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mea culpa

category: general [glöplog]
That's a good smoke effect. But I hate smokers in NetCafes.
added on the 2006-04-29 21:45:56 by Optimus Optimus
Ok, I do the first step.

1/ Unlock

I here apologize for putting your email accounts (private, business and pain) to vast amounts of mailinglists and spam distribution lists

I hope you've understood how annoying it is : you've got what I've got in my various emails after Pain 12/04 was published.

Now you've experienced what you did to me and I hope you'll remember, that is not publishing slandering / political articles anymore.

Once I'll get public apologizes on pouet, you'll get your emails (private and business) removed from the angelfire's website.

Once I'll get public apologizes on Pain, you'll get any reference to Pain including email removed from the angelfire's website.

2/ Dipswitch

I make my apologizes to you for various threatening or not threatening words, mail spaming, and wep pages about you or your dick.

I make my apologizes to you for the psychological and physical pains I did you with both mails, web pages.
I make my apologize to you for various words you've taken for rough about the scene like the animation versus real time paragraph in my first article "How to Save The Scene".

And I admit the part of your article "A slap in the scene" about animation / real time is true and pertinent.

Dipswitch, once I'll get apologizes from both you and Unlock, that is, for your part, making:

  1. your mea culpa on pouet and on Pain too

  2. apologize for the real pains both physical and psychological you did me with your "calling to rebellion" to EP from Pain article

  3. apologize for rants on the Hugi 29 pouet's forum

  4. apologize for several words I've read over the net, like the sentence about a guy saying "he is the scene" on your journalistic website

  5. apologize for treating me of "lamer", redirecting comments to "My First Stupid Pouet Thread" and other kind of bad behaviour at pouet

  6. and all this kind of actions which are responsible for mass spaming of my past emails and bad reputation,

I'll remove the website at angelfire.

I also point that you've got mail spaming punishment for slandering words in the "Slap in the scene" article from Pain, your calling to rebelion, and attempt to blackmail me.

They all show how bad you were to me and resulted in the closing of 3 emails in 6 months, and a lot of pains.

You've got some mails from my angelfire www.angelfire.com/az3/dipslap/ website who learn you something about what others think.

All the spam you've got, have learnt you what you did to me.
In the future hope you'll try to open your hears more easily and try to tame your ego:

I've always try to talk with you, but each time you've treated me like s**t.

I'm not your manservant and even if I've been, you would have got the very same behaviour from my part.

This is my own justice because real justice is too slow and life has to be lived not lost in various long legal red tape nobody really understand.

I hope that in the end you'll learn what the word "respect" means and learn to tame your anger because I repeat :

I've not written my first article for beeing seen but because I've really believed the scene dead, it was planned to be read but not so much

Please would you like not to politicize article's comment anymore because scene is apolitical: we don't care about politics because they used to be liars and to only work for their profit.

So respect the deep down, the meaning of articles and please don't rant or over exaggerate the scope of words: everybody will get profit of objective comments.

I've noticed your last pain issue and its balanced content about the "ideas / issues" I've raised, so I understand Pain staff, this include you, is open minded and produce good content.

On my part, I'll write articles less "polemic".

3/ hitchhikr

I make my apologize to you for mail spaming and pouet's thread spaming.

You've got it because it's not insightful to assault people verbaly especially about terrorism stuff when the assaulted guy is victim of terrorism.

I lived in London when you've said "Nobody is innocent".

As you surely know every European is since 1995 free to move from one european country to another this is the Schengen agreement.

That means people are in a country without in fact beeing implied in voting / choosing the local government.
I'm hence not responsible for what the England government did or does.

Democracy like E. Kant has written is "enlighten despotism": a few (oligarchy) have real power, the others are simply forced to follow, but can express their point via associations.

And "Democracies" are countries who sells the most weapons to non "democratic countries", so where is the democratic thing?
This is not me not you who sign nor define the sales contract, so where is my responsability?

UK is the 3° country to sell the most weapons in the world (the rest are 1° USA, 2° Russia, 4° Israël, 5° France)[/url] in french but you can't say that everybody in these countries are responsible for what happened.

Most are unaware or "don't want to know".

Yes, selfish guys are everywhere.

However as a non consumming oil consumer as I use a bike or electrical train to move , and as an atheist,

I don't want to suffer attack from religious extremist terrorists coming from oil producing countries because a high powered stupid selfish a*s in a palace have done stupidity.

I don't want to be annoyed by a system I didn't choose and I don't want to be forced to move to another country because of my political ideas.

I think the democracies systems and all others like republic, tyranny I've seen are bad for the humanity by promoving force over intelligence: voting is force, not intelligence.
I hope intelligence will be the future for all: money is the hearth of all problems and burn everything, when you've money you don't think, that's the problem.

The photo displayed all over the pouet threads in my pouet spaming anger crisis was there to show you some consequences of terrorism:
an innocent girl has lost her legs in the London bombing, I'm sure she is not aware of weapon sales of UK: nothing about that is told in UK television...
And if she has used oil for her car, she has paid 98% of taxes to the government so she is victim while beeing fleeced legaly...

I've seen your website and I know you think a bit like me.

4/ Pouet's team

I make my apologize for the mess and disturbance produced before

Sorry guys.
The site is great, really, you're not responsible of users behaviour.
added on the 2006-04-30 19:30:59 by ep ep
added on the 2006-04-30 21:12:09 by 4kum4 4kum4
while you're at it... you might consider to also apologize for your awful grammar and poor structure in your posts :P
added on the 2006-04-30 21:34:00 by el mal el mal
Ok, I apologize for my feeble english, bad grammar, and for typing my long posts using an unicode editor hence producing too many CR paragraph after paragraph.

It could be great there to get the maximum chars a pouet thread can contain horizontaly.

I apologize to you Maali for my bad behaviour I had in the past because you were rough towards me and taking me for Adok while posting stupid and irrelevant pics.

I've noticed you've learnt the difference between "un pauvre français" and Claus who is a real Austrian. Please also note that I don't wear glasses, don't study medecine, and don't understand a word of german.

I would also consider getting some advice about my english to get better soon: it's known that french are bad at language so please be comprehensive and correct me. Pointing me to good resources in both french and english like dictionaries would be great.

Now it's your turn (Dip, Unlock, Maali, Zest, hitchhikr), to apologize.
added on the 2006-05-01 00:37:19 by ep ep
it's the ancient unwritten law of mankind and also the nature of apologies, that they are to be offered freely. Not as merchandise to be traded.
added on the 2006-05-01 12:46:10 by amv amv
EP, really didn't your parents explain to you what apologizes were?
added on the 2006-05-01 16:03:28 by _-_-__ _-_-__
apologies are temporary peace agreements, or aren't they?
Did your parents learn you what respect means?
If I were them some of you would have got a lot of slaps because you were during the last years really arrogant and never have listen to my words: that means not respecting me and make me lost lot of time.

You've only seen what you've want to and have insulted me in various ways. The first rule of mankind is based on respect and respect doesn't means saying only good thing but beeing frank and say what you've in the deep down of your hearth: I've said demos didn't please me and that's all, that's my right.

Some of you here at pouet have blamed me and I've recognised there the lame spirit I've met at some parties by ego people who think they are something because they are able to do something with a computer. Became adult please because real clever scener have another quality: this is modesty.

Now I've made a deal, this is to take or to let, if I don't get apologizes, the web site will not be wiped and even more others copies will be created.

I think I've done enough apologizes, now it's your turn to admit your fault. Nobody is perfect and grumpy guys here are not exception.

If you don't understand that while I'll not get respect, you'll not get respect no more, then don't complain about consequence, nor ask for anything else.

I'm open minded, I've recognised my mistakes, but if you're stupid and stuborn don't complain when you'll meet guys who will annoy you all your life long. And if you're not happy, then just take a look at the unlock post: he is the first who have demanded something before giving apologize. So don't make myself the gulty guy when you're. Life is a long way, you'll suffer if you don't change. And this is not me who will beat you: this is the whole society.

added on the 2006-05-01 18:23:06 by ep ep
hello ep! we at pain are very sorry. yes, very. we will pay you a beer at the next demoparty. and we hope you're getting well soon. hey, man, don't take things that serious, it's a hobby and should be fun, afterall.

i hope we can finally all shut up about this boring discussion and do something more productive and creative. and that includes you now that you arrived in todays scene ;-) good luck and i really hope you can relax a bit, it's summer coming!
added on the 2006-05-01 18:42:40 by unlock unlock
to bring it to the point: dude..you are insane.

i personally dont respect you and i think nearly everything you wrote and write is 90% pure bs.

but thats just my opinion - SORRY for it.

added on the 2006-05-01 18:47:21 by 4kum4 4kum4
While at it, you could have asked unlock and dipswitch to sign their public apologies with their own blood, on the sacred rock of Stonehenge by full moon.

Think about the majestic of it, damnit !
added on the 2006-05-01 19:00:01 by willbe willbe
Akuma, indeed, his inability to admit that reality will and can never be shaped by his own thoughts is a great proof of that.

added on the 2006-05-01 19:08:50 by _-_-__ _-_-__

added on the 2006-05-01 20:11:34 by kelsey kelsey
Ok, unlock did it, now dipswitch.

I want individual apologizes: I've done it for every guys involved in the past incident and that was long to type. For others in this thread, I don't care that much: I can't please everybody.

Please note that the web site at angelfire is down. The google cache will expire soon, and whatever I'll contact google now to delete it asap.
added on the 2006-05-01 21:33:09 by ep ep
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added on the 2006-05-01 21:47:43 by sauli sauli
What an interesting way of apologizing you have.
please click for the proof

Sauli: well, I don't understand what you mean? You want me to go to China perhaps? I don't love tyranic systems allas they are everywhere in fact.

added on the 2006-05-01 21:54:07 by ep ep
Ok, now Chuck Norris.
added on the 2006-05-01 23:01:02 by willbe willbe
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added on the 2006-05-01 23:07:00 by Zest Zest
Ep: You shouldn't be taken the scene seriously. Especially the scene!

Yesterday I underlined for once again that the base of my lameness lies in the fact that I am taking life too seriously. Me, life, people and situations. I don't think I will easilly be cured from that soon. Especially inside the "serious" (but hypocritical really) family environment I am still stuck into..

..and then I remembered that I was also taking the scene too seriously! I've almost forgot that..
added on the 2006-05-02 13:39:00 by Optimus Optimus
In few words you don't have to apologise (Even if I sympathized this act cause it reminded my past of apologies and reacts ;). But just to naturally blend into the scene and do what you really love to. Forget the old wars and make something nicer that people will appreciate. Would you like to code a demo, track some music, do some gfx, write articles or whatever?
added on the 2006-05-02 13:45:25 by Optimus Optimus
uh yeah...feed the troll..

..yeah ep...write something....you are not a hopeless case...maybe you are right in what you say and what you did...yeah..maybe you are not insane..yesyes the others are....those bad people...and all these strange voices in you head....

omg. wtf. pls let this "mea culpa"-thread die fast.
added on the 2006-05-02 14:32:07 by 4kum4 4kum4
Yes. Ep can write something if he likes why not. Lol, I don't know about trolls, feeding, bad people, good people, etc. Maybe I'd like to start with you (ep) a group and we make killer demos. But though I am very off the scene, already in 2-3 inactive groups and preety much demotivated with making anything in the demoscene :(

But it would be a nice idea for the future..

added on the 2006-05-02 14:37:42 by Optimus Optimus
okay. i was very busy the last week, so my reply is fast. ep, i am sorry that i provoked those emotions. now let's go back to normal life.
added on the 2006-05-03 17:11:17 by dipswitch dipswitch


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