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category: general [glöplog]
Who of you really plans to go to TP2002?
(I'm not asking the (most german) sceners who want to join tUM'o2 ; )
added on the 2002-10-30 12:29:31 by reaktor2k reaktor2k
tp si teh sucks!
er? they have some article by you on their webpage, macaw?

but i agree it really, really sucks. badly.
to quote from their page (www.theparty.dk):

"The Party has always been the place where the gamers met. But this year we have even bigger prizes for you. There will be many compos, so stay tuned."

"demo compo 1st: 1000euros, counterstrike 1st: 4000euros"

Over the past couple of years computers have become more powerful and this has changed computer games. It all started with Quake this game spawned a hole new breed of computer players.
Gamers are the elite of the computer players, and they are those that the software developers turn to in the making of new games. Gamers aren’t satisfied with just playing games, they want to get better, they are tactical, they make strategies, they are the real professionals when it comes to gaming."

fuck gamers, fuck tp
added on the 2002-10-30 13:38:02 by shiva shiva
"Gamers aren’t satisfied with just playing games, they want to get better, they are tactical, they make strategies, they are the real professionals when it comes to gaming"

hehehe :)
added on the 2002-10-30 13:41:41 by superplek superplek
Gamers are cool, they are the real creative elite ppl in the computerscene
added on the 2002-10-30 13:58:16 by Inopia Inopia
yet demosceners don't kill the gamingscene...

Fuck tp ...

I quit my demolab organiser job for TP 2 years ago...
even back then the "gaymers" got more equipment then demolab and techcrew....

shame on you tp!

added on the 2002-10-30 14:32:26 by fessor fessor
even more important, for the organization flowchart:
"events - unknown"
"power - unknown"
added on the 2002-10-30 14:38:23 by ryg ryg
you could instead eat a banana.
added on the 2002-10-30 14:39:28 by skrebbel skrebbel
Gamers stole my banana!
added on the 2002-10-30 14:44:20 by Scali Scali

basicly all us "older" ones who are still with the scene quit over the last 3 years ...

added on the 2002-10-30 15:28:35 by fessor fessor
kill all gaymers.

"demo compo 1st: 1000euros, counterstrike 1st: 4000euros"

fucking joke

"Gamers are the elite of the computer players,"

fuck you gamers..

"Gamers aren’t satisfied with just playing games, they want to get better, they are tactical, they make strategies, they are the real professionals when it comes to gaming"

and inventing all kind new hacks and cheats...

added on the 2002-10-30 15:43:14 by uns3en_ uns3en_
This will be the FIRST year in a period of more than 7(!) years that THE BUS I organized to TP with lotsa cool _sceners_ won't be organzied for this year's TP-event. :-/

After last year's TP2001 I already had a kinda bad feeling as it already showed - after 4 of the main-scene-orgas had left the orga team shortly before the event - that TP lost LOTS of its attraction to sceners finally!! That was really a pitty to see but it seems the really wanted to have it this was!!

Now, after visiting the new TP homepage and seeing things like the extremely different price-money for gamers and sceners or seeing the scene-compos where everything is put together into ONE compo-event...

This definitely showed that this year's event won't be getting any better again since last year....but even worse!! This is reallysad to see...!!

Therefore I won't organize THE BUS this year to set a sign to the TP-organizers and for the sceners to try to 'wake them up' to realize that they are really going a completely WRONG way at the moment.

Of course this doesn't mean that THE BUS will be dead forever. It's just waiting for another event being worthy to be supported by such a project...
Being positive for the future that it will happen not too far away as the scene has to live one!!

My personal opinion is that there is surely a way to organize a party-event where sceners AND gamers can co-exist and have lotsa fun there. The only problem is the correct way to do that right...which hasn't been achieved till today. I really hope that future will change this anyways...

Thanks for reading...

...and never forget: KEEP THE SCENE SPIRIT ALIVE !!

added on the 2002-10-30 16:52:32 by Weasel Weasel
weasel: what about a bus to assembly?!? :)
added on the 2002-10-30 17:06:26 by cp_ cp_
weasel: what about a bus to tUM*o2?!? ;))
added on the 2002-10-30 18:11:30 by benJam benJam
cp_: ;-DDDDD Well, who would really join a bus-trip taking like at least 20-22 hours I guess...and even has to go by fair to such a party-event!? Hmm...there might be 'going by plane' even cheaper probably as well, won't it!? ;-)))

benJam: Well, fzool already wrote me an email with the same content! ;-)) Already replied him... :-)
added on the 2002-10-30 19:36:23 by Weasel Weasel
tp sucks
added on the 2002-10-30 20:08:53 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
tum will suck! haujobb is not going there because it will definitely one of those lousy scamp meetings.
added on the 2002-10-30 21:54:28 by jazz jazz
Message to Jazz: Are you also able to fly ?
added on the 2002-10-30 22:13:18 by Fzool Fzool
jazz: you are known to be the village idiot inside haujobb. I doubt anyone cares about your opinion ;)
added on the 2002-10-30 22:13:26 by scamp scamp
the right people care about it, and thats it !
added on the 2002-10-30 22:14:57 by jazz jazz
shiva: i wrote that article long time ago - but that doesn't change the fact that my last visit to TP was when "The Product" won.
I was at TP in 1993 and that was rather cool! Until 1997 I tried it without a break but each year that passed it went worse!! More gamer lamers and less sceners were present - I better don't want to know how it will be THIS year.. uahh! Xenusion/Reason made soem graphics but the orgas didn't want until everything was finished so they did it on their own and ruined it totally!! arghs!!
added on the 2002-10-31 00:39:08 by ghandy ghandy
bustrip to assembly would be nice =) although our ferry trip also rocked ;)
tp is dead. if it wasn't 2001, it's now.
gamers are the elite, we know that. that's why we don't disturbe the elite anymore and move to some boring places elsewhere. since I know that even german gamers go to tp it's even more dead.
f*u*c*k the gamers.come to tum. come to 0a000h. be happy.
added on the 2002-10-31 01:05:44 by styx^hcr styx^hcr


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