xbox360 has been cracked!
category: general [glöplog]
heh Navis, would MS sign a ASD demo code ? :]
Out of pure curiosity, what does such a signature contain and how is it implemented?
I've thought about it, but it is too much hassle for not much extra gain. Bigger audience is our target, and that means Pc/win32.
Thanks, kb. Have I understood it correctly: A gamedev company sends the finished game to Microsoft (along with a licence fee, I guess), they will sign it with their private key, and then they will send it back to the gamedev company? Or does Microsoft care about the distrubution?
Adok / Claus: in the nowadays world, everything is about money/ And when money is involved, everything turn to be about rights, privileges, ... because that kind of things are sold and so produce money. In the old times when a game has to be released for the NES / Famicom for Nintendo©, it was published with a seal (remember the king, middle age, ... The same thing but in the present). This imply beeing "specially" designed for the NES and imply also something like censorship and royalties for Nintendo.
Nowadays, we live in modern middle age! To get the right to make something running on a x360 you've got to pay a license to M$ (who hence makes more $) and this is mandatory etheir your code will not run. Moreover they test the software, ... Do you know what WHQL is? HCL? Windows certified logo? DRM? These ensure to M$ that he makes what he wants with the market, he can slow down certain developpment, he can do a cancelation for various reasons. That's power, that's beeing the king, that's imposing to others his values and will. If you look at contracts for MCP / MCSE and various others certifications from M$ you'll see that there also the power of M$ is applied. And if you look at laws in your countries and on others, you can see also through them the power of politicians applied: they rules, they reign, they impose their view and values. Of course they are all about money: because we live in a money world (well at least in the mind of rich bosses like Bill Gate$ is!
So the 360 isn't cracked yet but it will like everything before and everything after: because there is always a solution. For example find somebody working at Redmond and who is in charge of key signing executables. I'm sure somebody can get there tools to sign exe. However if the key is known, they will change the system, ... Do you know WGA? Cracked and changed, Cracked and changed... That's the circle: we simply get profit of a small period before the lock is again locked. That's what motivate crackers however and also some electronicians... at Intel / AMD / IBM / Motorola: to improve computing power and then enable faster brute force attacks. Get a grid computer to hack the X360, I'm sure that's possible to solve your issue.
Nowadays, we live in modern middle age! To get the right to make something running on a x360 you've got to pay a license to M$ (who hence makes more $) and this is mandatory etheir your code will not run. Moreover they test the software, ... Do you know what WHQL is? HCL? Windows certified logo? DRM? These ensure to M$ that he makes what he wants with the market, he can slow down certain developpment, he can do a cancelation for various reasons. That's power, that's beeing the king, that's imposing to others his values and will. If you look at contracts for MCP / MCSE and various others certifications from M$ you'll see that there also the power of M$ is applied. And if you look at laws in your countries and on others, you can see also through them the power of politicians applied: they rules, they reign, they impose their view and values. Of course they are all about money: because we live in a money world (well at least in the mind of rich bosses like Bill Gate$ is!
So the 360 isn't cracked yet but it will like everything before and everything after: because there is always a solution. For example find somebody working at Redmond and who is in charge of key signing executables. I'm sure somebody can get there tools to sign exe. However if the key is known, they will change the system, ... Do you know WGA? Cracked and changed, Cracked and changed... That's the circle: we simply get profit of a small period before the lock is again locked. That's what motivate crackers however and also some electronicians... at Intel / AMD / IBM / Motorola: to improve computing power and then enable faster brute force attacks. Get a grid computer to hack the X360, I'm sure that's possible to solve your issue.
That reminds me of a funny thing: Before I got into programming, my primary interest was playing video games. (That was when I was like 6 - 8 years old.) As I was an avid reader of video game magazines, I knew that games for Nintendo consoles had to be licenced by Nintendo. When I then started programming on PC (in Quick Basic), I wondered if I was allowed to spread my programs without paying Microsoft a licence fee. Back then, this was possible (about which I was quite surprised). Nowadays it's not so easy any more. If you compile a program using a students' edition of a compiler, you're not allowed to use it for commercial purposes. In Tomcat's book "Freax", I even read that Microsoft managers wanted to stop amateur programmers from developing software. It sounds like a rather unrealistic venture, but in theory, they could implement a similar thing as the signing on Xbox 360 in their future Windows operating systems. IMHO this is rubbish and unproductive; it prevents people from learning programming when they're young. I think Microsoft would harm itself in this way, as the chance of getting skilled, experienced and yet not too old employees would be diminished.
oh no ep please don't tell us we live in a... capitalist!! world :O
but don't worry guys the robin woods of the scene are there to fight for the widow and the orphan against the evil cacapitalists!! \o/
but don't worry guys the robin woods of the scene are there to fight for the widow and the orphan against the evil cacapitalists!! \o/
The reality is simple: computer becames mainstream and its culture replace for young people what christianism and religion were before for your father and grand father.
You've learn someting at school about nazism and the 2nd world war: a mad man called Adolf Hitler have killed millions people (with its allies and army) for various reasons of ideology. But his main concern and way of leading was about killing and destroying jews. Why jews? Well it's religious stuff there too: jews were, until recently, been made responsible of Christ's death by the bible. Hence by killing jews Hitler in fact have used an old weakness and part of the bible to justify a slaughter and get more and more power: he have brain washed tons of people with propaganda (we are arians, we are better than others, ... Nationalism to the maximum in all it's stupidity and baseness).
What the link between our conversation? Well, it's that religion and especially catholicism is a way for powers (Hitler, Buch, whatever...) to brain wash people: "believe what is written, it's the truth (their "truth", the one which is good for the mighty), it's our law. If you don't believe and follow our laws then you're excommunicated: nobody will talk you anymore and ... this way we (the readers of the bible: the well-read, those who "knows") will reign over others who still follow us by the word". Our friends the richs, will however be there with their weapons and guards if you don't want to follow our rules: church brain washs, army impose by force and richs get richer... A circle still working.
Well nowadays we are in a big thing which look like an empire : Europe. It has been created for various reasons and the first is to stop wars in this part of the world: 2 world wars in less than a century and 60 millions deads, nuke coined and others things (V2, Nuclear submarine, various weapons, cypher, decypher, ..., arms race). So beeing together and linked help prevent such issues.
Religion and especially church of catolicism have decreased its number of belivers: because we don't believe that a girl can be made pregnant by the power of the mind only, because we don't believe in miracles, because we became more rational. However stupidity is yet present and ignorance is really deeply rooted (ask somebody what is diastole / systole and you'll see. Ask them what is a sinus, a cosinus and ...). So before religion was a way to get power of weak minds by those who get rich from birth. And those richs wanted to stay rich and mighty: this is called hegemony. Power is got from parents and is a legacy. This involve the system of caste: churls, noble, clergy. This way there is 2 castes against one and even if we talk about democratic system in those old times, the fact is even if churls class is far far far bigger in term of number than the 2 others, the churls have one vote, and the two others castes have one vote each leading to the clergy, noble beeing all the time winner of votes.
Well, as you should know Kings were considered as direct descendants of God himself: hence making the king as the super man on hearth, the leader of the mass! And the king and his family was rich, really rich. Just look where Jacques Chirac is living today: the old castle of past kings!!! What a coincidence! So Kings were in fact manipulators, that is nowadays politicians. And to get power you got to get something to force people following what you said: this is called laws. And this law was previously imposed by religion beliefs. Nowadays catholicism religion is dead or at least quite weak in some parts of the world and to replace it we have laws, done by politicians, lawyers and tons of people dealing with papers, strange words and tons of rules all their lifes: they are there to draw ourself into complexity whereas things are simple.
As you should know BG alias the most rich man in the world comes from a family of lawyer: that's why he knows laws and how to circumvent them obviously. Laws are funny and not very efficient especially in countries where they are numerous and complex: they lead to corruption and chaos because nobody can understand them. Whatever when you're rich you've tons of money into various investments. So when you make a trial, you simply try to make them longer and longer because while time is running your money is making lots and lots of benefits on those investements and you can find better arguments to defend yourself, you change things to reduce the fine, ... And when you're really rich you can make people do what you want, that's called power. Licencing stuff with tons of clauses to stop you doing things and to force you to get special label called a training, or a licence is a way to make money and lots of. And when you look deeper into the big company M$ is, you really see that this looks like a church: tons of texts to read and to follow, tons of licence with lots of clauses which cut all your freedoms, tons of exams to pass to get a job, they even called their technical thingy training "evangelism", tons of things to stay empowered, rich and alone!
Because all that stuff is done for one thing: beeing a BIG guy, that is showing the world you're a BIG ego! That's vanity to the extreme and exploitation of ignorance to the maximum: Bill you've made billions selling the biggest shit ever in computing, you're the king of cuns, but yes if we look at your bank account we can say you're rich. You're the new pope! Virtual religion pope! And you got power over us: all the time in front of the screen. You're the pope of nowadays and you act for your friends in the USA government: you supply them with an information system used everywhere (and very weak, easily hackable, ...), so you rule the worldwide information system. And information is power!
Zest: I see you launch trolls because this thread is about a false news without any proof, nor anything tangible. Please do like me in the future: speak with proofs or at least coherent words.
You've learn someting at school about nazism and the 2nd world war: a mad man called Adolf Hitler have killed millions people (with its allies and army) for various reasons of ideology. But his main concern and way of leading was about killing and destroying jews. Why jews? Well it's religious stuff there too: jews were, until recently, been made responsible of Christ's death by the bible. Hence by killing jews Hitler in fact have used an old weakness and part of the bible to justify a slaughter and get more and more power: he have brain washed tons of people with propaganda (we are arians, we are better than others, ... Nationalism to the maximum in all it's stupidity and baseness).
What the link between our conversation? Well, it's that religion and especially catholicism is a way for powers (Hitler, Buch, whatever...) to brain wash people: "believe what is written, it's the truth (their "truth", the one which is good for the mighty), it's our law. If you don't believe and follow our laws then you're excommunicated: nobody will talk you anymore and ... this way we (the readers of the bible: the well-read, those who "knows") will reign over others who still follow us by the word". Our friends the richs, will however be there with their weapons and guards if you don't want to follow our rules: church brain washs, army impose by force and richs get richer... A circle still working.
Well nowadays we are in a big thing which look like an empire : Europe. It has been created for various reasons and the first is to stop wars in this part of the world: 2 world wars in less than a century and 60 millions deads, nuke coined and others things (V2, Nuclear submarine, various weapons, cypher, decypher, ..., arms race). So beeing together and linked help prevent such issues.
Religion and especially church of catolicism have decreased its number of belivers: because we don't believe that a girl can be made pregnant by the power of the mind only, because we don't believe in miracles, because we became more rational. However stupidity is yet present and ignorance is really deeply rooted (ask somebody what is diastole / systole and you'll see. Ask them what is a sinus, a cosinus and ...). So before religion was a way to get power of weak minds by those who get rich from birth. And those richs wanted to stay rich and mighty: this is called hegemony. Power is got from parents and is a legacy. This involve the system of caste: churls, noble, clergy. This way there is 2 castes against one and even if we talk about democratic system in those old times, the fact is even if churls class is far far far bigger in term of number than the 2 others, the churls have one vote, and the two others castes have one vote each leading to the clergy, noble beeing all the time winner of votes.
Well, as you should know Kings were considered as direct descendants of God himself: hence making the king as the super man on hearth, the leader of the mass! And the king and his family was rich, really rich. Just look where Jacques Chirac is living today: the old castle of past kings!!! What a coincidence! So Kings were in fact manipulators, that is nowadays politicians. And to get power you got to get something to force people following what you said: this is called laws. And this law was previously imposed by religion beliefs. Nowadays catholicism religion is dead or at least quite weak in some parts of the world and to replace it we have laws, done by politicians, lawyers and tons of people dealing with papers, strange words and tons of rules all their lifes: they are there to draw ourself into complexity whereas things are simple.
As you should know BG alias the most rich man in the world comes from a family of lawyer: that's why he knows laws and how to circumvent them obviously. Laws are funny and not very efficient especially in countries where they are numerous and complex: they lead to corruption and chaos because nobody can understand them. Whatever when you're rich you've tons of money into various investments. So when you make a trial, you simply try to make them longer and longer because while time is running your money is making lots and lots of benefits on those investements and you can find better arguments to defend yourself, you change things to reduce the fine, ... And when you're really rich you can make people do what you want, that's called power. Licencing stuff with tons of clauses to stop you doing things and to force you to get special label called a training, or a licence is a way to make money and lots of. And when you look deeper into the big company M$ is, you really see that this looks like a church: tons of texts to read and to follow, tons of licence with lots of clauses which cut all your freedoms, tons of exams to pass to get a job, they even called their technical thingy training "evangelism", tons of things to stay empowered, rich and alone!
Because all that stuff is done for one thing: beeing a BIG guy, that is showing the world you're a BIG ego! That's vanity to the extreme and exploitation of ignorance to the maximum: Bill you've made billions selling the biggest shit ever in computing, you're the king of cuns, but yes if we look at your bank account we can say you're rich. You're the new pope! Virtual religion pope! And you got power over us: all the time in front of the screen. You're the pope of nowadays and you act for your friends in the USA government: you supply them with an information system used everywhere (and very weak, easily hackable, ...), so you rule the worldwide information system. And information is power!
Zest: I see you launch trolls because this thread is about a false news without any proof, nor anything tangible. Please do like me in the future: speak with proofs or at least coherent words.
ep: the xbox 360 IS now considered as cracked for many people (because they can run their 'backups' from the intarweb...), that's real. As you seem to be infatuated with economic facts, just watch the sales from today, they are going to bump-jump.
But an open box that can run homegrew prods isn't for today nor tomorrow apparently.
But an open box that can run homegrew prods isn't for today nor tomorrow apparently.
btw ep you're just jealous of Bill Gates, he's big and you're a looser :-)
Zest: Ok. I don't care about the 360 nor about any others console simple because I don't have one and don't intend to get one. I'm not infatuated, if people want to get stuff for free for a console which is and was really expensive stealing money to the biggest business man in the world this is not their right but their will and I'll not try to stop them.
As I've yet said, demo interest me less and less with the nowadays trend of API's and modular non 100% hand programmed style: because I don't watch then what the computer can do to the max nor can gauge who did what. For me computer is nowadays a big money machine and this is really annoying for quality. Whatever good release exist, just watch, of course those games are "my" taste.
So demos on the X360 don't interest me because they will be 3D handrum annoying stuff (of course for me, and others have the right to disagree and to enjoy the 3D show and I'll not stop them) and don't represent for me an intellectual challenge as this console was built to do that kind of stuff and doing it well and fast.
Whatever, Old skool, new skool, bad skool, or kiss kool, programming is programming and can be interesting whatever technics is used. There is a joy to get something running wetheir it's java, awk, c, c++, asm, basic, algol, ruby, php, html, or whatever language. So enjoy coding and let's start the troll.
As I've yet said, demo interest me less and less with the nowadays trend of API's and modular non 100% hand programmed style: because I don't watch then what the computer can do to the max nor can gauge who did what. For me computer is nowadays a big money machine and this is really annoying for quality. Whatever good release exist, just watch, of course those games are "my" taste.
So demos on the X360 don't interest me because they will be 3D handrum annoying stuff (of course for me, and others have the right to disagree and to enjoy the 3D show and I'll not stop them) and don't represent for me an intellectual challenge as this console was built to do that kind of stuff and doing it well and fast.
Whatever, Old skool, new skool, bad skool, or kiss kool, programming is programming and can be interesting whatever technics is used. There is a joy to get something running wetheir it's java, awk, c, c++, asm, basic, algol, ruby, php, html, or whatever language. So enjoy coding and let's start the troll.
and then there were visitors from outer space
and then there was LSD and smiley face rain
jah love dem o hack
and then there were visitors from outer space
and then there was LSD and smiley face rain
jah love dem o hack
hitler, ufos, the worldcup, gangbangsex, monkeys with strapons, pablo escobar, the asians, xbox 360, active directory, blue, the sky, toc, heroin, 1492.....
Out of pure curiosity, what does such a signature contain and how is it implemented?
Perhaps Google knows?
what sense does it make to 1) remove the DVDdrive
2) flash 3) build it back in 4) get the new firmware overwritten by some new M$ update?! 5) goto 1
2) flash 3) build it back in 4) get the new firmware overwritten by some new M$ update?! 5) goto 1
true - but hopefully there will be enough tools to avoid this. imo this is just the beginning..
true - but hopefully there will be enough tools to avoid this. imo this is just the beginning..
WTF Are you talking about!!!Everybody can belive in anything what is his or her way!!!I thing that MACOSX- DARWIN on XBOX made in china will be nice.But I hate Microsoft or Sony so i will wait for SEGA-SAMMY console.Just because Sony and Microsoft have NO HISTORY IN GAMING....Wii from nintendo is better concept than steroideCPU game maschines....That is only my own opinion... God bless tolerance...
Seeing you post is like Titan members back when they were taking things too seriously fathered a child with Optimus.
Seeing you post is like Titan members back when they were taking things too seriously fathered a child with Optimus.
eclatic: i love microsoft.
i love my friends,family,planet earth.... but not microsoft :)
red- You like POPMUSIC wtf shit...
An Jesus?i love my friends,family,planet earth.... but not microsoft :)
Personal by Depeche mode...