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What living groups do you want to kill and bury?

category: general [glöplog]
Why would I want to see any group die
added on the 2006-03-27 18:54:12 by dairos dairos
zombies and vampires!
added on the 2006-03-27 21:16:19 by el mal el mal
SGAE (spanish RIAA), these bastards charge taxes on CD's DVD's (in short time MP3 players, printers, scanners and even hard drives) "to protect authors rights", thus making everyone buying such things a "criminal". And no, don't think the taxes are insignificant... a 25 dvd spindle of 12 euros, ends up in 25 euros.
added on the 2006-03-27 21:28:38 by _10b0 _10b0
all groups i'm not a member of.
added on the 2006-03-28 01:21:12 by nosfe nosfe
spinning kids, because they don't hold any culture
added on the 2006-03-28 01:43:38 by rmeht rmeht
spinning kids, bacause they are not real hackers
added on the 2006-03-28 01:54:15 by makc makc
spinning kids, because they don't give a fuck about reading someone's digression on their lackness in sexual equipment
added on the 2006-03-28 01:56:48 by rmeht rmeht
spinning kids, because newsgroup trolls are always right
added on the 2006-03-28 02:00:44 by makc makc
spinning kids, because arguing with newsgroup trolls always come to a failure
added on the 2006-03-28 02:03:26 by rmeht rmeht
added on the 2006-03-28 02:52:35 by Gargaj Gargaj
JSYK (just so you know).
added on the 2006-03-28 08:14:20 by raina raina
I concur with Gargaj but would like to add Coldplay and even though it's not group or a band or whatever.. can somebody PLEASE murder Sufjan Stevens for me!
added on the 2006-03-28 09:31:21 by okkie okkie


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