category: general [glöplog]
We do rule, yes.
Ronald: i was reffering to the 3 mansions of Ras Tafari...I read that one of the mansions inhabitants are responsible purely for the production of BASS!
unless my memory iludes me this is the niabinghi mansion? or another name under the niabinghi umbrella anyway...thought this was interesting about BASS!
evil: farts :)
unless my memory iludes me this is the niabinghi mansion? or another name under the niabinghi umbrella anyway...thought this was interesting about BASS!
evil: farts :)
selectanovel: you have the same avitar as evil...***got confused***
yes schnaps...and um...i think SAMBUKA SLAMMERS is the cure for bird flu? you know the drink you light and shoot back or maybe try a mixture of schnaps, whisky, sambuka, techuila, and maybe
i live in a mansion, maybe someday i might meet some pouet angels here for a small party and drink or three?
yes schnaps...and um...i think SAMBUKA SLAMMERS is the cure for bird flu? you know the drink you light and shoot back or maybe try a mixture of schnaps, whisky, sambuka, techuila, and maybe
i live in a mansion, maybe someday i might meet some pouet angels here for a small party and drink or three?
Well, it's actually only the amiga ball which I picked rather randomly from the preoffered avatars.
Schnaps: Gin is always good, and in Denmark I discovererd "Fisherman" which is basically nothing more than Fisherman's Friend (the original in the white package) dissolved in Vodka. Very refreshing!
Schnaps: Gin is always good, and in Denmark I discovererd "Fisherman" which is basically nothing more than Fisherman's Friend (the original in the white package) dissolved in Vodka. Very refreshing!
My name is Erectile Dysfuncti0n.
I have @ lot of friends such us: bad sex, awfu] mood, dissatisfied wife, $h0rt erections and spoiled condoms.
But 1 do have 0ne enemy – its name is Soft Cialis Tabs.
When they appear, I disappear.
Just visit our store to find best 0ffer!
0ne pill 0f Vi@gr@ $oft Tabs for less than 1$.
Be a man 0f her dreams with Cial1s Soft T@bs!
The fashion of newest creation – the further is ejaculation.
Soft Ci@l1s Tabs w1l1 heIp you to be very fashion@ble.
My name is Erectile Dysfuncti0n.
I have @ lot of friends such us: bad sex, awfu] mood, dissatisfied wife, $h0rt erections and spoiled condoms.
But 1 do have 0ne enemy – its name is Soft Cialis Tabs.
When they appear, I disappear.
Just visit our store to find best 0ffer!
0ne pill 0f Vi@gr@ $oft Tabs for less than 1$.
Be a man 0f her dreams with Cial1s Soft T@bs!
The fashion of newest creation – the further is ejaculation.
Soft Ci@l1s Tabs w1l1 heIp you to be very fashion@ble.
The fashion of newest creation – the further is ejaculation.
A wisdom fit for a tile!
I am angry again. Smoking? What's for???
selectanovel: thats very interesting i will spread the word and maybe try that some time i can imagine the taste...yes interesting thought!!!
optimus: Hey ive discovered that if i look at the matchbox thingy design for too long or seriously or whatever the effects on my brain are exactly the same as weed!!!(sensamelia :)
thats very interesting i think!!!!
natural canibus symbols!!!
get stoned/dread now by looking at this picture and talking about it!!! its just so obscure ive been looking at it for over 10 years and still i see new things in it and new thoughts!! never known anything so magic...makes me think of angels and tears of love that irie feeling jah love...sometimes though very dready and sort of urgent/serious????
optimus: Hey ive discovered that if i look at the matchbox thingy design for too long or seriously or whatever the effects on my brain are exactly the same as weed!!!(sensamelia :)
thats very interesting i think!!!!
natural canibus symbols!!!
get stoned/dread now by looking at this picture and talking about it!!! its just so obscure ive been looking at it for over 10 years and still i see new things in it and new thoughts!! never known anything so magic...makes me think of angels and tears of love that irie feeling jah love...sometimes though very dready and sort of urgent/serious????

(Count the strings.)

3 of them are for love
7 of them are for the rainbow and illusivity of jah/god due to babylon
just my interpretation
see product desiugn section a to see folding space guitar...
have you seen IKO jmjarre harps?
made with laser strings....
he plucked all day and plucked all nigh because he loved the BASS so mucht till his fingers bleas
and then a crocadile tried to bite his balls but the bass was in the way :)
7 of them are for the rainbow and illusivity of jah/god due to babylon
just my interpretation
see product desiugn section a to see folding space guitar...
have you seen IKO jmjarre harps?
made with laser strings....
he plucked all day and plucked all nigh because he loved the BASS so mucht till his fingers bleas
and then a crocadile tried to bite his balls but the bass was in the way :)
and then they made laser strings
or is the thingy a plectrum too?
its just all too much!!
its just all too much!!

good pluck!! :)
the children of jah shall splat sith brain into gutter
the children of jah shall splat sith brain into gutter
i now shall stfu and go....
good day to everyone...
good day to everyone...
Gargaj: you forgot to post this awesome movie
super mario on 11 string bass
super mario on 11 string bass
deemage: cos it was already in the oneliner before i think :)
how low can you go?
soryy about earlier i was wrecked on visuals...
that pac man guitar is something quite amazing!!!
that pac man guitar is something quite amazing!!!
I an I give thanks for the craetion that enable I an I to create from thyne own imagination, dreams and wishes and give thanks for the perfect concept before eden that enable I an I to start and be guided well to stop I an I from visiting any sins on I an I creat6ions
This thread has enough inspiration for me to create a Pouet-thread generator script
and what makes you think seel isn't just another proof of concept by muhmac?