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scene.org awards wants YOU

category: general [glöplog]
Yeah so, we at the scene.org awards need to establish contact with all the nominees, and i must say - you guys suck at handling out your contact emails anywhere ;)

Anyway, i need someone from the following groups to throw me an email at my @scene.org mail account (i guess you can figure out what goes in front of the @ yourself):

Team Pokeme

.. I think i got the other groups covered, but feel free to throw an email anyway, just to verify that i have the right address :)
added on the 2006-03-05 08:45:03 by leijaa leijaa

you guys suck at handling out your contact emails



(i guess you can figure out what goes in front of the @ yourself)

added on the 2006-03-05 11:46:41 by xeron xeron
yeah that's called "manual no spam protection" :P
and since i got two mails already, no spam, it clearly works :)

but i wasnt talking about that - more like people leaving no contact info whatsoever with their prods :(

added on the 2006-03-05 11:53:48 by leijaa leijaa
you guys suck at handling out your contact emails

Way to get in touch with people.

added on the 2006-03-05 12:31:45 by Shifter Shifter
ok bob
only nuey would take a sentence with a joke smiley after as an insult ;)
added on the 2006-03-05 15:09:42 by leijaa leijaa
Maybe if I was nominated you wouldn't have so much trouble getting in touch. Just a thought for the future! ;)
only nuey would take a sentence with a joke smiley after as an insult ;)

And only you would think that cracking an appropiate quote is just that. At least dubmood got it :)
added on the 2006-03-05 16:43:08 by Shifter Shifter
(and by that, I do mean the memo)
added on the 2006-03-05 16:43:28 by Shifter Shifter
I could just set the building on fire...
added on the 2006-03-05 17:08:03 by Gargaj Gargaj
what do you think of someone who only does the bare minimum?
added on the 2006-03-05 18:31:55 by okkie okkie
well sorry i don't see all the stuff you guys obviously do - maybe i'm a nerd, maybe i have a life :P
added on the 2006-03-05 19:45:54 by leijaa leijaa
maybe i'm a nerd, maybe i have a life

Between not knowing where the quotes came from and nitpicking (F5-F5-F5-omg) the odds are even ;)
added on the 2006-03-06 02:56:44 by Shifter Shifter
you're all so cute. especially you, nuey ;-)
added on the 2006-03-06 10:50:08 by uncle-x uncle-x
don't make me swing an internet fist, niko :)
added on the 2006-03-06 11:40:03 by Shifter Shifter
Nuey, you only have 12 pieces of flare and niko overthere has 37 pieces. I don't want to force you or anything, but if you want to express yourself.. go ahead!
added on the 2006-03-06 12:47:11 by okkie okkie
i just sent you a mail, my irc-skills aren't the best lately ..
added on the 2006-03-09 13:14:27 by dalezr dalezr
BB Image
added on the 2006-03-09 13:23:22 by Jcl Jcl


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