of time :)
and by demo i meant shareware version.
I'll try that out :D
exactly like in rush hour!