3D holo demo me beautiful!
category: general [glöplog]
Ok.... they already got some nice vectordots... so which group will make the firsrt 3D holo-demo?
Ok.... they already got some nice vectordots... so which group will make the firsrt 3D holo-demo?
someone should port a good ol' odd demo ( the one with the moose)
Maybe Hardwired with real wires.
This is nice !
I spent some time last week inside a CAVE :
It was great. Maybe one day, when I'll have one of those closeby.. yeah, that would be fantastic.
Anyone wanting to sponsor the project ? It only costs 800k pounds.. An a big enough room.
I spent some time last week inside a CAVE :
It was great. Maybe one day, when I'll have one of those closeby.. yeah, that would be fantastic.
Anyone wanting to sponsor the project ? It only costs 800k pounds.. An a big enough room.
Low-cost CAVE anyone?