origins of the pig
category: residue [glöplog]

zlo! :)
hm, i kinda dont get the unholy lance thingie... :P
Well it supposed to be the Lance of Longinus but Kinga has efficiently kicked out this idea from my head and so the unholy lance stayed :).
and yes, I had a "Neon Genesis Evangelion" marathon recently.
cheeeess phew, what a thread :D \o/
unholy lances are killing the piggie scene!!1!1!! :D

Bixchita / Network with Pchan!

bgparty rules! \o/


I think this thread needs to be submitted as a production. It'll beat out the popular demo in no time at all.
Nonono... it needs to be made into a multiplatform slideshow and relased as an actual production.
Nonono... it needs to be made into a multiplatform slideshow and relased as an actual production.
all the images in a row (25fps) plus gabber. instant compo winner.
I'm on it...
make sure its entitled "Origins of the Pig". If you use SDL, i'll do the OS4 port ;-)