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Outline 2006 - June 2-5 - Zevenaar NL

category: general [glöplog]
Outline used to be a mainly Atari oriented event, organised at the same time as Breakpoint and thus attracting only a minimal number of sceners using non-Atari platforms. This year will be different. We have changed the date (June 2-5, Whitsunday/Pfingsten/Pinksteren weekend) so that more sceners will be able to attend. Also, we have consciously involved more sceners in our organising team, in an effort to create the first truely multiplatform demoscene party the Netherlands has seen in over 5 years. The response has been fantastic, and thus we welcome over half a dozen fresh and ambitious organisers in our team.

We've also once again changed the location of the party. This time we believe we have signed one of the finest locations for a demoscene party in the east of Holland. "De Panoven" is a kiln (stone factory) rebuilt into a holiday resort, on the outskirts of Zevenaar. Facilities are excellent compared to other parties: besides the usual party facilities, every visitor will have a proper bed, city center and transport facilities are all at walking distance (500-1000m), there's WLAN, a clubhouse/bar area, a conference hall for the compos, etc etc. More info about the venue : http://www.panoven.com . (We are renting the "Oude Paardenstal" and the conference hall buildings, and associated sleeping facilities)

Zevenaar is easy to reach by car via the A3/A12. The railway station is at walking distance (800m) from the partyplace. Nearby airports include Niederrhein/Weeze, Amsterdam, Duesseldorf, Eindhoven, Rotterdam, Maastricht and Muenster. A useful link for cheapskates: http://www.lowcostairlines.nl Please feel free to contact the organisers if you need further assistance with planning your trip.

Our website is located at http://outline.scene.nl/
The update for 2006 is currently under development. Obviously it will reflect the changes outlined above. The ticket price will be announced shortly.
added on the 2006-02-28 23:38:15 by havoc havoc
Cool stuffs!

I'm really really hoping to be there, not being able to get to an Easter party and all..
added on the 2006-03-01 00:49:13 by CiH CiH
"the first truely multiplatform demoscene party".

Do we have to take the stairs or does it have another meaning?
For instance, is there a seperate C64 and PC democompo or is the democompo combined?
added on the 2006-03-01 10:27:57 by scoutski scoutski
oh hells yeah
scout, we will try to combine the competitions as much as is feasible. we expect an educated audience who know that something really spectacular on an atari st can beat a shiny but otherwise generic pc demo any time.

we will show all platform and production related information on the bigscreen before and after the show to ensure a fair vote.

other parties have been doing this before us, and we believe it worked well.

exact compo rules will be published in a few weeks, and comments will be *more* than welcome.

scout, i'm not sure if i understood the tone in your post correctly - would you find platform-separated compos an advantage or not? why?

-skrebbel, outline06 composlave.
added on the 2006-03-01 11:26:59 by skrebbel skrebbel
come to think of it, a little more elaboration won't hurt. the reason we're planning all-platform compos that are only to be split in case of overwhelming amounts of entries is not only because we think c64 can beat pc, but also because we want to be open to any platform you can imagine. only within the atari scene there is a wide range of platforms that's still actively coded on, and the same holds for plenty other worlds.

even if in commodore world it would make some sense, having a separate "atari compo" and an "
amiga compo" would, for instance, hardly make sense at all. then again, making classifications and putting certain ataris and amigas together in one compo and others in another will lead to way too many compos for the amount of visitors we expect to attract (we're aiming for max 200) - remember there's different sizelimits too, and ditching the whole concept of an introcompo in favour of having separate compos for every platform you can imagine sounds like a bad idea to me.

also, we want to be open towards more silly things. hell, if you can make a demo that runs on a fridge, you can try and beat the xbox entry, no problemo. i really do not see the virtue of putting anything that isn't a "common" platform into some second hand, day-before, "alt platform" compo on any party smaller than breakpoint.

summing up, there are too many platforms that are too different to do anything else than throwing all together and informing the audience.

many people have been shouting that the amiga or c64 compos were better than the pc compo on many notable parties (including many breakpoints). at outline, they can come and prove their point.
added on the 2006-03-01 11:36:36 by skrebbel skrebbel
skrebbel needs less c\~/ in the morning :)
added on the 2006-03-01 11:56:23 by Shifter Shifter
scout, i'm not sure if i understood the tone in your post correctly - would you find platform-separated compos an advantage or not? why?

You wrote that you "expect an educated audience who know that something really spectacular on an atari st can beat a shiny but otherwise generic pc demo any time."

I don't really have that trust and was proven last week by people thumbing up a crappy Jamalauta C64 demo over here at Pouet.
I really wonder if the PC audience (or (Pouet) sceners that miss mandatory scene-knowledge from 1985 till now)
understand what's hot or not on a platform different than PC.
added on the 2006-03-01 13:01:53 by scoutski scoutski
Ok let's go over it again.


2. If I thumb up a Jumalauta demo because I like it, and you disagree with my thumb, that does NOT MAKE EITHER OF US UNEDUCATED.

3. If Jumalauta wants to make productions for fun, and people thumb it because they're enjoying it, that does not mean that the entire remainder of the planet, or the limited selection of people on pouet that are a subsection of the planet, are not educated.

Anyway, Long post, the important part was this part:


Also, this "mandatory scene knowledge" - What, you're not allowed to go to a party if you can't pass a fucking test? Ok, you're allowed to come, but you can't vote because you don't know how to control the scroll registers on a c64?

How about no, fuck that shit, everyone's fucking invited to participate in making demos and voting for them.
what truck said :-)

scout, note also that we don't aim for the pc audience (only). we're sure of a shitload of atari sceners and really hope the commodore bunch as well as al three amiga sceners will attend too.

scout, you sound a tad negative, dear. maybe outline would be an excellent party to stand corrected, as currently it seems you're basing your ideas of the status of the world wide demoscene on pouet, rather than on any recent demoparty experience (c64-only parties excluded). really, you'll like outline. i really believe you will.

in our case, multiplatform doesn't mean "a pc party with an amiga compo" (the usual). sooner "an atari party with an xbox here and there", even.
added on the 2006-03-01 13:36:30 by skrebbel skrebbel
Yes, i'm a bit biased due to some occurences over here on Pouet.
But Truck's written kick in the butt is helping me to overcome that.
Thanx :)

I don't know if a lot of C64 sceners show up because of some other big C64-only parties held here in .nl
But I'll spread the word.
Maybe I can trigger that bitch HMVDVA/HeMa! to do a small C64, Xbox or GBA production.
I'll ask her next week coz she has her period at the mo'.
added on the 2006-03-01 13:49:08 by scoutski scoutski
I don't know if a lot of C64 sceners show up because of some other big C64-only parties held here in .nl

If you don't, we'll come to X and beat the shit out of you in IK+
added on the 2006-03-01 15:11:44 by Shifter Shifter
scout, sweet thing :-)

i sure hope you'll come, and bring the whole gang!
added on the 2006-03-02 00:08:17 by skrebbel skrebbel
Scout, with all due respect- It's a bit silly to expect a typical newschool crowd at Outline. Unless you consider our 1985 Atari ST's to be state of the art technology... OK, OK, it's probably true compared to a C64, but anyway... :P

Seriously though, it is quite obvious that we will not "beat" any of the other C64 parties in Holland this year. We do, however, wholeheartedly hope that a lot of C64 sceners will find their way to Zevenaar in early June. They are more than welcome to join the party, and most of all to contribute ofcourse. If you have any useful hints on how we could communicate this invitation to the C64 scene, then please do not hesitate to tell me about it, here, on IRC, via mail or phone (my contact details are on the website). Thanks! :-)
added on the 2006-03-02 00:48:58 by havoc havoc
What Skrebbels didn't tell you is that the winner of each compo will be awarded a genuine Skrebbels Mug c\~/, signed by Skrebbels himself of course :)
added on the 2006-03-02 04:34:26 by keops keops
and a complementary usb c\~/ warmer, courtesy of keops? :)
added on the 2006-03-02 10:55:28 by Shifter Shifter
keops, hush!
added on the 2006-03-02 11:04:25 by skrebbel skrebbel
Shifter: almost forgot about that old usb c\~/ warmer! Maybe you should give it to Skrebbel :)
added on the 2006-03-02 14:18:43 by keops keops
Hey kids! outline 2006 on demoparty.net is fairy useful for planning incoming flights.
added on the 2006-03-02 16:02:53 by Shifter Shifter
.the sirius cybernetics corporation. will be represented!
added on the 2006-03-02 19:59:50 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
with style !
added on the 2006-03-02 20:01:23 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
Chances are high I'll be there...
added on the 2006-03-02 20:10:38 by exocet exocet
i'll be there either organizing a music compo or destroying random stuff in the carpark.
added on the 2006-03-03 13:51:34 by okkie okkie
and speaking of the Panoven, here is some dutch news from 1994. (for dutch speakers, sorry)


Vorige week werd bij de panoven door langsfietsende
mensen een aanslag gesignaleerd. zij zagen een
onschuldige man die zich wanhopig probeerde te
verdedigen tegen de aanvallen van een stel
barbaren. een van de criminelen zou door de
man zijn aangevallen, waarop hij het nodig
vond hem een kaakslag te verkopen. de man mist
zijn onderkaak, zijn linkeroog zal worden
vervangen door een glazen prothese, maar
volgens de behandelende chirurg valt zijn neus
met enige zware operaties te redden.

de getuigen hoorden op afstand dat de dader
werd aangemoedigd door de rest van de groep,
door middel van kreten als "harder Rog, sla
zijn hoofd aan gort!" en "Nee Sjaak, niet
de zeis!!". Door de klap viel de man op
de grond. in zijn ongelukkige val brak hij
hierbij zijn rechterpols, beide knieschijven,
linker enkel en 3 middenvoetsbeentjes. zijn
rechter schouderblad werd verbrijzeld. de man
zal de komende veertig jaar doorbrengen in een
revalidatie centrum, en zijn arts vermoedt dat
de man tegen die tijd ook al weer uit zijn
rolstoel zal kunnen opstaan.

de politie zoekt nog naar de vandalen, het
signalement luidt: vijf of meer vaag uitziende
lieden, een met lang haar, een ander van hen
produceert voortdurend een hinnikend geluid.

vooralsnog wacht de politie op getuigen-
verklaringen. de verrichte zoektocht met
politiehonden en helicopters heeft nog niets

bla bla

Een advertentie uit Telegraaf:

Gez. benedenkaak. Zwart met witte kronen. Mist mogelijk een tand
of 9. Indien iemand hem gevonden heeft (zo rond de panoven) Stuur hem
dan zo spoedig mogelijk naar: Man in blauw werkpak, +- 55jr. Panovenweg
11 -(?). Eten gaat zo lastig.
Tip: wil de jongen die dit veroorzaakte eens naar zijn rechter
hand kijken? Hij zit er mogelijk nog aanvast. Bij voorbaat dank.

~Man in blauw werkpak.

--- En ook nog een bericht uit de Volxkrant ---

De eigenaar van de panoven op wie enige tijd
geleden door een groep vandalen een aanslag
werd gepleegd, is vorige week uit zijn coma
ontwaakt. Nadat men hem gisteren van een nieuwe
kaak had voorzien was hij weer in staat te spreken.

De man vertelde dat hij op de bewuste dag in het
bezit was van vier flippo's, en vermoedelijk was
het de misdadigers daarom te doen. Hij had de
flippo's echter zorgvuldig in zijn linkerklomp
verborgen, en ontkwam op die manier aan beroving
van zijn flippo's.

De politie meent dat de daders kwaad werden om het
feit dat zij geen flippo's bij de man aantroffen,
en waarschijnlijk hebben ze daarom het slachtoffer
van zijn linkeroog en onderkaak ontdaan. Volgens
de behandelend arts heeft de man geluk gehad dat
zijn linker arm niet hoeft te worden geamputeerd.
Dit was eerst wel het vermoeden, maar inmiddels
is gebleken dat zijn linker arm op slechts dertig
plaatsen was gebroken, zodat hij er vanaf komt
met 55 jaar gips. Zijn rechter arm was op de dag
van het misdrijf zelf al geamputeerd. Over zijn
benen kan de arts nog niets met zekerheid zeggen.
Vast staat wel dat hij het gevoel in zijn onder-
lichaam voor de rest van zijn leven zal missen.
Of zijn linker bovenbeen nog te redden valt staat
niet vast, want "er is niets anders over dan pap!",
aldus de chirurg na een 26 uur durende (tevergeefse)

Verder zal de arme boer na genezing nog worden
opgenomen in een centrum voor mensen met ernstige
trauma's, daar de boer lijdt aan achtervolgings-
waanzin. Dit komt doordat na het ernstige misdrijf
een van de ongure lieden nog met een stok achter
de boer aan joeg (hierbij aangemoedigd door de
rest van de vandalen, middels kreten als "Zijn
knie, Lenz! Sla zijn knie aan gort" en "Harder
Lenz, harder! Laat niks van zijn romp heel!").

Nader bericht volgt nog...
added on the 2006-03-03 14:03:14 by okkie okkie
The legendary Panoven report! Wahoo! :-)))
added on the 2006-03-03 14:19:07 by havoc havoc


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