What is the most wicked error message you have ever encountered?
category: general [glöplog]
On the Amiga 500 you could get weird messages like if you accidentaly removed a disk from df0: while the drive was writing to it you would get something like: "You MUST insert volume blabla in drive df0: !!!" (I'm almost certain there was three !!!) :)

And a Windows 95 classic:

The Red Screen of Death! Saw this while installing the prerelease version of longhorn that had the new bootloader on top of the previous build of longhorn. Best part was the spelling error in 'exectuion'.

no error message but.. nvidia times ;)
Three times this year I've had to repair my XP because it said on load that it could't find my system32 folder. Yet it existed. XP is a lazy procrasinator.
the most fucked up tho is still macos 8.1 with "i'm sad because a system error appeared" (rough translation from hungarian)

Oh, and MSVC:

a friend of mine got something like, "a system service that should never fail, has failed" on windows 2000.
i'll bite and gladly put error 23 here.
or this one!!!

I remember this very vividly (some sort of event logging in msgina.dll)

wrong bbcode :D

wrong bbcode :D

a classic ;)

An old favourite of mine, from a rusty PII-based heap at work..
"UNEXPECTED HEAP ERROR" - This copy of Windowze was under the delusion it was running on a nicer PeeCee than this one, found out it wasn't, and promptly fell over!
"UNEXPECTED HEAP ERROR" - This copy of Windowze was under the delusion it was running on a nicer PeeCee than this one, found out it wasn't, and promptly fell over!
Old 95 error: "Error 0: No Error"
While booting Linux, you may in rare cases get the error message:
Unable to start swapping: out of memory :-)
I've always loved that "Something's wrong with the pipeline" error message.
Nonsense in BASIC (sinclair spectrum)
The Acorn Archimedes used to morse an error message code with the floppy drive LED in case of boot failure.
Sniplet from drivers/md/Kconfig from Linux kernel 2.6.5:
WARNING: RAID-6 is currently highly experimental. If you
use it, there is no guarantee whatsoever that it won't
destroy your data, eat your disk drives, insult your mother,
or re-appoint George W. Bush.
WARNING: RAID-6 is currently highly experimental. If you
use it, there is no guarantee whatsoever that it won't
destroy your data, eat your disk drives, insult your mother,
or re-appoint George W. Bush.
One of my Eggdrop's gave me this ~10 minutes ago:
[00:50] Server got stoned; going for munchies...
[00:50] Server got stoned; going for munchies...
"sorry I'm married"