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Ballantimes and Beylys days

category: general [glöplog]
No, I just drunk bear and a sfinak.

But ballantimes is like valentines -> balentines -> balllantines
and Baylys

Feelgs so strang when drunk.
I thought of love. But valntenis has nothing to do. And we need love, unrealistic, pretentious, lies we have learned.

But sometimes i think.
smart girls dont like booze
what tha t girl would say bout me?

and that's whout se would say
don't misundrstand me scene gurls, not for you
i wont sexual assault u, i m not that think (wtf thought that? Sorry I mad u gilr misunderstood :( ;P)
forget that old storry, lets say it was about..
..just for another girl that is not yet to meet


but then?

Do we just need to love? Why would i ask from me for that??z

p.s. i just drink what i wuldnt handl
added on the 2006-02-17 02:44:50 by Optimus Optimus
Ten, I thing i wuldnt be abel to manage love anywyas. i wouldnt be dedicatid enuf. thats it. am i now? thats just sad..

..but then i can stick to me and kode.
added on the 2006-02-17 02:50:39 by Optimus Optimus
i guess these are one of those after bar sessions...
added on the 2006-02-17 06:14:58 by stonda stonda
i guess thats another one of those "lets pretend im drunk to get some attention" sessions...

dude go and spam your own blog
added on the 2006-02-17 07:29:59 by xeNusion xeNusion
added on the 2006-02-17 08:59:29 by okkie okkie
hey wear a crystal pendant
woment are very attracted to crystal pendants
and i beleive this will work
when you see her tell her you want to give it to her
then give it to her once youve got laid or when u are !!!!'


added on the 2006-02-17 11:46:17 by elastic elastic
quartz crystal pendants can be bought from evolutions, western road, Brighton
by mail order get number from yell.com under gift shops
added on the 2006-02-17 11:51:01 by elastic elastic
yo okkie your full of wisdom man! :)

added on the 2006-02-17 14:37:11 by xeNusion xeNusion

like it would be the easiest thing in the world to do...

wake up and smell the coffie! we are nerds, girls don't dig us!

here's a small "how to" that you could follow in order to get laid:

1 - remove glasses and start wearing contacts
2 - dress clothes
3 - dress clothes that are not VERY tight, unless you have a magnificent body
4 - do not mention star wars, computers, bass, zebras or any other nerdy stuff
5 - do not look the glass when you drink
6 - pretend you've been to barcelona. if you WENT to barcelona, be sure to mention it
7 - smile. really. but don't make those stupid horse faces, just make a natural and open smile
8 - talk about how nice the girl is dressed. don't make it fake though. well, you wouldn't have to, if she's not dressed nice, forget her, she's probably not good in bed (unless you are desperate and anything is ok)
9 - if she doesn't show interest, don't show interest either. just talk about politics or the bird flu.
10 - do NOT mention pouet
11 - be sure she had something to drink but she's not totally wasted. you want her happy and willing to do .. stuff... but you don't want her completely tired and not able to do ... stuff...

so, there you go.
added on the 2006-02-17 14:39:09 by jeenio jeenio
like it would be the easiest thing in the world to do...

50 bucks says it is!
added on the 2006-02-17 15:16:55 by okkie okkie
that's in your country where it's legal. not in greece.
added on the 2006-02-17 15:18:23 by jeenio jeenio
added on the 2006-02-17 15:20:31 by okkie okkie

you're sweet
added on the 2006-02-17 15:24:50 by jeenio jeenio
or a darn good fart
added on the 2006-02-17 15:26:13 by el mal el mal
and don't forget to com^H^H^H read dr.Dominei's guide!! :DDD
added on the 2006-02-17 17:03:15 by makc makc
for optimus rohypnol is good. just get it from your local dealer and then give her some of your lovepoison ;)
added on the 2006-02-17 17:19:08 by uns3en_ uns3en_
why dont we just organize him a CPC compo where the first prize is a hooker?
added on the 2006-02-17 17:35:20 by Gargaj Gargaj
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added on the 2006-02-17 19:07:08 by jeenio jeenio

added on the 2006-02-17 19:17:19 by havoc havoc
if you're never enough without a woman, you'll never be enough with one
added on the 2006-02-17 23:07:18 by Gaia Gaia
added on the 2006-02-18 01:08:02 by bdk bdk
Now I am sober, perhaps it would be a good idea to say few things about me and girls that I was thinking recently and perhaps listen to your opinion.

My view on myself and how should I plan about my life has changed entirely in a better way that really helps my psychology and in my quest for knowing who I really am and what I seek. And I should take some brave steps.

For example, I'd prefer to be free and accepting concerning my rare activity with girls, even if that would mean I would possibly be a virgin in 40. Someone would say that this is just a way to avoid the problem, a psychological defense, e.g. because I find it hard (but not really lately) and struggling to make my moves to reach a girl, I prefer to throw a lot of excuses to avoid trying at all. And some might ring the bells of danger, saying it would be really lame to be a virgin at such an age and pushing me to rush into the finding girls business through the usual determined ways of achieving the purpose. Because I should already have done this and it's totally wrong to be diferrent in that, so do they say!

But this way, it becomes a greater struggle for me, and I haven't even questioned myself "why do I really want a girl" and "how much dedicated could I really be in a relationship" among with other things. I took the wrong way of being anxious about this because of those determined common beliefs that push you psychologically in these matters. But shouldn't love/sex/relationship be something natural?

And that's where I found some weird things about myself recently. In several important parts of this matter, I only have a mild motivation. I don't say I am asexual, I can get hot easilly and sometimes I can even think of loving (I want to talk about this soon), but it's not strong! The motivations behind achieving the purpose of getting a girlfriend aren't bigger than the struggle into that. And concerning my dedication too..

- Loneliness: Personally, I have no problem being alone. Others do, I know. I don't know how bad it feels. So, loneliness doesn't apply to me and doesn't make me desperate to find a girl.

- Love: The need to love and to be loved (I think I am more hot for the second, perhaps I am just an egoist or lack of self-esteem/not really having people who loved me). Sometimes, my brain does strange connection to special girls and tries to give me the feeling of love but I know that's just an illusion. But someone can live with that well without caring what is real and what is not. It might be a good (but dangerous ;) feeling. And you know what? Love needs dedication. That's my point. I found out that perhaps I can't dedicate myself to a girl so much. I might want to be independent. And even if I achieve making a relationship, I won't be truly dedicated into her. Perhaps I am not ready for this yet..

- Sex: nothing to say about that.

Be back soon.
added on the 2006-02-18 03:18:48 by Optimus Optimus
That's a Nice film :)
added on the 2006-02-18 03:26:17 by bdk bdk
So in a nutshell, on most parts (and other things I might have forgot) concerning girls/relationships, I have a mild temporary passion that fades away easilly. If I was really hot/desperate/obsessed with the idea of finding a girlfriend, I would be much more dedicated to try that I would overpass any struggle (shyness, fear, changing myself externally, etc.) in order to reach my goal. And that would come naturally!

But forcing myself into that while it doesn't come naturally, means there is something wrong here. I had much more greater complex of the status quo in society, which said it's a shame I am still a virgin and that I should get a girlfriend so that I can yell "Hey! I am not single anymore." and not feel bad with myself. But people made me feel bad with myself with all those common beliefs around the air ;P

I think now that 30% of the natural parts and 70% of status quo, made my cry like a baby here in Pouet and to my friends about not having one. I totally hate that now and only try to focus on the natural thing. If my real motivations are weak, I will be brave to just not care even if I'll stay an unexperienced virgin for more.

So, why am I still here if I am more content with my condition now? I just remembered girls and stuff while drinking and also thought of my past in the scene. I was angry that these stupid stereotypes and my constructed passion made me not know what I want from few scene girls and annoying them. I was mad about making myself seeming more stupid in front of some female sceners in the past because of this. And it was just an experssion I put out of me because I was drunken..

p.s. Other than that, if I ever get one in the future, some sceners say I would post it in a fabulous thread here and that will be THE NEWS with trendy pouet pics replies :)
added on the 2006-02-18 03:39:29 by Optimus Optimus


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