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PHP shark urgently needed for Eurochart database work

category: general [glöplog]

Alright, in order to open up voting for the next issue of the Eurochart, we need some overhaul to our database, which is only halfway done and is now fully broken, in regards to adding new productions, etc. The previous PHP'er managed to add in a simple admin GUI, so that we could type in new info, but left off halfway there. It might be easier with a complete overhaul than getting into his code, buit that is up to you. This is no 2 hour job in any case.

This is actually a rather big problem, so we're looking for some external PHP shark who actually LIKES doing this hard slavework. The reward is getting your work credited and knowing that without this work, the Eurochart is more or less fucked (and we can't have that).

Actually, we might also be looking for PHP programmerss to actually JOIN IRIS, as maintaining and updating the EC database will keep being relevant for the foreseeable future, and there are also other online projects where we need PHP work. So, if you feel like joining us and are motivated/skilled, this work could be the way in. AND if you don't feel like joining us, PLEASE help us out anyway.. Thanks ;)

Please reply here or at the contact form on www.eurochart.dk

added on the 2006-04-20 16:33:26 by Darkhawk Darkhawk
added on the 2006-04-20 16:53:08 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
It would only the mighty "sparetime issue" to take a look at the database.

Perhaps you can send me a complete SQL dump (get email from our WHQ ) and some specifications on what to focus by designing the backend. But as I do my living on exactly such stuff, dont't expect quick work coz : The Living First ;)
added on the 2006-04-20 17:05:50 by d0DgE d0DgE


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